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  1. Because he’s the head honcho and it’s his site. Coacht does a good job trying to keep the boards clean and that board was filthy.
    6 points
  2. Girls' Tournaments Update: It was a record breaking year with five All Americans for the TN girls at Fargo! They wrestled an awesome weekend. They were led by our National Girls Team Coach, Kenya Sloan. She did a fabulous job! We had a great group of coaches! The future of TN girls wrestling is bright!: Fargo Champion Janiya Johnson Fargo Runner-up Caroline Hilton Fargo Runner-up Ella Murphey Fargo 4th place- Ryleigh Sturgill Fargo 6th place- Audrey Levendusky
    4 points
  3. Just saw Maryville HC Derek Hunt's interview talking about the current/ "new" landscape of HS football... pretty funny that stuff. I hope he's not being serious. If he is, then he's completely unaware of what his coaching assistants do on their off time. Also, he mentions kids playing for their hometown team, but they sure don't mind sweeping out every hometown kid from every high school around them for the past few years, now getting up to the big leagues and still trying to act like he knows nothing about it. It's pretty funny. Maybe he does, maybe he just turns a blind eye to it, but funny stuff from Coach Hunt. Perhaps a little sarcasm from Coach Hunt, brought out his inner Lane Kiffin, some would say.
    3 points
  4. This is my last ride I’ve had three sons to play for the Mustangs. My youngest will be a senior this year #21. Maybe the fastest and most athletic of the three. Used to have some good debates with Duckman back when my two oldest played. Hope to go out with a bang this year.
    3 points
  5. Sorry to hurt your feelings but it was DK who lied on the Oak Ridge HC and said they refused to shake his hand but then deleted his video after he was proved to be a liar.It was DK who recruits kids at Oak Ridge and uses the problem people to do it.It was DK who said the refs cheated Clinton because he was black.I could go on and on but typical Clinton behavior to play victim and take no responsibility.Dont be mad at an Oak Ridger talking about it because its a statewide story.Just go be better and correct the problem.At least now the new HC will teach the players how to act and not put up with the BS.If he gets rid of a couple on the staff he could do some good things.At least a product you can be proud of and not one built on lies,transfers and cheating
    3 points
  6. Bradley has 1 decent season due to store bought players and now your world beaters. lol! Sounds to me you may still be in high school so run along back to momma's basement and enjoy the new college football game.
    3 points
  7. Tennessee has seen a population increase and the talent pool has grown. There are many more players being recruited by the top of the power 5 than there were a decade ago. No, we aren't Texas, Florida, or California in terms of numbers of top talent, but per capita Tennessee has gotten much better.
    3 points
  8. Well team state championships are based on 14 weight classes. Much different than a kid getting on the podium at Fargo. But I suspect you know that. It seems like they lost a few of their starters unexpectedly, but I believe they have won a state championship before. They will probably win at least one more in the next 20 years. Anyways, maybe if they try hard, they can be like you and wear their Carson-Newman football rings around at 55 years old. Manager of the year!
    3 points
  9. Good to see that happen given the facts. Glad for the kids.
    3 points
  10. I would put GA in there. Per capita they have as much talent in that state as any state in the union.
    3 points
  11. Meigs County went 12 and 0 before they got put out in the playoffs and the game was at Meigs which they were in it to the end. Someone must have been responsible for that much credit. Slover was a highly rated QB when he played at Anderson County in the 90's and I'm sure his son must of learned a few things growing up in that house. When all this hit the fan last year Sweetwater for all of it's great history in football got tarnished and stained by a handful of parents like I've never seen before. I'm still in disbeliefe the coach left Meigs County to jump into a mess like that unless there was more than what meets the eye down there. A lot of small towns are like this though that don't want an outsider running the place and changing positions of kids who were heir to the throne even if they lose every game on the schedule. I'm sure the new coach don't have a qb as a son or that was the first question during his interview. There was a lot of damage done to this program last year but hopefully the new coach can turn things around and not go through the same fiasco the last one did.
