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MJGOLDENBEARS last won the day on November 5 2023

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Most Valuable Player (12/14)



  1. What’s their obsession with hating on stork…. I think he’s a solid guy lol
  2. Honestly it annoys me and I have no dog in the fight. An epic calamity of failures by that coaching staff time and time again in the cup.
  3. He’s somewhere at each MJ home game with a ghillie suit on.
  4. Maybe reading a recap of the game would suit you well. Awesome SC capitalized on enough of pages 10998 mistakes. The better team was page hands down. However page has had their chance time and time again and have epically blown it each time…
  5. Page shooting themselves in the foot. After one half I still see Page as the better team but they’re down 17-7. Tough luck
  6. Two things, Oakland was banged up against Ravenwood… and Houston won’t get lucky playing in the rain.
  7. TP plays to his strengths. I’ve got no problem with it. I’m sure he could care less about what some lowly affiliated beech fan has to say. By now I could write a novel of disgruntled remarks made by you about TP and scheduling. It’s the purest form of obsession at this point.
  8. Eers is sick to his stomach at the thought of this being true..
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