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  1. Today
  2. Union City will win region. So. Fulton will finish 2nd. Dresden 3rd. LC,Halls and Gleason will fight it out for 4th spot. Greenfield and Humboldt will fight it out to stay out of last place.
  3. The golf preseason came to a close Friday at Indian Hills as the I-24 Invitational hosted by Rockvale was contested. Webb School won the title by 13 shots 295-308 over Rockvale. Rockvale girls won the title by five shots over Providence Christian 155-`160 after the Lions won the 1913 Invitational at Johnson City by 10 shots over Greeneville. The course was wet and muddy in the morning but the rain finally broke and some good scores were had. The Webb School boys had Phet Phothong score a 69 while Carter Burks shot 70 following up his 72 in Johnson City on Monday. The girls had Solia Mechling of Rockvale lead the way with a 73 in taking the title as they improved their score by 30 shots over Monday in East Tennessee as they found the homestead Indian Hills to their liking. Rockvale and Central Magnet will head to the Battle of Hermitage on Wednesday July 31st. On Tuesday Stewarts Creek and Smyrna will do battle at Smyrna Golf Course with an early tee time of 11 AM. The next day Oakland, Webb and Nolensville will tee off at Champions Run beginning at 9 AM. Eagleville will open on July 29th heading to Lawrenceburg and the Country Club awaiting host Lawrence County and several other teams to tee up the regular season. The season will end in October at Sevierville when state champions will be crowned.
  4. Lake Co will scrimmage West Carroll at Tiptonville next Friday
  5. Yesterday
  6. Very respected coach. Over 400 wins. 7 state tournament appearances. Congratulations.
  7. Here's a quick document I made 3+ years ago with all the steps you need to take in order to become a TSSAA Ref. If anyone knows the information is out of date, please let me know, and I'll update it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FYEXQvtjWuzsNca0XPlLz2m-CMjPjFFbgEeabb3xB1s/edit?usp=sharing We need all the refs we can get!
  8. Pot meet kettle. Is this the most ironic post in the history of all of CoachT?
  9. Keep telling yourself that. We both know it is not true. I am a grown man, correct. Not upset, but you will be soon.
  10. David Alsup or McDaniel did not have the success that Creasy has had.
  11. I reckon them Warriors are hosting that new Hill man's team next Friday. I'll let ya know of any secret plays.
  12. Welcome back Michael. Once a Pirate always a Pirate.. Maybe you have some new ideas to help our special teams...
  13. Margie said it would! Ernie Grunfeld was a big fan, by the way.
  14. Long faces still, just wearing them a shorter time.
  15. Read my most recent post on this thread. I have changed my tune with new information.
  16. Heard that the AE kid that transferred out to Alcoa lied and said he was at AAU basketball for all of June and really was with West HS for the month on what seems now to have been a try out. I don't know if he was not welcomed back to AE or did not want to go back after his brother left and the team/coaches found out. He will probably just stick to basketball for Alcoa would be my bet.
  17. Cleveland will compete with Farragut for the last spot in the playoffs and I expect Cleveland to get that 4 seed. They would most likely draw Jeff Co and lose that game. You will have two region wins vs Farragut and HVA.
  18. Don't worry Mo East you all will beat HVA. Egghead will go 1-9 at best
  19. From everything I hear about the cats is they will have a good but not great OL but not much athleticism as they are used to in years past. A good OL is great but the playmakers make the plays. Should still compete for a region title in a watered down region. Then get bounced early in the playoffs vs a chatt team or Powell/West.
  20. They probably want to brand the club with the Cleveland name.
  21. Agree that indoor facitlites didn't build programs the past few years. But. that's also like saying there were no state Championship / powerhouse teams prior to the time of the indoor facility. That's just not true. There were perenial good programs back when in days past. Times change. Programs got indoor facilities becasue of community support (grant $) and well coached, winning programs. But, looking forward over the next just say 20 or 30 years, to believe an indoor facility in small town, small school 1A football is not a program building (from this point forward) unfair advantage to other 1A schools is hog wash. Having a walk through in a basketball gym being the same as a full tilt, football facility with cleats and room is NOT the same thing. Besides, running into basketball practice schedule of both boys & girl teams, most schools, especially in Weakly County to be specific, have such rich history on their harwood floors (most notably girls basetball), it's pretty frowned upon for the football team to be in there scuffing it up.