    3 points
  12. Hello all, My name is Sid Mason and I would like to invite everyone to sign up to be a Wrestling Offical. I will attach a link at the bottom of this post. I coached for a very long time and thoroughly enjoyed my time as a coach but since I have started officiating I have found it to be one of the most rewarding things I have done. like a lot of you I use to complain about our Officals from time to time. I had one pull me aside one day and say if I was gonna complain I should step up to the plate and I did just that the following season and it’s been an awesome experience. Now is your chance to be the type of Offical that you would want calling your child’s match. My number is listed on the link I am posting but it’s just for NE TN. If you reach out I can get you in contact with the right person in your area. https://www.ntwoa.com
    2 points
  13. What took so long for this honor? He should have been in years ago. And for those who will undoubtably try to scold me for posting something about a guy coaching in D2, he did have a long tenure at Riverdale, too. Gary Rankin inducted into National High School Hall of Fame | TSSAA
    2 points
  14. The Hodge Effect, as coined in Dresden, will be seen in the mentality of the quality of young people his program will inspire for years to come in McKenzie. Yeah, they got a good one.
    2 points
  15. Which is why nobody should give them much credence before the season begins. However, the same teams tend to hang around the top of the rankings. I like to use Massey about mid-season on for head-to-head comparisons.
    2 points
  16. Booger when Rankin came from Smith County, Riverdale was at the bottom of the heap. He built RHS from scratch with Rutherford Co. players, not players from Nashville, Woodbury, Chattanooga like KC. KC inherited a semi-final team that McDaniel left him and he added his recruits from all over to supplement his success. Rankin is by far a better coach and more ethical coach.
    2 points
  17. https://www.wvlt.tv/app/2024/06/28/letter-claims-clinton-high-school-football-player-was-actually-eligible-play/
    2 points
  18. I don’t think Sonny gets it right in the middle of the season.
    2 points
  19. And East has been a bottom feeder for most of the schools existence despite having insane levels of talent. 2 good years and now you act like East is a 10 time state champ. For the record I’m an east robertson fan. You’re just coming off super arrogant lol.
    2 points
  20. Oh…Fowler was there 7 years I think. He was a national winner. Fact is…it’s all fun and games to bash each others teams…who cares! What’s not cool is to come on a public forum and start throwing kids under the bridge for going 2-2 at a national tournament…at least they tried. I’m not so sure some people realize how hard it is to even bring home a stop sign. Congrats to all the placers and to all that went to the big stage and tried!
    2 points
  21. Yes, for some. And it does get them out of the air conditioning, with helmets on. That’s about it.
    2 points
  22. Speaking as a former coach, I found 7 on 7’s as useful as a bucket of ice in a blizzard.
    2 points
  23. All you need to know about Texas high school football is they place a huge amount of emphasis on the sport. It’s nothing unusual for school districts to refuse to split the student body and build new schools and that is because they don’t just want to win but they want to win in the highest classification. There is also a reason that man Texas high schools play in 20K+ stadiums.
    2 points
  24. Because on this board if you don't play football in East TN, your a footnote Shame that Oakland has to spend all offseason every year finding a game to go on the road when I'd rather they schedule another elite TN program and bring in a big gate We may very well get our teeth kicked in but come playoff time we will be all the better for it
    2 points
  25. Your Point? Macon County can take Kids from other counties and even kids from Out of the state of Tennessee by their school board policy. Just because their hasn't been more out of zoned kids doesn't mean another school has a distinct advantage just because of Population. (Look back at my other comments about no Knoxville team has made it to the state championship in 4a in 10 years and Knoxville is opened zoned and can name other high schools that suck at football but can pull from a larger population than Cookeville. Or how Greeneville isn't in some booming metropolis but have beat teams from Nashville and Memphis for a championship who have a massive population advantage.). It all goes back to building a program and school that attracts kids and their parents wanting to do whats best for their kids and having a strong weight program and feeder system from when kids start playing football at 5 or 6.
    2 points
  26. After 27 years of CoachT.com you realize that these things are inevitable, have happened and will happen again, to all of us. Still, because of the "anonymity" of members on here it is hard to get to know someone personally and when you hear their stories later it makes you wish you have known them better...known their struggles and accomplishments. This is definitely one of those times. Sounds like he fought the hard fight.
