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  1. Tech is a large part of the Austin, TX economy but make no mistake the State of Texas operates on Oil & Natural Gas money. I tell people in Tennessee all the time that healthcare is a major part of the economy in Middle Tennessee, but the Texas Oil & Gas people spend more on their bar tabs than the healthcare guys make. However, what makes the public schools in Texas have so much money to spend is that the individual school boards set their own tax rate and collect the taxes. Unlike Davidson County where the council & mayor's office set the tax rate and then allocate the funds to the school district all of this is done by the school board in Texas.
  2. Out of curiosity, why the name change?
  3. It’s not uncommon for a 6A head high school football coach to make $125K if he is good. There are a few coaches that make $150+K but it’s only a handful. Please remember that at most of the large schools the head coach, OC and DC only coach and do not teach an academic class.
  4. I am very familiar with the MBA academics. Rest assured that very few public school students have a clue as to the homework load of the upper tier private schools.
  5. His biggest adjustment will be the academic course load that he will be expected to navigate while at BA. He may be a great academic student but having to complete 2-4 hours of homework most every night is definitely a challenge for most kids.
  6. Unfortunately private schools have taken over high school athletics in Tennessee. The public schools have never wanted to accept the fact that education is a business and you must treat the students and families as your customers. The private schools truly understand the business of education. Sadly some of the students that are graduating from their local public schools are 2-4 years behind many of the students at the academically elite private schools. It’s not a money issue it’s a philosophy problem that does not appear to be getting any better. No Child Left Behind is really ALL CHILDREN ARE BEING LEFT BEHIND.
  7. All you need to know about Texas high school football is they place a huge amount of emphasis on the sport. It’s nothing unusual for school districts to refuse to split the student body and build new schools and that is because they don’t just want to win but they want to win in the highest classification. There is also a reason that man Texas high schools play in 20K+ stadiums.
  8. Let’s give credit where credit is due and say congratulations to Oakland for playing Anna. However, this is not one of the Top 10 teams in Texas! Oakland is not playing Ducanville, Desota, South Lake Carroll, Westlake or even Northshore of Houston. Yes, Anna is a good team (Top 20) but they are not one of the very best teams in Texas.
  9. The real question is which teams out of Memphis will be strong next season. If a good young coach would circle the wagons and get most of the talent to play disciplined basketball, they would win the state championship most every season and it would not be close. The city of Memphis is loaded with talent!
  10. DB is not the only school that is getting out coached most every Friday night! Very few schools have the administration, parents, faculty and school board pulling on the same end of the rope. Until high school athletics become a priority for the community you will NEVER WIN outside of your geographical area.
  11. Without question the states that place the most emphasis on high school football will have a distinct advantage! However, as in life, every program has advantages and disadvantages. I suspect that in any given year less populated states would have the opportunity to win a national championship. There is a reason that certain schools in Tennessee are playing for a state championship most every season and that is due to expectations and great community support.
  12. cbg

    Fargo 2024

    Most of the top states have released their rosters for wrestlers competing at the USA Junior/16U Nationals in Fargo, ND. I have not been able to find out which wrestlers from Tennessee are competing this year. Does anyone know which wrestlers will be competing at the nationals?
  13. It would save Hamblen County a lot of money and help the overall academic and athletic experience of the students by combining the two schools into one school. I seriously doubt that the TSSAA would allow Hamblen County to have two separate schools and only have one football team. Having spent several years in Texas I can assure you that many of those schools refuse to split into two schools when they grow due to wanting to have the opportunity to play for a state championship in the highest classification. You have schools in Texas that have over 4000 students and play in football stadiums that seat over 30K people. It's a completely different mindset in Texas with school administrators wanting to win state championships in the most difficult division where in Tennessee most school administrators and coaching staffs are seeking the easiest path to a championship. I am not picking on Hamblen County as several counties need to combine schools to increase the student population. In Metro Nashville Public Schools, you have schools that were built for 2000 students that currently have less that 600 students. Those schools should be closed, and the students sent to another school. While very few want to admit to it the operation of public schools is a business, and they must be operated like a business. I must admit that the school taxes in Tennessee are as low as anywhere in the country I have ever lived. In many of the states that have a great public school system the school board has the authority to set the tax rate that each individual homeowner pays, and you pay those taxes directly to the school system.
  14. With a school as large as Cleveland and with as many resources as Cleveland has, how can they be so bad in football and basketball. How can the wrestling team be so successful, and the football team be so bad?
  15. Go back and read the thread. Basically, what I am saying is that in some of the very rural communities it has been a topic of discussion to merge two (2) county high schools together to make one. Some of these counties have less that 50 students in a graduating class. When the classes are that small it's difficult to not only fund the schools but to offer many of the academic classes that the top 10% and bottom 10% need.
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