  22. I know you know this but i'll remind folks its not just "a" school board member... it was our own freaking spineless school board member, staff and admin. Its cancer head to toe! But you are correct about the safety of kids, I had a parent express that to me last week. About 20 kids playing it sounds like right now. But also i dont think it was much of an outsider issue as it was EXPERIENCE (obviously G was my first pick) but I do think we would have been really happy with that one coach that fell through just my 2 cents though. Gonna be interesting to see how things play out. Football was a $$$ maker over there, til a few yrs ago. We'll see what happens in a few weeks!
  23. Losing Meadows at qb is a huge loss for us. He carried the team alot last season on athleticism alone. We do return a good running back this year in Bryson Hiefnar though. If he has any speed to him he will be a truck load hitting the line. We scrimmage Loudon next week and I plan to attend if weather permits. I'll hopefully have a little insight after that. As good as I think the Bryson kid will be, If we have any kind of offensive line we could put up some points this year.
  24. Last week
  25. Eagleville beat Sale Creek and Summertown in best out of three camp games last week. I think all 3 will have a shot to make the final 8. East Rob only graduated a couple I think so they might have something to say as well. Apparently Eagleville has the best Freshman in Rutherford County but I heard they aren’t quite as deep as that past group.
  26. I was going to post this a while back, but I couldn't get it to sound good, and I may not be able to now. I hope Mike's family doesn't mind .... I want to echo part of what Geno said above. For those that didn't know Mike, or those that just had dealings with him on here or social media, let me mention a few things. Mike was a few years younger than me and was in my sister's class. When they were in early elementary school, my sister and Mike walked out of the school building together. When my sister got in the car, my mom looked at Mike and just said "that's so sad." We didn't know what she meant, so we asked her to elaborate. She went on to tell us that he had a disease that may not let him see high school and how he would possibly never be an adult. Now, I know medicine has come a long way and they know a lot more about CF now, but this was in the early-mid 80's. We were looking at a kid that would possibly never be anything more than what we saw. So, when he got to high school, it was special. And he took advantage of it, playing sports even though his condition probably made it rough on his body. But he was a competitor. He wasn't the best athlete, but he gave it all that he had. He went on to graduate high school, another milestone that no one was sure he would make. Unfortunately, if I remember correctly, this happy moment had its downside as well. Someone can correct me, but I think Mike was sick during graduation and had to sit away from everyone else. But he was there. He worked for it and cherished the moment. After school, he lived life like most of us. Had some fun, acted a little crazy at times, was the life of the party at times. Still, he lived life with passion and a competitive spirit. Maybe a little too passionate and competitive at times, but those are stories for another time. But he was that way, because life that we took for granted, he knew was a gift, and he made it count. I know he got into it with fans on message boards, but that was just him, that was his passion. He loved South Pittsburg. He loved Tennessee. You didn't have to love them, but don't say anything bad about them to him. That was that passion and competitive spirit. He became an adult, a slim chance that was ever going to happen. He got married, had children, still that passion for life lived on. I never really knew his wife or kids, but I know he loved then with that same passion. Unfortunately, his later life wasn't as fun and joyous as early life due to the toll CF took on his body, but he keep fighting. I know I've said passion and competitive spirit way too much in this post, but I honestly believe that's what kept him going, defying the odds, living life as long and as happy as he did. The fact that he made it as long as he did, that he was able to do everything he did in life was truly a miracle. And he made the most of it every chance he could. I don't want this post to sound cheesy, I'm sorry if it did. I just wanted to give some of those that didn't know him a little insight. There's others that knew him a lot better and that could tell more than I can, but so many have kept up with him on CoachT since he started getting really bad over the last few years that I wanted to let them understand a little more.
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