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  1. You want a cookie ? Greenback had and will always have support! Have a seat Sir, respectfully.
  2. I agree, people will take their kids other places. It’s so unfortunate. I agree I want what’s best for our kids. By showing support I meant regardless of who administration puts in there , we have to support the boys. We can voice our opinions all day long, we can request who we want all day long, we can do all that…. At the end of the day we have been shown that administration isn’t listening. Instead of screaming that Greenback football is doomed, we still have to support the ones that pad up and walk out there. They don’t need to hear that stuff, they need to know that regardless they have a community that supports them and believes in them. We all know what this group that is in there now is capable of, we know that they have grit and play with heart. We can be upset, I’m not saying any of this has gone right. I’m just saying that remember who all this has truly impacted.
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