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Posts posted by CamdenBalla09

  1. Anyone happen to be at this game friday night and see the "great" officiating that went on? It seems to me that when we step into a gym of a district game, the refs have it set in mind that it's little 'ol Camden and they are going to be blown out and we can go home early. Well I know it gets pretty difficult to play 5 on 8 at times....

  2. The District standings will have to be re-done. On Friday, Lexington had to forfeit the 3 games that they had won, due to playing an ineligible player. Isn't that the Coaches job to see that all players are eligible? That puts Lexington at the bottom of District standings. Who would they have to play in the first game of the district?




    Are you serious? That makes me happy. lol Which player was illegal?

  3. I thought both teams did a great job hitting clutch freethrows at the end of the game. Great game and lots of hustle on both sides. I thought Camden played really good defense. Also thought the defense was great last night against Lexington.



    Thanks you. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> We try to take more pride in our defence now. We haven't given up too many points, it is the fact that we are not putting them up that hurts us. That 3rd quarter at lexington lost it for us. Careless turnovers. /sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" />

  4. How good are these teams? I've asked about riverside and havent gotten hardly any response. How good is camden? Was this a game of two really good teams or a good matchup between sub-par teams? Just asking because I haven't seen or heard much of anything about either one, but from what yall are saying, it was a good game.



    We are probably sub par teams. But, a great game to watch still.

  5. There is not excuse for Technicals or Intentionals on either team. If you are going to be a exceptional player you have to play with discipline on the mental side also. Whatever happened to agitate you is part of the mental aspect of the game. You have to be able to play physically and mentally. NO EXCUSES! Riverside was ahead by 10 when Riverside was called for an intentional foul. Then the game got really close, so I think the foul changed the whole momentum of the game. Tubbs is just a sophomore, so get ready to see him a lot in the next 3 yrs. I enjoy your point of view about the game. Hope the next one is just as good.



    Oh I agree with you. No excuses for intentionals or technicals. It was just a bad decision made by me and a teammate of mine. Aslo by the guy from Riverside. I had forgot about that guys intentional is why I said they didn't affect the game. Just be ready to watch a great game week after next. I think we can pull it out. Our game plan coming in was to stop #50 and #45 and we shut them down, now to stop him and victory is ours. Learn from your mistakes is all. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

  6. Um I think you all need to check out the newspaper camden stinks this year i think they have only one like 1 game chester co on the other hand is 5-1 and should be 6-0 but the refs in hardin co couldn't help but cheat but chester co is going to finished 2nd or 3rd in the district trust me you don't want to sleep on this team




    Anyone can look in papers and say we are stinking. Our loses didn't come from talent problems. We have had a few in team problems that took us a week or so to fix. If you saw us play Riverside Tuesday, you would have seen that it has been fixed. We play Lexington tomoorw, so come watch us play. Then tell me what you think. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Chester County didn't look too hot over the summer, but I wouldn't put it past them to be 3rd in district. I think South Side is still too talented to lose to them. I think it will be close with them 2 teams and McNairy for second, third, and fourth. then I think we can play with Chester County this year, so if they look at us as last years team, we could beat them. Not saying we will though. Our district is almost a toss up for all positions but first this year. Should be a fun district to follow.

  7. I was there and saw the game first hand. What a game it was, just kind of disheartening for me to see the a technical and two intentional fouls called. #5 for the Lions was unstoppable, Brandon Tubbs for Riverside is the "go 2 man", he brought it!!!!!! Can't wait to see Camden come to Riverside for a matchup.



    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, the Tech and intentionals was bad on our part, but I had one of the intentionals. :S That Tate kid had done somethings all night that wasn't ever caught, and that time I was sick of it It is on us though as players to control our temper. If you didn't think it, know that we didn't get away with it either. Coach had a few things to say after the game on that subject. But, I don't feel that they changed the outcome any. It came down to smart play and free throws. Just so happened, we were forced to foul #15 who is an excellent free throw shooter, and did well under pressure. We go to Riverside week after next, and there will be a different story in the end. =)

  8. Refs were aggravating tonight. They were pretty consistent most of the game, things being called on both teams pretty evenly. Then in the last few minutes one team is down, goes into an aggressive, rough press, and for the most part nothing is called. They were allowed to play as aggressive as they wanted late and made a comeback in part because of it, in the first 90 seconds of the game they had picked up three fouls playing the same way. All most people want is consistency through the entire game, no matter the score.



