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TeRrAnCe_JaY21's Achievements


Challenger (7/14)



  1. I'm going for both Oakland and Siegel. With my boy Kerry back I don't think siegel can lose. Oakland can beat white county. I won't be surprised if both Oakland and Siegel lose though.
  2. Actually in the 4th i believe Epps was the guy who thrned the ball over like 4 times on inbound plays. I believe they design a play dor Epps to win it and he hits the side of the back board. Hes terrible. His own teammates don't believe in him.
  3. If Oakland is smart they will put the ball in Kendall or tylers hands when they need points.
  4. I have never understood how this team can be so bad. I know they have to have guys their that can play.
  5. I know Cutter can play. I just think that dre is more of a complete point is all.
  6. What about his teammates? Thats right its like this pg-Cutter sg-Cutter SF-Cutter PF-Cutter C-Cutter.. Heck 6th man- Cutter
  7. Like I said before I could care less if Cutter signed with Duke. I said when he chooses he can. I believe its the PGs job to pass the ball around and get everyone involved. I don't know if you have seen the diff in the Cutter and Dre on the D side of the ball yet or not. That also makes Dre a more complete PG because of the D factor. Cutter is a good point guard just not the best TRUE point. I am the master mind /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />
  8. Ur so terrible. Dre has shown he can score when he really wants to. Siegel doesn't know what a TRUE point guard is. Cutter believe it or not is a shoot first point. Best all around PG is Dre Thats coming from a master mind of the game of hoops. Peace players
  9. I know who Sigelgrad is can I have a cookie?
  10. The paper was right too. Please stop. Cutter isn't even the best Point Guard in the district let alone player. Cutter is a good solid PG nothing more. I could care less if he signed with Duke so don't bring that crap up. MVP Will prob be Someone from White county Alex Carter should be runner-up with Kerry falling in at 3. All District. PG-Cutter (Only because Dre didn't score enough, but hes a true PG.) SG-Carter SF-Delany PF-Hammonds C-Puckett I would like to see Tyler Edwards on their.
  11. Go Oakland. Go Alex Carter for MVP. I just want to be right again.
  12. You continue to give me the attention that I crave. Never would I be jealous of Cutter trust me. I have admitted Cutter is a good player but not on the level some Siegel think. I still think Dre the best true point guard in the district.
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