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Red Bank rules no contest and won’t play cleveland tonight.


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20 hours ago, Hadmatter said:

Because they have no balls plain & simple. Never in my life have I seen a state where because of rain they can’t,don’t or won’t play. Even with turf!!!! Unreal

it really only takes a couple balls to play.....stoled balls or lost balls....Booger fairly sure that Tygard feller would shared his balls....this forfiet wernt bout no rain Hadmatter...

......pretty sure HAdmatter right bout the AD tho....but one never nose these days

Booger just sayin :twisted:

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31 minutes ago, Booger said:

The turf field at that Church Christ school over at the North Brainerd Levee were open last evenin......thinkin maybe even East Hamilton fake turf......

Booger just sayin :roll:

Didn’t Notre Dame & Alcoa in 2014 have a weather issue with Notre Dames field being flooded or something & played at the mocs stadium?? Correct me if I’m wrong but you’ve got to play these games!!!! TSSAA step up & make it happen!!!’ 

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Not sure that it's just Red Bank. Hamilton county has done things before that were rather bad. I can remember way back when there were only 5 classes, and Hamilton County's Administration worked the school zones and populations to do everything in their power to keep any Hamilton County Team from traveling out of the county. Bradley and Cleveland were forced into the Knoxville region then.

And when you consider how much money Bradley/Cleveland resident spend in Hamilton County.,., Not very neighborly if you ask me.

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47 minutes ago, Slingitdownfield said:

Didn’t Notre Dame & Alcoa in 2014 have a weather issue with Notre Dames field being flooded or something & played at the mocs stadium?? Correct me if I’m wrong but you’ve got to play these games!!!! TSSAA step up & make it happen!!!’ 

Bradley played Riverdale in the playoffs one year and because a rain situation they moved the game to Finley because the Bradley field was pure mud after a major rain event. 

You schedule the game you play it if at all possible. Yeah, it would be a mud bath, but then it's football.

(I was at the infamous Mud Bowl; Cleveland fans will know what I am talking about)

Edited by alt1958b
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3 minutes ago, alt1958b said:

Bradley played Riverdale in the playoffs one year and because a rain situation they moved the game to Finley because the Bradley field was pure mud after a major rain event. 

You schedule the game you play it if at all possible. Yeah, it would be a mud bath, but then it's football.

(I was at the infamous Mud Bowl; Cleveland fans will know what I am talking about)

YES!! Play the game!!

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32 minutes ago, MidTennFootball said:

Yeah but that won't stop them from doing it again. Make the buyout 5K and I bet they think twice about pulling something like this

I totally agree something needs to be done! Kinda like players falling down to stop field of play. They should have to set out a whole series before returning 

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