    That I think is the refs just wanting to go home. I notice the same thing in all the games I play. If anyone was at Bolivar last year when we played them, you would know this. The scoreboard stopped working on one end, and the refs didn't call anything at all the second half. I even grabbed a jkids jersey and pulled him to me on a fast break just to stop him from trying to dunk. All that happened was the ref warning me that he will call it next time. This is times I frown on refs.

  9. The Rebels take on a new week tommorow with Fulton County, Ky. and South Fulton Saturday. Here's to Rebels notching two more wins. GO REBELS!!!!!!



    See, Halls was a little bit better than you gave them credit for huh? But, by the sound of it, your rebels could have taken that one. I don't know how good those 2 teams are they are about to play, but if they play to what they are capable of, I am betting they get them 2 wins. Good luck Rebels! /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

  10. I don't have to look into things I was there and it was 30. Bad foul trouble or not you still got beat. "Football players" playing basketball sounds like basketball players to me. If you have them on your team then thay are responsible for playing. Foul trouble is going to get you beat by Bolivar and Southside I guess too.


    Gleason only had 8 players. Oh and their "football players" were'nt there. 2 of those are starters. Gleason has nothing to brag about. A 2nd year coach in the toughest single A district in the state it takes time to build players.

    There has never been a born basketball player, they are made. I just don't appreciate the "God aweful" comment. People are on here inquiring about Camden BB here is the story: Untill they give basketball as much attention as football in Camden you will not finish above 4th in that district for a while or untill they re-draw the district or Camden goes to single A then you will never make it out of the region.



    Yes, the football players have to take the responsibility, but they played a football game the night before, it is pretty difficult to go from football shape to basketball shape over night. Along with learning all the plays and defenses. You have to see it as that atleast. I will take back the "god aweful" comment I said. I apologize. But! We also have 2 of our starters that wasn't there cause of basketball and only played 6-7 players. I know I never subbed out... We also have a second year head coach and we are in one of if not the toughest 2A district. Also.. about moving to 1A.. We only have maybe 100 students into requirements for 2A. While some of the other schools are a couple hundred from moving up. So, it isn't as easy on us as you think. I guess now that I think about it, us and Gleason are in a similar positions as teams.

  11. Yep that's why you won by 4 in a scrimmage earlier. They are young and inexperienced but don't go on here saying "God aweful" Camden got dominated by Halls @ West Carroll. Keep in mind Gleason is one of the smallest schools in the state and play in the toughest single A district. Some team has gotta take the lumps before things get better.



    You must have missed the second scrimmage game when we beat them by 40. Funny that you only bring up the first one. it IS a scrimmage game after all, it is meant to be for the teams to test their different offenses and defenses. We were experimenting the first game and played the second one like it was a real game.


    If you watched the Halls game at all, you would know why we lost. Bad foul trouble and we had to rely on our football players to win the game when they had a game the night before against Goodpasture. You should look into things before you want to make fun of a team. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

  12. Well, seeing as how I don't suit up for the Rebels like you obviously think I do and how you obviously play for Camden let me say this. I was in no way trying to start anything negative about your team nor was I trying to pick a fight with a high schooler. But since you take the court for Camden and how I keep a close eye on the Central program, please tell me the outcome of the game between the two teams over the offseason. And if you would take the time to read the entire board you would see you were merely an example for another member trying to run OC down. I didn't say you guys were awful or horrible or any of that. Get your facts straight please. And before this spirals out of control lets try and keep emotions out of it and simply see CoachT as what it is, an OPINION-based board!



