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Posts posted by hoopin

  1. I would like to know why either one of you have 20 and Phargis have so much interest in the Riverdale Lady Warriors???? Also if you are going to talk about your "former favorite coach? coloma 20 then you need to be big enough to say that to their face.....


    This team has a great group of young ladies that are working hard and will continue to grow.

  2. I wasn't questioning the man, just the suggestion. I didn't say he wasn't a great American either. He has mentored many girls and that is terrific, but I don't think he is qualified. Sorry I hurt your feelings.



    Didn't "hurt" my feelings. Just comical to listen to things that I know about and hear peoples responses.

  3. Are you drunk?



    I think that you need to re think your response. Buster Bush may be one of the greatest men in Coffee County, Tennessee, and US. He has continued to give his time, energy, knowledge, and heart ache for a community that could care less. Everything that he does is very selfless. The girls' lives that he has affected are too many to count. Anyone that has had the opportunity to be coached by him or just have him in their life have been blessed.


    Now as for him being the next coach at Coffee County--- He doesn't want to do this.


    IF you are going to say something negative about this man you need to take a step back and remember who you are talking about and how awesome of a man he truly is. It is real easy to stand in the stands and shout what you would do and what you wouldn't do. Standing on the sidelines and being in the practice trenches are two different things. It is amazing to me----I have not heard of many professionals that get phone calls, emails, or posting on a board about their performance.

  4. This is what really aggervates me about this board---for some reason the entire purpose of girls basketball continues to be forgotten. Some of the post honestly are quite humerous. Do you realize how hard Shelbyville players and coaches work? These players are pushed to their limits each and everyday. They have grown up dreaming of becoming an Eaglette and hoping that they have enough courage to follow in the previous champions footsteps. Has it been forgotten that yes, this team is full of girls that are simply just that girls playing their hearts out. Everyone wants to get on the bashing band wagon and blast Shelbyville, Wilson Central, or any other winning program--is this jealousy, is it stupidity, you be the judge. My suggestion is this----have respect for every team, I do know that there are several very hard working teams that could never come close to Shelbyville, so does that mean we all sit back and bash them. Another thing before you use a players' name on this board remember that she or he is a teenager that yes will make mistakes and again is trying to be the best. Have some respect and enjoy the love for the game.

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