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Posts posted by owls1987

  1. Who said he was to short to pick strawberries and bought his utility belt at toys are us? Oh yeah it was the guatemalan that calls him shorty. Reminds you of a chihuahua with a spike collar dont he?


    The seats may not be in by then, hence chairs. Antwan hasnt signed the check yet. He says yall are buying.


    Who has to tip toe to dig potatoes?!


    Crump Paris has a few bleachers that are not bolted down. I'll be there on the 4th. We'll BORROW some! You know I'm broke. All my $$$ went to the new practice facility for my young Owl brothers! You know some of those old Tigers could cut some money loose for new bleachers. I've seen some of their wallets so fat that the man sits tilted to one side.

  2. I heard the Sheriff had to put a coaster wheel on his holster to keep from rubbing the front sight off his pistol....Your right..enough...


    Old Owl..I don't think you could go wrong either way.....Don't know what Livingston has...but G-ville , playing their first game against an unsuspecting class 3A team could be interesting.......The people I've talked to (from Cheatam Co.) have no idea what they have gotten in to.

    The SC games will be interesting too...............a few new faces against a new LA coach...Maynard's old stomping grounds........


    1st 9mm that I've seen on a tripod!


    I guess it's going to depend what time I get off work. I'd hate to start feeling bad 'bout 2:30 pm. You know, dedication pulls me to go watch the Owls. Seeing GV against a 3A team is tempting. Plenty of time to decide though.

  3. Walkin Small thats too funny. And I was going to use the booster seat in the car joke. I best get back to football also. I live here. May bump me with the cowcatcher on the front of his car. I am just playin, thought I would get a rise from a local Owl. Guess I touched a no no subject.


    You are welcome at GV old Owl. I will bring an extra chair. I think we would get along just fine. I dont know what the results of the game will be playing a 3A team. But you can bet the Tigers will hit somebody all night long. Unlike a ZZZZZZZZZZZZ game.


    Extra Chair....? I thought you'd have me a seat in the new luxury suites GV is building! I guess a spot on the fence will do. Win or lose CC will know they were in a football game though. How many kids you guys have this year. I'm glad to see the sidelines full of uniforms at both GV and SCHS. I follow a 5A school here that can barely put 30 kids on the field a year. As I posted before, I hope between both schools that the county has a 29 - 1 record this year.....as long as you guys have the - 1.


    Oh, the booster seat didn't work. He kept hanging his duty belt on it when he got out. Feet never hit the ground. It was terrible!

  4. I dont know about being cool but it was funny. Was he hard to spot ? Had to stand on a box to cut hair. Lord forgive me. Be with the starving pygmies in new guinea, And the poor folks of GV. Amen.


    Hard to spot.......? Hollywood's making a movie about him....WALKING SMALL! I better stop this and start talking about football. I've got to go to Carthage for a family cookout this week. I'd hate to get my shins busted open with a billy club. Alright enough.

    I've got three options for week 0;

    1. drive over 2 hours to watch The Owls & Livingston

    2. drive 1 hour to watch G-ville

    3. drive across the highway and watch Warren Co. & Dekalb Co.zzzzzzzzzzzz

  5. If thats the case then why dont we all just get off of coach T all together and just settle all this on the field. I'll answer that question, it's fun to get on here and talk about stupid topics like this if you love highschool football. I mean come on, none of the talk on here will really settle anything or even do anything except satisfy the big talkers on here. I'll be the first to admit I like to argue and talk a little trash about stuff that most of you probably disagree with but thats what makes this forum any fun right? I think you may just be a little mad because no one except one of the locals (as in Smith Co. fan Termite) has mentioned the owls as one of the best programs in 2A.Thanks for the compliment Termitt.....


    Relax little fella, just having a little fun here. Smith Co. and Westmoreland both need to take one more step to be up there with the GP's and Alcoa's of 2A. It's really fun to see how fast you respond to a post from a SCHS fan. I sit 5 feet from one your Westy grads at work all day. Don't think we don't sling the BS during football season.