    I know what happened in the offseason. I didn't say you guys stunk. I also didn't say you played. I know you don't. I referred to it as you guys and your team because you are a fan of theirs. They really do have a good team. I can't lie. They gave it to us pretty good in off season. We were missing 6 players due to football and we only played 7 players in the game even though we brought more. I scored 20? maybe. So that means the post for Obian need to step it up. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Other than that. a pretty sound basketball team. But, like I told you, can't use excuses. If we played your guys again, I bet we would win or it would be a very very close game. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Halls has a good team that will pounce when you are down. So, if those Obian boys get into a bad shooting slump, Halls will let them have it. That is why I said you what I said. Now.. Good luck to your team this year. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

  13. wow, if I was a Gleason fan I would take offense to that... /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />




    I guess it's good you aren't a Gleason fan. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" />

  14. Ok, to address your comments first "mrbigster"...i was in no way putting down Halls because i think they have good quickness and talent but you saw them play Camden?? Honestly how good is Camden? My point exactly. Secondly i think the 8 out of 10 comment about them beating Central is totally off. I know i can tend to be somewhat of a homer but this team just isn't hitting anything right now. Like purple said, this team is a much better shooting team than thirty points. Yea Gilliam is off bad right now, but so is the rest of the team. And yea they don't have a superstar past Gilliam, but i think they have gamechangers. Smith can be past and at the hoop in a heartbeat, Boucher can pull any rebound and block any shot when he wants to, Gibson and Lee can provide you with the intensity and heart to turn a game around and occasionally get hot on their own. Yes, they would benefit from a deeper more quality rotation, but the comment of them having nothing but roleplayers is wrong in my opinion. I am sticking to my comment on another board about this team being one of the deepest waulity shooting teams in the area. Their just off right now. I can see their defense has improved and their rebounding is coming along. They just need to get their shooting up, their fouling down, and their smarts up I think. It just seems like some the team doesn't know what's going on and it throws the team into a rut because of it. They just have to realize that their only five games into a brand new season, don't hang your heads yet Rebels just keep working and it's gonna turn around.




    Don't talk crap about MY team when YOURs couldn't put up more than 30 on Greenfield. if the team isn't shooting well, that's something you have to play around and deal with. Stop using it as an excuse. Get the ball into the post more until you open up more threes. Don't settle for long shots every trip down the floor. You deserve to get beat that bad if you do. I think Halls will beat up on you guys if you don't play smart and play fundamentally.

  15. 1. Bolivar

    2. McNairy

    3. South Side

    4. Lexington

    5. Chester Co.

    6. Camden


    I am curious. How do you think Camden can finish 3rd in the district? They can barely get by Gleason and you think they actually have a shot at finishing 3rd in the district?

    Here's why Camden won't do well in district:


    Bolivar- always a contender in district. 2 state titles in four years. The only reason they didn't have more is because Liberty was in the class. Good coaching.


    McNairy- very deep(they can go 7 to 8 deep) Very athletic. Determined to win after heartbreaking loss at Sycamore in the first round of region last year.


    South Side- athletic. Play as a team. many talented players.


    Lexington- while they are rebuilding, they have enough talent to shock several area teams. They have home court advantage in district.


    Chester Co.- upcoming team. Look for them to be a contender in the next two years.


    Camden- Who do they have? I have seen them play and they weren't impressive. Very scrappy. Too many talented teams for them to compete...Better luck next year.



    We have a sophomore who averaged 12 a game as a freshman. We have a 3 year starter returning for leadership. A 2 year starter returning at center who is averaging 15 a game right now... a 2 year starter that does nothing but hustle. A PG that was our running back this year so you know he is very quick and has great court vision. We are the same players plus a few new faces. We may not be 3rd in district, but look for us to be 4th or 5th. Last WILL NOT happen this year.


