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ManOfMillions last won the day on August 18 2022

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  1. The Tigers always have some talent to work with. It will be interesting to see how it plays out after the long time coach has put his whistle down.
  2. Haywood posters are rare now a day. I know the antics and lack of discipline on the field have run several supporters off. I wish the kids nothing but the best. Coach has his work cut out for him.
  3. I hope you are correct. I think all high school deserved a great coach that can lead them. Bolivar has been in a bad way for several years.
  4. I was kind of surprised to read this. I thought the general concision was most programs are going back to natural grass. Personally, I have never liked turf. I see the arguments on both side for or against it. I just never liked them. Also, I did not know there as an impaction test that these fields had to pass. Good stuff OP
  5. I think they have they coach they want close to being done. I guess we will all see how this plays out. I hope the hire a good one. There are some players in the box for the next coach to work with.
  6. It was my understanding that he just retired.
  7. This is a great question. The retirement seemed a little premature. I do not know the coach personally, but I hope he has found what he is looking for. He is a fine Christian man with a lot of principle and morals about him. I wish him nothing but the best. There are some players in the box for the next coach. This is going to be interesting to see how it plays out.
  8. I was a little surprised when I saw this.
  9. Wow! That is a great school. My oldest graduated from there. Congrats, Chelby!
  10. Lost more of THIS! Awesomeness! Congrats to both teams, and thanks for being great sports, Upperman.
  11. You can't believe everything you hear.
  12. The big one start tomorrow! Curious on everyone's thoughts. Is there a clear cut favorite to win it all this year?
  13. West TN is going to be well represented in the state finals this year! USJ has already won a gold ball. Congrats to them.
  14. I guess it is mathematically possible this is how it was " randomly " selected. However, I find that hard to believe...
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