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BIGPURPLEMACHINE last won the day on May 5

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  1. There are a handful of teams that we all know will be pretty good on a yearly basis. I think Haywood, Henry Co., Covington, Huntingdung, McKemzie and Dburg will win several games this year and have really solid seasons. But there are a few teams that are question marks to me and just not really sure what they have coming into this season. If someone could chime in on the private schools: USJ, JCS and Trinity (maybe even Fayette Academy) it would be much appreciated. If anyone wants to give some info on Dresden, Riverside, Crockett, Dyer Co, Adamsville, Camden or Peabody it would also be appreciated.
  2. Doesn’t surprise me. Y’all got a good one in Hodge. Should have a great year.
  3. I’m still laughing over the looks test part. No one in Huntingdung has ever passed the “looks” test.
  4. I have heard no complaints so far. In his interviews he seems very happy with where the team is currently. Seems like we are improved a bit compared to this time last year.
  5. Just went by Peabody’s practice. Spent a significant amount of time there watching. They are much improved especially defensively. They will compete in this region.
  6. Covington vs Munford early in the season will be telling. Munford will be formidable again if I had to guess. Lots of kids getting college looks in recent years. They probably deserve top 10 consideration as well.
  7. They had talent last year. And did not impress. I just think they have a tradition of not being a serious threat and until they prove otherwise I don’t think anyone would consider them too 10 worthy.
  8. Haywood will be good and Covington will be good. Anxious to see what the Tide can do. They bring back a lot from a team that finished strong last year.
  9. I think these teams should all be in there. I think Riverside and Dyersburg should be lower considering how much they graduated. And I think Covington and Huntingdung should be higher considering they brought back the house from 2 really good teams. Henry Co. will be good but has probably the toughest schedule in rural west tn. My gut tells me Haywood may be worthy of starting the season #1.
  10. I agree that what they have accomplished in recent years is impressive. That speaks volumes to the coaching staff. But they graduated a ton. To accomplish what they have been with the losses they suffered to graduation will be really tough. Frost has his work cut out for him.
  11. I did not see the first game last year in which Dresden won easily. But I was at the second one. I was impressed by how Dresden came out and bullied McKenzie physically running the ball right at them. McKenzie shot themselves in the foot a few times on offense and you guys go into the half up 16-0. However McKenzie made adjustments defensively and shut down the rushing attack of Dresden. Combined that with the Rebel passing game clicking in the second half and Dresden was finished. I thought McKenzie looked the much better team in the second half and Dresden the first.
  12. Alright CoachT Nation. It’s time to state your case. What does your team have coming back for this season? Why is your team worth of being in the top 10?? I will use your thoughts and info offered to help determine where teams will be ranked in the first poll of the season. That poll will be released the first week of regular season games. State your case folks.
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