    2 points
  27. Resilite, IMO, is the best mat period, albeit a bit cumbersome at times.
    2 points
  28. Best recruiter ever. He did it before Ole Coach Gru ever thought about a middle school all star game
    2 points
  29. Don't want to see what? You can look up and see I'm not even an Upperman guy (Greeneville to be exact). I'm just tired of little cry babies crying about open enrollment or if a school can pull from a larger population because of it. (Your school can even pull from out of state by your school board policy. So maybe build a better program or school system) None of this talk starts until a program becomes successful. (Heck no one probably knew who or where Greeneville was until we played in the right classification after playing up for decades and went to the state finals the first year we did in 09). A great program and school is going to get players that their parents want them to be successful both on and off the field. If pulling from a larger Population is such a great advantage, then why has there been no Knoxville (Third Largest City in Tennessee) teams represented in the 4a Championship in 10 years? Your grudge is you think just because they are located in Putnam County and parents that are zoned for Cookeville WANT to send their kids to Upperman they have some great advantage. It takes a lot more than population (Can name a ton of Programs that are horrible that could pull from a larger population than Upperman) to be a successful program because Greene County Population is no where near Putnam's. It's a School and Students buying in and putting in hard work!
    2 points
  30. Barn, why would you let facts get in the way of a good story.......????
    2 points
  31. I was having this same conversation the other day with another coach and parent. We as a state have to figure out the root cause as to why the best won’t compete. I know it’s hypocritical coming from me since my son didn’t wrestle in the duals. But think of a team with Cordero, Jacob’s, Jojo, little, Desselle, Sturgill, Fowler, Roark, Hilton and Norman. probably miss a few other stud but It would have been fun to see.
    2 points
  32. Cleveland will be bringing in some hammers Mattox High Dominic Cordero Rock Shurette Kellen Sanders Braxton Pulley Boone Maughon Cannon Haun Tracey Dennard
    2 points
  33. No saying that Haywood will win or lose but I do believe it will be a much better game. Haywood has a lot coming back and also added some players. The new DC will help as well. I feel that Haywood should have lost the game last year but it should have been closer. Can't turn the ball over in the red zone like what happened last year like hiking the ball over the qb head
    2 points
  34. Week 1 CPA / BA Week 2 CPA / Pearl-Cohn
    2 points
  35. I have yet to see, and don't expect to see, anything good come from this discussion. Surely we have some better things to discuss. Locking this down. If you want to take this matter further then do so with your principal, or school board, or law enforcement.
    2 points
  36. I was going to post this a while back, but I couldn't get it to sound good, and I may not be able to now. I hope Mike's family doesn't mind .... I want to echo part of what Geno said above. For those that didn't know Mike, or those that just had dealings with him on here or social media, let me mention a few things. Mike was a few years younger than me and was in my sister's class. When they were in early elementary school, my sister and Mike walked out of the school building together. When my sister got in the car, my mom looked at Mike and just said "that's so sad." We didn't know what she meant, so we asked her to elaborate. She went on to tell us that he had a disease that may not let him see high school and how he would possibly never be an adult. Now, I know medicine has come a long way and they know a lot more about CF now, but this was in the early-mid 80's. We were looking at a kid that would possibly never be anything more than what we saw. So, when he got to high school, it was special. And he took advantage of it, playing sports even though his condition probably made it rough on his body. But he was a competitor. He wasn't the best athlete, but he gave it all that he had. He went on to graduate high school, another milestone that no one was sure he would make. Unfortunately, if I remember correctly, this happy moment had its downside as well. Someone can correct me, but I think Mike was sick during graduation and had to sit away from everyone else. But he was there. He worked for it and cherished the moment. After school, he lived life like most of us. Had some fun, acted a little crazy at times, was the life of the party at times. Still, he lived life with passion and a competitive spirit. Maybe a little too passionate and competitive at times, but those are stories for another time. But he was that way, because life that we took for granted, he knew was a gift, and he made it count. I know he got into it with fans on message boards, but that was just him, that was his passion. He loved South Pittsburg. He loved Tennessee. You didn't have to love them, but don't say anything bad about them to him. That was that passion and competitive spirit. He became an adult, a slim chance that was ever going to happen. He got married, had children, still that passion for life lived on. I never really knew his wife or kids, but I know he loved then with that same passion. Unfortunately, his later life wasn't as fun and joyous as early life due to the toll CF took on his body, but he keep fighting. I know I've said passion and competitive spirit way too much in this post, but I honestly believe that's what kept him going, defying the odds, living life as long and as happy as he did. The fact that he made it as long as he did, that he was able to do everything he did in life was truly a miracle. And he made the most of it every chance he could. I don't want this post to sound cheesy, I'm sorry if it did. I just wanted to give some of those that didn't know him a little insight. There's others that knew him a lot better and that could tell more than I can, but so many have kept up with him on CoachT since he started getting really bad over the last few years that I wanted to let them understand a little more.
