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SheriffofRedRock last won the day on April 28

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  1. Long faces still, just wearing them a shorter time.
  2. Read my most recent post on this thread. I have changed my tune with new information.
  3. Heard that the tall WR from last year went to catholic and another slot type WR went to west. They did supplement some of those aforementioned losses with getting the RB from Heritage. The OL will not be great and the offense as a whole will be boom or bust with more bust by a long shot. I give the HC 2-3 years before he is an assistant again.
  4. Heard that the AE kid that transferred out to Alcoa lied and said he was at AAU basketball for all of June and really was with West HS for the month on what seems now to have been a try out. I don't know if he was not welcomed back to AE or did not want to go back after his brother left and the team/coaches found out. He will probably just stick to basketball for Alcoa would be my bet.
  5. Cleveland will compete with Farragut for the last spot in the playoffs and I expect Cleveland to get that 4 seed. They would most likely draw Jeff Co and lose that game. You will have two region wins vs Farragut and HVA.
  6. Don't worry Mo East you all will beat HVA. Egghead will go 1-9 at best
  7. Bearden should compete with Maryville for the region title and then make it to at least the 3rd round. That upper east tn region is weak. After that they will meat up with maryville again in the third and Oakland in the 4th if they get past the rebs. That is the peak of ole crick necks season. Which wouldn't be bad for a normal Bearden team, but we all know that isn't the case for this Bearden(AE, Central, SD, Fulton) team.
  8. From everything I hear about the cats is they will have a good but not great OL but not much athleticism as they are used to in years past. A good OL is great but the playmakers make the plays. Should still compete for a region title in a watered down region. Then get bounced early in the playoffs vs a chatt team or Powell/West.
  9. Maryville will compete with Bearden to win the region. They have a good OL and a good RB if the RB stays healthy then they will go to the 3rd round when the real competition starts meeting each other in the playoffs, after that it remains to be seen how far they will go.
  10. DB will look great coming off the bus like normal and have long faces when getting back on the bus to go home
  11. I heard Powell had two teams so maybe TKA beat the B team. That would be unfortunate if TKA could not field a team. I know they are normally not very good.
  12. If Heritage really beat Bearden that means they have athletes to match up with Bearden which is shocking. It’s not real football I know but still doesn’t bode well for Bearden. Does anyone know if the MS transfer QB played or not?
  13. Yea I’m guessing it got swept. I did not hear about it until recently.
  14. Regardless if Keith stayed they would’ve have been turned in eventually. They recruited their rear ends off. purdue kid from SD big tall WR who is still there from central. Another central kid has left and went to bearden alcoa RB punched the sro and broke his jaw. the ship was sinking regardless of the grades scandal. It was a matter of time. They did beat OR but still wasn’t winning enough to sweep it all under the rug
  15. So home field advantage or some help from zebras. I went and looked. The games were closer in maryville and the games in Murfreesboro were more lopsided
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