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MidTennFootball last won the day on July 23

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  1. More like getting too big for your britches and burning every bridge in Middle Tennessee on the way out. He sure didn't end up and stay at WB by choice. Fortunately for him, he was given another chance at Catlick
  2. This is the kind of statement fans make when they've had it good for a long time, maybe too long. Haywood has been blessed to have Hookfin, Smith and Puckett the last 10 years. 7 straight trips to the semis, you don't do that without good coaching. Like I said, classes are there for a reason, top 7-8 4A is not the same as elite 6A team. Just be decent, tip your cap to the better team and move on
  3. Never a wasted day talking HSFB. Oakland has looked good up to this point but make no mistake, Maryville or whoever emerges from 2-6A poses a threat to the Patriots. This is isn't the juggernaut teams of the past and sometimes people give Oakland TOO much of the benefit of a doubt. Love that the west side of the bracket has upped its game, or at least 2 regions have
  4. Same Ravenwood that struggled to beat Blackman? Until someone knocks off Houston, they're getting the benefit of the doubt
  5. Over the last 25 years, Cookeville has had a solid program with some really good teams sprinkled in. Cookeville's biggest problem is that most years they are in the region next to RuCo, no amount of coaching or being a football school is overcoming the talent disadvantage that they face. Hennigan has done a fantastic job rebuilding up to this point
  6. All the respect in the world for Haywood for scheduling this game, but classifications exist for a reason. Very few teams can compete up multiple classes like Alcoa and Pearl-Cohn. Wishing the best for Haywood and hope they can make a deep run
  7. Always happy for the win, but proud of the fight Oakland showed, great programs never quit fighting for 48 minutes. Glad that Craig Tutt got to showcase what he can do on the offensive side of the ball as well, combined with Hill they make a lethal 1-2 punch
  8. What I want to know is when Creasy retires and moves to another state, are you actually going to contribute to a thread on here or just regurgitate the same crap. Maybe Houston's HC will let you stalk him since you like his shorts so much
  9. All the respect to Haywood, always respected Hoofkin for scheduling up and I think Puckett is a good coach too. There's a difference bewteen being 4A good and being 6A good. Pearl is the only team in 4A I've seen that could consistently be on Oakland's level.
  10. Beat Oakland AT Oakland, eh? They might need to talk to the Mairvul folks about that. 70-1 at home under Creasy. I like the confidence tho
  11. Tech is a pretty big jobs sector in Texas as well
  12. Your the stalker, I'm sure you already know.
  13. Could save some gas and schedule Oakland instead. Would set a TSSAA record for quickest game ever
  14. 8/2- Oakland v. LA 8/9- Oakland @ McCallie 8/15- Oakland @ MBA
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