  6. Nah, you get use to it. Smells like money someone told me in Carthage.


    Sherrif?? I thought we had a swat team in all black. With a blue tooth /cell phone directly conected to the secret service. With freeway chase cars. Did I miss something?


    School board? How old do you have to be to retire there?


    I was back in Carthage a few weeks ago and saw the new sheriff. Does he come with Kung-fu grip and all the accessories! I'm sorry. That wasn't cool.


    C'mon MO$$$$, If all of us old Owls can drop a couple hundred grand for an indoor practice facility, you guys can fork over enough for some bleachers.

  7. all in fun and games


    My sister just graduated from GHS, so I am not so sure I will be keeping up as much as I used to...


    OH yea, you can do it. I can make it to Carthage from work in Coffee Co. on friday nights and I've only missed one kickoff. Anyway good luck to big blue this year in the toughest region in 1A.

  8. Wow, a surprisingly intelligent quote coming from an Owl fan, lol...I keed I keed


    Yea, and see the response I get for defending FC and "big blue". Easy Bishop, I've got a nephew strapping it up for G-ville Jr High and a niece on the girls b-ball team so I have to wish you success except for when you play SCHS.

  9. last I looked a L was a L. So if I hit a 598 ft homerun it counts more than your 350 ft shot down the line.



    If you cant have Gold you shouldnt want anything else.


    You can't win it if you don't play for it.

  10. SEMPER FI from a transplanted Smith Co. Owl. AND OLD MARINE living in Warren Co.! Good luck to you.



    As for you folks talking about that certain coach that left WCHS, I played for him at Smith Co. and I'd hope for the future of the Pioneer program that the old blood in Warren Co. will see the success of the two programs he built elsewhere and understand what it takes to build one here. I coached several youth football teams here and am very proud to see some of the kids that I had the priviledge of coaching making an impact on this team.

  11. I didnt see much wrong with the homeside bleachers. Then I wasnt in them. The visitor bleachers need to be supersized for any playoffs. Be thankful your school didnt start out with the concrete. That is a real problem down the road when they crack and crumble. Its a real mess to clean up. The junk man wont take concrete. You cant get someone to clear it free for the scrap. Plus you have to regrade after removal. Looks like a real tough process without tearing down the fence. But they are working at it. Hopefully the ground will be flat by season start. If it dont happen. Maybe SC will loan us their field and we play Sat nite games for home games. What say SC? That should speed up yall kicking out the money for our bleachers. Yippe, free bleachers! Thanks again SC. You check on that Antwan?



    I don't know about that. We let you guys stand on the home sidelines during the jamboree a few years back and it just wasn't right. We had to take a few of our alumni back behind the concession stand so they couldn't see it. It was also hard to comprehend the words "Go Big Blue" coming out from under that big black and gold press box. Just give me a yell and I'll help you steal bleachers from Crump Paris! You know I'm messin' with ya. You're welcome anytime...Tickets, $5.00, Burgers, $2.50 add .50 for cheese and T-shirts are $20.00.....Indoor practice facility....priceless!!

  12. I have to agree with this.

    I've went to several SC sporting events.

    If Gordonsville's not playing, Smith County is my team.


    And, when I was a kid, during baseball season, I would stay at more friends houses that lived in Carthage.

    I had friends all over the county.



    I think the majority of people in Smith County would like to see a combined record of 29-1 around december. Of course I'd prefer GHS to have the 14-1 on their record. I've got a relative that played at GHS the same time I played at SCHS and he and I would hang out together 51 weeks out of the year, but for one week, we didn't talk.

  13. The obvious rivalry games are big but on a personal basis I can't wait 'till the Franklin Co. game. I work in Coffee Co. with about 15 Franklin Co. folks. They've seen my SCHS gear on Fridays and now they get to see "the Hole" first hand.

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