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  1. Excuses? Nobody has said nything!
  2. Ny update on the dyersburg/white co game?
  3. Pioneer are u going to watch dyersburg and white co thursday?
  4. I see where white co plays dyersburg on thursday. Looks like we might get our state championship game after all. Please keep us updated. We will find out how good we think we are!
  5. Can u imagine jones an butler? To go with wc guards? Might be an undefeated season!
  6. Im asking everyone to keep roy whited and his family in your prayers. Coach whited won back to back state championships at white county in 98-99. He is very well liked and respected in this area. For those of you that dont know he went missing 3 days ago. No one knows where he is. His truck was found in a rural part of the county. Thanks again. We are all very concerned.
  7. All the recruiting ended when whats his name went to lebanon and insell went to mtsu. Now if only reuter would go somewhere.
  8. I wish but wont happen. Dodgen will go undefeated next year in season. Wc will be #1 all season and then he will lose in the region or substate. Its like a broken record.
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