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STARSNBARS last won the day on March 22

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  1. Barn thes hi-teck weathurmen cain't holt a lite two Margie......imo....
  2. sx......Eye ain't shore....Looks like weal jist haiv two weight and sea.....Eye wood thaink our 13.5 yeer old quoatabaick ort two bee goodurer....
  3. https://sonnymoorepowerratings.com/h-s-foot.htm
  4. Havin' spead iz deafinitlee goodur.....
  5. Gettin' baick two tha '24 Littull Fellers..... 1, Weal tha bee abull two win a hoam gaim agin a Knottsvul teem....??? bee. Weal we bee abull two thro tha bawl goodur enuff two keap ovvur teems frum playin' thair safetees like LBers....??? 3. Weal we try two brang sum moore pressure on D and az Corch Majors used two say "A-Tack, A-Tack, A-Tack"....And try two dictait two tha offence evur oncest inn a whall....??? d. Enstead ov weal we bee practussin' on Thanksgivin'... weal we bee goodur enuff two bee practussin' aftur Hallywean....??? 5. Weal wee bee goodur enuff two winn tha gaims we ort two winn....???
  6. Thait wood bee corrwreck G-unit.....Mr. Caylor took ovur aftur thait.....
  7. Now Barn ....Thay haiv two git tha skool addministrashun buildin' (old Ft. Craig) fixed furst.......Ov course when'st ewe maik ovur 190k a yeer, thangs git dunn on yore schedull.....
  8. Barn looks like unteal we git a knew rug thait Alcoee, Eagullton, Hairatige, Will-yum Blunt and Evurt Parks and Wreck feeled weal haiv goodur turf thain 825.....Tha Nikey Grind (aka frewty pebulls accordin' two RR) got ground orr eated upp......
  9. rw87 Haipy Haipy Berfday.....!!! Eye hoap ewe git... 1. A downfeeled passin' gaim fer tha littull fellers b. A attackin' D fer tha littull fellers 3. A safety thait cain come up and hit like Burks fer tha littull fellers d. A short yardige D thait cain keap Farrah-Gut frum keapin' tha bawl away frum us tha entarr gaim fer tha littull fellurs 5. A big old peanutt buttur pie two shair wif Mr. 200MPH.....
  10. Barn like enny organeyezashun ewe ere correck.....And we haiv haid a lott ov diminishin' reesults reecentlee....
  11. Barn eye hoap yore rite....Eye meen Beer-Den, Knotts West, and Brad Lee wuz jist goodurer thain us laist yeer.....Lett's jist hoap we down't loose annuvur Cleavlund 2022 orr Farrah-gut 2023.....Those ere toetully inneckscusabull losses (no disrespeck two those teems),,,,,5 loss Mairvul teems maik fer a long wintur,,,,imo.....
  12. St tha ole FSBBQ haz bit tha dust....Momma did work onn minny a burnt end upp thair befour thair deemises tho.......(Bless hur hart).....
  13. sx eye ant shore ennymoore......This knew "Mairvul Mintalitee" iz moore intwo checkin' boxes best eye cain tale....
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