This pretty much sums up most small towns anywhere USA. This is how the corrupt Politians keep moving among the shaddows. People are tired when they come home from work let alone having to go set in a boring meeting that may not get to their topic for 2 hours or more. Most people would think the people they vote for would do the right thing but they'll chit on you in a New York minute just as the cop/school board member done to Greenback.
rw87 Haipy Haipy Berfday.....!!!
Eye hoap ewe git...
1. A downfeeled passin' gaim fer tha littull fellers
b. A attackin' D fer tha littull fellers
3. A safety thait cain come up and hit like Burks fer tha littull fellers
d. A short yardige D thait cain keap Farrah-Gut frum keapin' tha bawl away frum us tha entarr gaim fer tha littull fellurs
5. A big old peanutt buttur pie two shair wif Mr. 200MPH.....
Circumstances behind the transfer aside, playing at BA gives him the best chance to be successful at the next level. Paul Wade will get the most out of him