    The Gleason game you were talking about.. They came back because it is a scrimmage. We were testing different defences and such. If you paid enough attention, you would have seen that they only came back during our 1-3-1 half court defense. In the second game, you would have noticed that we fell back into a 2-3 and into a 1-3-1 half court press whic, I might add, created ALOT of trouble for little Gleason. In a scrimmage, you are suppose to go through different defenses to see what work needs to be done before the season. /wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> Just a side note there.


    EDIT: Lexington will be lucky to compete with us this year, much less be better than us and Chester County. I can almost promise you that Lexington will be last. 5th at the best if they can beat us. But, I don't see that happening. (atleast I hope.)

  16. Yeah. . I understand. Reffing games ain't easy. I know I wouldn't want to do it. But, sometimes it just seems like it is way lopsided like that. Granted that we commit some of the things they call us for, it just needs to be called on both sides of the ball.


    Also.. I feel that they also need to call things the same for each position. If I hand check a post player, odds are it will never get called unless I outright push him. But, if you so much as to touch a point guard, it gets called. Anyone with me there?

  17. OK.. I play basketball in high school, so my views on bad refs are of course stronger than some of yours.


    But, explain to me why some games (not all) it does seem like fouls and walks etc are flying out of the ref's mouth for one team, but the other team are getting away with it? Such as this.. I was called for a hold while posting up. I am 6'3" and the other guy was 6'6" and had atleast 50-60 pounds on me. I had both hands at my face calling for ball when the foul was called. I didn't say anything, but a few plays laer, the bigger guy had one of my arms locked in his and an elbow in my throat while posting and a call was never made.


    Another of my fouls. A guy drives in a little outta control and pulls an off balanced fade away from right to left in the lane. I stood both feet planted and arms straight up. No contact was made at all, but I got called for a push after the ball was shot. (air ball at that) But, on the other end, I turned with a post move and had someone's arm across both of mine forcing me to throw a shot up but nothing was called.


    Or this.. A ball was passed to a teammate and he stepped with his right and dragged his left before dribbling. A walk was called. The VERY next playy on the other end, one of their players do this and isn't called for it and they score off that play. As soon as our coach said "If dragging your feet is a walk down there, it needs to be one here.." they called that walk on the kid the next play.


    In this game, 1 of our players fouled out, 4 of them had 4 fouls, 4 had 3 fouls, and I am guessing at this number, but about 10 turnovers were called on walks.


    They came out of it with 2-3 people with 3 fouls. 2 with 2 fouls, and someone fouling out.

  18. Yes they are that young, and yes, they are that bad. I believe this is their 2nd 50-point loss of the young season. They've got a couple of athletes, but not much basketball skill. It's surprising how far this team has fallen in only 2 years.




    OK. I thought so. I know over the summer even we gave them a 25+ loss. I was hoping they were that bad, we need a district win this year and I am hoping Lexington will gives us just that. But, they are very young, and it reminds me so much of our team the last two years, so I know how they are feeling right now.

  19. LC dominated West Carroll the other night. Avery was a big part of it. I know everybody is big on his brother but Avery was the best player on the floor that night.


    Other notes from the district:


    Dresden looked bad against Madison I thought I was watching a Jr. High girls game.

    Gleason looked better than in the past few years against TCA lost by 11.

    Halls just simply out played a Camden team that thought they were being cheated. Love the big guy inside think he is a soph. great upside.

    Lake County beat up on West Carroll bad.

    Union City gave up 19 pts. in the 4th to a very good Mitchell team but hung on to get the win in by 1.


    UC-should win it (maybe state)

    Gleason-very young and inexperienced but will be better than before will finish better than last

    Dresden-in the bottom 3 or 4

    Halls-will lose to UC twice, Humboldt twice, maybe Trenton(havent heard much) could finish in the top four.

    LC got 4 of 5 on the floor that can shoot it. Avery and the Geanes kid are their guys. Depth is not there the four white kids look like they are all freshman and don't have a clue. Should finish in the top 4



    Was you talking about the big guy from Halls or Camden in that one? I thought we were being cheated to, but we have to learn to win games even if we think we are getting the bad side of the calls. lol

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