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Augustus last won the day on November 9 2023

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  1. David Alsup or McDaniel did not have the success that Creasy has had.
  2. Rankin is the man. George Quarles was good, but Rankin has shown he can win at more than one school. I believe Kevin Creasy has the same qualities, but I don't see him staying in it in his 70's.
  3. Bragg you know you are not an athlete. You are blowhard that provided water to football players.
  4. Bragg, you are so simple minded goofy clinger. Someone who never played football past the pee wee league.
  5. Bragg, you must have been the water boy when you were in high school.
  6. You appear to be fixated with coaches' attire and their bathing habits. I think you might be a little sissy.
  7. Bragg, it is obvious not only do you not know the history of Riverdale's football prior to Rankin, you are an so envious of Coach Creasy's success. Continue checking out coaches' attire. That appears to be the only thing you are good at.
  8. I doubt anyone will surpass his win total. He is in his 70"s and still doing it. As for Creasy inheriting a well-oiled machine at Oakland, couldn't be further from the truth.
  9. Bragg, I don't look to see what the Head coach is wearing. Your proclivity to see what the coaches are wearing is weird.
  10. Bragg, we aren't interested in your dating choices. "I loved Houston's coach in his shorts"
  11. The TSSAA doesn't mind raking in the money and punishing so called recruiting violations. How about mandating that every football team is entitled to a 10 game season and do not have to go to the end of the world to complete their schedules.
  12. Going to have to respectfully disagree with you. With growth in our state, high school football is becoming much better than in the past.
  13. Not exactly sure what you were trying to say, however, just pointing out the obvious. Rankin has been a very successful coach, and has more victories than any other Tennessee head football coach past or present. Kevin Creasy has created a better dynasty at Oakland than Rankin did at Riverdale.
  14. Yet he did not achieve the success at Riverdale that Creasy has achieved at Oakland. Just saying.
  15. Please tell me how you came to this assessment, Knute.
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