    1 point
  37. Agreed with all of these schools. If a school is on the fence, & they have a $Million indoor practice facility, then you are barred from 1A. Period. Yes, Union CIty included even if it's a decades old paid for with Goodyear dollars indoor facility. No excuses. The constant whinning about super small 1A schools not being fairly treated can only be addressed from the top by moving some schools out of 1A. Addressing this from the bottom means you don't play any more!?! I'm not arguing how many classes there should be. If a school like Gleason fields 16 players, expect what's coming to you in the neighborhood. Not picking on Gleason, wish them well. But facts are facts. I f you can't beat 'em, join 'em. McKenzie, Dresden, & Union City could have all played in 2A last year & hurt plenty of feelings. Dresden being the lone one of them, now, that does not have indoor facility.
    1 point
  38. I believe he was from South Carolina, trained with a crew in Chattanooga, but had planned to wrestle at a National powerhouse when he hit HS.
    1 point
  39. Sitting on my fat #### and watching too much high school football over the years. Maybe three good 6A teams last year? One or two good teams in 5A and 4A, and then Alco. Are there other standout public teams? For the past several years, it has looked to me like the privates are better. Maybe there are some great public teams that I never see in the championship?
    1 point
  40. break it down for the T nation Augustus Booger just sayin
    1 point
  41. Regardless if Keith stayed they would’ve have been turned in eventually. They recruited their rear ends off. purdue kid from SD big tall WR who is still there from central. Another central kid has left and went to bearden alcoa RB punched the sro and broke his jaw. the ship was sinking regardless of the grades scandal. It was a matter of time. They did beat OR but still wasn’t winning enough to sweep it all under the rug
    1 point
  42. Other than a handful of teams that are mostly private, TN football is generally mediocre.
    1 point
  43. Probably because they don't have a good culture for sports or academic programs and don't attract parents to send their kids there that aren't zoned for RBS. I hope that wasn't you argument because I could say the same thing about North Greene High School in Greene County that is 1a (They have gotten a lot better under their new coach who actually was the starting center for Greeneville back in the early 2000's and instilling a new Culture there because he knows what it takes to win. Put Greeneville's players and culture at NG and they would have beat everyone in 1a by multiple TD's too). I live in Knoxville and that statement is Asinine. West is a 5a school so no Most Knoxville Kids Don't go to Knox West or they would be much larger. Bearden is the new place kids are going after being horrible for years because they want to play for Coach Jones if we want to talk about Out of Zone Players. The largest School in Knoxville is Hardin Valley and they are horrible in Football. Your Last statement is not correct. Yes they did have a runner up in Football and Girls Basketball and a final 4 team in Men's Basketball but were not in the final 4 in Volleyball (Made it to state where 8 teams where and lost both their matches), Softball (Made it to state with 8 other teams and got beat their first 2 games and eliminated), Baseball didn't even make it to state. You going to complain about Greeneville then too since they Had a Semi Final football team, a state championship in boys track, Girls Basketball went to state, Final 3 in Baseball State Championships, Boys Soccer and Girls Soccer Runner Ups, and made it to Sectionals in Volleyball. That couldn't be possible since they aren't pulling from some huge city. Like I said a great culture and school will attract players to go to that school. I'm tired of people wining when people are playing by the same rules it all falls on building a program that attracts Parents and Students.
    1 point
  44. https://www.tennessee-demographics.com/cities_by_population.
    1 point
  45. I know. Iamoz is on a well-deserved vacation, in Europe, so no fixes until he returns.
    1 point
  46. .....yea....Union County started it too....huh? Keep turning a blind eye.........
    1 point
  47. I can picture it now. 4th round of the playoffs. Jellico the south Pitt of the north travels to south Pitt for a first ever meeting in the playoffs. The only reason they haven't made it further in recent years is they play a 10 game schedule in Kentucky on Monday nights. Fatigue catches up to even the best athletes. But I think since they added chicken chasing to the training regime, they will turn the corner this year.
    1 point
  48. I’ve seen it in real life. Knew a kid who got one
    1 point
  49. 150lb State Champ Brayden Leach announced last night that he will continue his college wrestling career in state at UT-Chattanooga Congrats to Brayden and the entire Leach family!
    1 point
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