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Booger last won the day on September 8 2023

Booger had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Location
    Pickerville, TN
  • Interests
    Epiphyllum Oxypetalum Dutchman’s-Pipe Cactus

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  1. not sure how one could pick no other....unless that picker is Homer Booger just sayin
  2. the North Brainerd Levee Swamp Bucs were originally on the docket....then by time schedulin was done, no takers were present to contest them church christers...so parently that has turnt into a preseason jaustin gainst that Tygard feller and his Blue Raiders.....guessin the irish and the new boss are hidin the new secret product.... ....as for the St Elmo Sword of Joshua Full Independent Pentacostal Assembly down on Broad Street just off Charger Drive....who nose Booger just sayin
  3. wining percentage is viable stat...but if Booger became a first time rookie coach this season at Pickinsville HS and collected 13 Ws with only defeat comin in the quarterfinals.....Booger would have a better winnin % than all of'em Booger just sayin
  4. Deepest Sympathies to the Allison family Fair Winds and Following Seas
  5. that could splain it Booger just sayin
  6. thinkin we got one outta its league Booger just sayin
  7. break it down for the T nation Augustus Booger just sayin
  8. Booger thinkin Bradleysports23 backtrackin much different than your pre post Booger just sayin
  9. actually think statement of Augustus could be sumwhat antithetical Booger just sayin
  10. yep....and most tru 7v7 lovers might not even name it a scrimmage.. ..5 offense plays 5 defense plays....swap ends of field to another team.....repeat.....then swap teams again....repeat...all while most were rotating 1s, 2s, 3s JVers and so on.... ...still well organized and functioned pretty well...only 4 squads helped Booger just sayin
  11. Booger thinkin Bradleysports23 auricular abilities are drastically lackin....or the scooper that provided Bradleysports23 the data on that little contest musta been helen keller Booger just sayin
  12. wouldnt rattle ole Booger emotions if Baxter made another appearance at the big dance Booger just sayin
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