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Coaches reflect after death of Bartlett cross country runner Gabe Higginbottom

Damichael Cole
Memphis Commercial Appeal

Bartlett High's senior cross country runners were being honored April 26 at their final home competition as high school students. What had been meant as a celebration was suddenly filled with sadness and tears as the final senior, Gabriel Higginbottom, was announced, followed by a moment of silence.

Higginbottom, who died earlier that day, was described by teachers and coaches as a "one of a kind" human.

A cause of death has not been given.

In September 2022, Higginbottom had suffered a heart attack after a race in Pensacola, Florida. Though he never returned to running for the team because of health complications, his presence was still felt. Two surgeries didn't stop him from helping in other ways. He cheered for his teammates and volunteered for events hosted by Bartlett.

"He never gave anything other than 110%," girls cross country coach Jaja Nebo shared in a text to The Commercial Appeal. "Gabe stole the hearts of everyone he encountered.  He will be forever remembered as the one-of-a-kind teenager, wise beyond his years, who loved running, singing, Star Wars, Chick-fil-a, but above all else a young man who loved God and loved others."

At Friday's cross country event, many supporters wore "Running for Gabe" shirts in honor of Higginbottom.

Days later, cross country coach Kris Harman still gets emotional whenever he attempts to speak about what Higginbottom meant.

Harman had spent multiple weeks in Florida with Higginbottom after the incident in September 2022. The situation initially was described as a "freak accident." Doctors in Florida told Harman that they could remember only one situation similar to Higginbottom's in the previous 11 years.

Higginbottom was scheduled to graduate on May 6; instead, services will be held May 11 at St. Stephen Baptist Church in Memphis.

"Gabe was a one-of-a-kind human who was sure to greet everyone with his patented, infectious smile and reminder that we were indeed blessed that God had given us this day," Harman shared in a text sent to The Commercial Appeal. "He never missed an opportunity to share a motivational quote or make his peers, teammates, teachers, & staff smile. He made the most of each day."

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