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Posts posted by 420trap

  1. Why does it always have to come down to who did what to who...There have been issues with game for years and years, just as many from each side I am sure. Let the boys play football, hopefully ALL the fans will be respectful of each other and it will be an exciting game for CC fans as well as THS fans.




    Amen let the best team win

  2. Let me tell you something about football in Coffee Co. I am sick and tired of people from

    Coffee County in this commmunity getting on here anddogging thier own football

    team. Everyone in this community should be proud of these boys andhow they

    played tonight. They have practiced for 2 weeks in 100 degree heat, we are

    outmanned in many areas and these boys and coaches get out their and give it

    thier all. First of all we can't even get a bus tonight on time to go to the game!!!

    We had to leave kids at the school because we didn't have abus, the athletic

    director is out of town, the transportation director is out of town, and the director of

    schools is out of town. Who in this town cares that our kids can't even get to

    the game, the band is not required to show up, the cheerleaders half of them don't show

    up because the places they work at in the community won't let them off work.

    How pitiful is that. There was a time when this community cared about our student

    atheletes. They got behind our football team and supported them in many ways.

    Then we get on here and some sucker from Coffee County bashes our coaches after

    a win, and our kids playing their hearts out. Tells our kids not to listen to their coaches.

    If you are from Coffee County you should be proud that your hometown team is

    finally being successful after many losing seasons. What happens we get

    criticized. We can reward kids for everything under the sun but our football team

    gets nothing. Unaircontioned, dirty buses, begging for people to support us so

    that we can have the things we need. We can have a 91/2 percent sales tax, a

    13 cent property tax, and we can't get what we need for our kids. Our kids played

    a heck of a game tonight. Everyone in this community should be proud these

    kids didn't give up, played tough, and won in double overtime! When is the last

    time that happened, not with the previous coaching staff of 5 years ago.

  3. If you think that CC has more athletes than shelbyville you are a fence rider you need to stay on the other side side of the fence. Coach Price has won over a 100 games at every level I think he knows what he is doing. He has 20 games at CC . In the previous 7 before he arried they had won 7.

  4. QUOTE(ksgovols @ Mar 1 2007 - 09:18 PM) 826396053[/snapback]Nope. 10-2. Lost to Columbia and Shelbyville during the season. I doubt it's ever been done. The district has just been tough over the years. A Tullahoma team would be the best bet though. I'll just go on the record to say that I seriously doubt that Lincoln County is going to go undefeated in this district.


    Coffee Co. did it in 1977

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