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Seminole High's Makel McClenton is the area's leading state weightlifting qualifier in the 219-pound weigh class.
Stephen M. Dowell/Orlando Sentinel
Seminole High’s Makel McClenton is the area’s leading state weightlifting qualifier in the 219-pound weigh class.
Buddy Collings, Orlando Sentinel staff portrait in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, July 19, 2022. (Willie J. Allen Jr./Orlando Sentinel)

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The stage is set for next week’s 2019 FHSAA boys weightlifting state meets.

Region results are in and we have an updated list of top area performers in each weight class below.

State championships will be decided on Friday, April 12, for Class 2A and Saturday, April 13, for 1A at Arnold High School in Panama City Beach.

Here are the area’s best performances in district and region meet competition. Totals are based on combined bench press and clean and jerk lifts (*denotes state qualifier):

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Athlete School Total
119 pound weight class
Mathew Ricardo Apopka 365*
Lens Mathurin Freedom 335*
Francesco Mennona Lake Minneola 330*
Ethan Botens Winter Springs 330
Naheem Newton Lake Minneola 325
Elijah Fernandez Harmony 325
129 pound weight class    
Tanner Glasco Hagerty 440*
Nate Imler West Orange 415*
Tyler Indio St. Cloud 405*
A.J. Mingus East River 400*
David Barahona University (Orange City) 390*
Blade Karlson Lake Brantley 380
Jacob Alejo Pierson Taylor 380
139 pound weight class    
Ja’von Shackelford St. Cloud 485*
Andy Marichal Colonial 470*
Tim Rodriguez Leesburg 460*
Cameron Scheerer Harmony 460*
Robert Wyatt Winter Springs 460*
Colton Weismore St. Cloud 450*
Henry Johnson Umatilla 440*
154 pound weight class    
Nick Palumbo Hagerty 530*
Markus Sowles Harmony 510*
Joshua Contreras Winter Springs 520*
Kam Patterson Tavares 500*
Matthew Perez Windermere Prep 475
Matthew Mason Harmony 475*
Marcos Torres St. Cloud 460
Richard Gailey OCU 460
Heriberto Reyes Candelaria Lake Minneola 460
Christian Mercado Windermere 455*
169 pound weight class    
Zach Money Tavares 585*
Aadonis Harris East River 525*
Matt Humphrey Orange City University 525
Manny Stokes Lake Nona 520*
Justin Zessin Lyman 505
Larry Smith East River 490
William Ogden Lake Nona 490
183 pound weight class    
Josh Bozzacco Oviedo 630*
Andrew Todtenhagen Tavares 605*
Joe Davis South Lake 560*
Matthew Bailey DeLand 550*
D.J. McCunny Hagerty 525
Martin Bradley Osceola 525
Dominic Bretz Boone 525
Jalen Taylor Jones 505*
199 pound weight class    
Garret Breeding Harmony 610*
Jessiah Contreras Winter Springs 560*
James Stinson Tavares 555*
Moises Aracena Lake Nona 545*
Brandon Tector Mount Dora 525
Christian Vinciguerra University (Orange City) 515
Gaujge Nye University (Orange City) 515
219 pound weight class    
Makel McClenton Seminole 620*
Cameron Williams Dr. Phillips 590*
Weston Edge Mount Dora 580*
Jordan Perez Tavaresq 575*
Chris Gallagher St. Cloud 570*
Carlos Dorkpo Osceola 565*
Kenneth Hatley Umatilla 560
238 pound weight class    
Jacob Caughell Apopka 605*
Isaiah Springfield Winter Springs 575*
Marvin Collins Winter Springs 570*
Shammar Mohamed Windermere 565
Ronald Harris Apopka 565
Derek Samayoa Mount Dora Christian 555
Logan Owens Osceola 555
Heavyweight class    
Jalen Carter Apopka 715*
Edward Hatton Liberty 690*
Justin Thomas Boone 680*
Evan Anderson Jones 680*
Joseph Derryberry Harmony 660*
Emmanuel Rushing Winter Springs 650*
Javone Yates Eustis 630*
Enrique Tirado Timber Creek 620*
Jacob Kruetz Harmony 610*
Sevian Martin Osceola 610*

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