What happened to them? Hate to hear that. I know Bull worked hard to get to 144 this year.
Laxton looked fine at state.
Rawlinson looked really improved early in the season when he dec Whaley.
I do not know the line ups and what each team brings so you may be correct. I'm fine with taking you at your word that it didn't have an effect on the outcome.
Congrats and good luck!
I just saw it on another forum and wanted to get clarification.
Having 2 nationally ranked wrestlers transfer to the team, less than a week before state duals, and then claiming it had no impact is a bit of a stretch though.
I think it's likely they were jyst looking for a place to compete once their school was banned for the remainder of the season for multiple egregious unsportsmanlike conduct incidents and they had pre-existing relationships with Cleveland. The optics of this probably aren't the best though.
Is it true that Cleveland had 2 girls transfer in 1 week before state duals from Oklahoma? There was a school in Oklahoma that had it's girls wrestling season suspended due to unsportsmanlike conduct a couple weeks ago. 2 girls from that team joined Cleveland a week before state duals.
Any truth to this?
Thanks for the clarification DC. It was a good match between 2 teams. Probably the most competitive of the day with back and forth action. Y'all just had a bit more fire power than us.
I'm glad to get the scoop and know it's nothing nefarious.
Would have been nice to see PF in the finals and AC in the cons finals which is what I'd hoped for.
Either way congrats, stay healthy and good luck next week (but not too much luck).
I'll say this. There's no love lost between me and PF but they got done a bit dirty there. I have nothing against SM.
Maybe one of the SM kids keeps it to a MD but the other gets stuck. All else being equal that makes the score 36-35 for PF. JoJo is going to get you 6 at whatever weight he wants. In this case he got 6 at 132. They had a double fft at 138 but it would likely have come down to Pratt vs Davis for the win.
I'm not convinced that SM beats PF without those 2 "injury wins". Maybe, maybe not.
You talking about this 2 SM matches? That was a 24 point swing.
Same thing happened a couple years ago to DB. 1st round the 170lbs for Wilson Central couldnt continue due to injury after a ticky tacky mat return.
Coaches told him to stay down. Wilson won by 1 point.
Wilson gets bounced to the cons next match and meet up with DB for 3rd place. Wilson Central kid was fine and promptly got destroyed by the DB kid this time. DB won by >10 points that time. It really does make a difference.
DB should have been in the finals that year IMO.
PF should have been in the finals this year.
Just my opinion and I agree. If you're too hurt to continue due anything other than blood, you're out for at least 1 more.
If that were the case, why wouldn't the officials allow him to wrestle there? They didn't. If that's the case then they got that wrong and M should have been allowed to wrestle or take a fft. Either way, someone somewhere gets hit by something strange at this tournament every single year.
Didn't a kid get dq by the ref last year in D2 for something silly that changed the outcome?
If M is legal and allowed at 144lbs it's over no question, regardless of anything else. That would be much simpler and it removes even the appearance of anything improper. The way it was handled left doubt for observers and makes it appear that someone tried to pull something when in fact they may not have.
I'm open to hearing about it and admitting anything I said was wrong, as evidenced above. This is likely my last year around the sport anyways.
I'm really just frustrated. Team B had their chances, the blame lies with team B here. They had 3 tech falls, pin in any of those 3 and it's over. Have your 1st year freshman not throw head gear, it's over.
But it is always something with that team. Last year it was broken fingers in a match that was going badly for them during a close dual. It made the difference though.
Apparently there's no provision in the rule book to take a team point or penalize.
Team A tried to put a 150lb kid in at 144, actually got them in and scored. Dual over, Team A wins by 6. Team B says wait a minute, he's not a 144.
Refs confer, Team A says oops my bad. They take the 6 away, no penalty. Refs say Double FFT at 144. Team A wins on criteria.
Team A reports to the table at 144lbs with a kid that had weighed in above 146lbs and is the normal starter at 150lbs. They have other 144 and 138lb kid that can wrestle. They take the 6 as a fft and declare victory in the dual based on criteria.
Someone catches it and asks the table and refs about it. They let team A go back and replace that kid and say oops, my bad. Team A wins on criteria.
What are the boards thoughts?