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LadyCavsFan last won the day on February 1 2023

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  1. Sad day for Cav fans but he chose to put his family first. I am sure it wasn’t an easy decision but he walked away to be a father and husband instead of a coach. I can’t complain about that decision. We did graduate our starting 5 players but the team is loaded with young talent. Definitely going to miss Jalen’s scoring but they will be OK.
  2. This was the year that I expected Pickett to bring home a Gold ball 4 years ago when this class was ripping through all the UC middle school teams. They got it a year earlier than I thought. Anything can happen but I expect them to be there again playing for another ball.
  3. Crawford was a huge missing piece but I don't remember Jones playing for WC. Should be a pretty evenly matched game with everyone there.
  4. Well deserved win by Indy. Very close teams and that performance by Jett couldn’t be matched by Cookeville today. Cavs didn’t play bad but didn’t play well enough to win vs a really good team. Great season regardless. Standard is set.
  5. Shooters gonna shoot. And I think they come out blazing tomorrow. People been waiting to see us go cold all year. After todays game I don't think it will happen. They are too locked in.
  6. I think they held Bartlett to 12 pts the second half And Bartlett looked lost on Offense. If you haven't played against a matchup zone that executed at that level its a hard thing to gameplan for with just a few hours to cover it between games.
  7. Haven’t got a big guy… What’s going to happen when they play a team from the west…. PG too small…. Live or Die by 3…. They keep showing up! They keep making huge shots! They play TEAM basketball especially on D! If you haven’t figured it out yet this team is the real deal! Let’s get ONE more!
  8. Jackson County won 4 in a row and like 6 in 10 yrs if I remember right. 2000-2010
  9. Looks like they are having some server problems.
  10. Cookeville looked good yesterday. Everyone keeps saying they have no big but they keep beating really good teams with multiple 6’7 and 6’8 players. Defense travels and shooters will keep you in many games you aren’t supposed to be in. You are already there boys so why not just win this whole thing! Bartlett looked good yesterday but definitely beatable. If we shoot well we have a shot at beating anyone. Indy did look really good on the other side.
  11. I think it was said multiple times that this class was wide open and the strongest field of all the classes. While McMinn and GP were picked as favorites by myself and several others, I don’t think anyone was betting the house on them. Nor was anyone saying the west had no chance. And this class lived up to the hype. Great games from beginning to end. There were no easy games or easy path to the Gold ball. So many great performances and endings of games. I really enjoyed this years AA tourney.
  12. Should have called his last game a bit sooner! It was rough. I wanted to mute it several times. My favorite part was she asked him a question about one team and he starts answering the question about the other team. I am sure he was good once. Just not his best this weekend.
  13. 9:30 on Wednesday and again on Friday if they win. That’s scary in itself. How many teenage boys are game ready at 9:30 AM on spring break??
  14. There has been some great games today! I knew that McMinn vs York game was going to be great. Smith county put up a heck of a fight. And now this Loretto vs Westview is a 2pt game with :21 left. Great day!
  15. I believe that was a game that was also not on the original schedule. It was a last minute replacement for a cancelled game if I remember right. And don’t remind me about that Cookeville game!
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