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STARSNBARS last won the day on October 1

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  1. Aftur whut happuned twonite and laist yeer agin tha Ads......Eye haiv maid tha boys frum Camull Stashun, hoo ere onn a 4 gaim winnin' streek, a urlee 90.1 pt favritt necks Fridee nite.....Eye jist hoap we cain play a littull goodurer thain we did laist yeer agin Farrah-gut...
  2. Aftur whut happuned laist yeer and cents tha Ads ere onn a 4 gaim winn streek, eye haiv maid tha boyz frum west Knotts a urlee 90.1 favritt necks Fridee nite att Bill Clabo feeled....Hoapfully we down't git embarrassed.....
  3. My thawts onn tha gaim.... 1. Alcoee outblocked us 2. Alcoee out tackulled us c. Cain we pleese get inn tha Rhino set onn tha gole line.....Yore knott snapping hit baick 5 yards, ewe are ovurloadin onn side two gitt tha crashin' OLB blocked, and yore runnin a qwik hand oft knott a slow developin' hand oft 4. Alcoee outcoached us e. Az baid az losin' this 'un herts eye am happy fer my frend TDS....
  4. Ennurustin'.......Uhpeers Allin-Wick wuz well reppersentid....
  5. My thawts onn tha gaim... a. Hats oft two Cleavlund fur battlin' tha entarr gaim 2. Hoap tha yung man frum Cleavlund iz ok c. Mairvul looked vurry vurry avridge agin tha run twonite newmurrus times 4. Mr. Cobble haz got sum wheals e. Eye wondur how Mairvul wood look wif a littull split baick acshun wif tha 2 goodur runnurs we gott totin' tha tatur eff. Maivul looked sortee out ovsink sumtimes twonite gee. Mairvul's sownd sistem reeminded me whut my AM raydio sounded like inn my '66 pick-up truk wif tha busted speekur 8. Jist inn case necks weak eye weal bee brangin' me a oil funnull two stick inn my ear two see if'un eye cain hear a littull moore ov whut Jud iz sayin' eye. Cleavlund haz sum vurry nice skilt athleets 10. Congrats two Mairvul onn the reejun champeenship....Butt thay's lot moore werk two do.....
  6. Tha annual Pistull Creik clash happuns necks Fridee nite att tha Skeetur.....Mairvul looked vurry vurry susspeck twonite and knowin' how Mr. Graf and Co. wood attack thait and how Alcoee haz won 2 out ov tha laist three att 825 eye haiv enstalled our Alumeenum city frendz az a urlee 177.2 pt. favritt inn tha clash att Gym Wrenfrow feeled.....
  7. b1s hits vurry vurry ennurustin reedin' thes old postuss......Looks like tha old postuss haid a lot moore werds thain tha modurn postuss.....jmo.....
  8. MTF this iz goodur thait yore keepin' this upp two dait......Goodur werk my friend....!!!
  9. RR haiv ewe thawt abowt hit if'un Mairvul played inn reejun #1...???.......Hit wood bee tha old State ov Franklin reejun.....
  10. This ort two bee a vurry vurry ennustin' gaim....Eye down't know hoo'll winn, butt eye am pullin' fer Merit#3 and WH4L's Rebs.....
  11. Tha Shadder maid shore knott two leaf hiz hat inn tha end zoan tho....
  12. Welp BBS hit is gettin' clostur two Hallywean......
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