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Posts posted by shooter11

  1. notre dame will win by more than 12. lausanne aint got nothin from what i hear. their big guy is slow and unathletic. and big BA might get surprised by mccallie. theyre playing the best theyve played all year. i think they already beat brentwood this year too, and they didnt even play well. i see an all chattanooga final.

  2. Nice Call Wesvols.

    Well, as long as you know your McCallie pick is out on a limb, you should be in good shape, because I don't see that one happening....but that's why they play the game!


    WHOOOO WHOOOO. I don't know what you are talking about. McCallie being out on a limb. McCallie is the tree of the Pain Train.

  3. McCallie proved they aren't a one man team tonight. Suddath was shut down pretty well and it let other players step up. McCallie ended up with 4 or 5 players in double figures and how can you say they might have one player when the might you are talking about is a Mr.Basketball finalist. The Pain Train took over tonight.


  4. Who are you Davincia and how long ago did you go to McCallie? I dont know of anyone around town that hates mccallie really. I mean maybe people out in the boonies who wish their kids could get somewhat close to the education available at McCallie. However, most people around town know McCallie is an upstanding school and the guys that go their are upstanding guys. And the remark of whose parents could buy and sell yours. Yeah ok just b/c their house doesnt have wheels doesnt mean they could buy or sell our parents.

  5. I had to be clapping for that and all of the above. Without seeing that incredible display of raw anger I dont think I would have gotten my 6 dollars worth. I definitly approved of his actions. I think the IDIOT award would have to be a tie between you and the ref that ruined Scooter's chances of State. Scooter, you are my role model and I wish more wrestlers were as passionate as you. I will be attending tom. and hope to see the same actions from anyone who loses.


    FYI--- Ken Mara is an embarassment to not only the wrestling community but his family and anyone who knows him. That was the worst call I have ever seen.

  6. POO POO?! Ya'll have the combined intelligence of a pound and a half of ripe tomatoes. I find it intriguing that you think that not only you have made up certain cheers, but that your sauce is anywhere NEAR as potent as ours. We go to school with all guys! COme on now. We might all be a little "unstraight" but whats wrong with that buddy? Can't we just be friends? NOOOOO! THe pain train is going to be rolling without hesitation all year. WOO WOO!

  7. And on what grounds do you plan to support your weak comment DUDE?! You konw that we come to play baby, we don't mess around. If we put on our cheer faces, we sport mad game, and we convert. We abuse for fun, and when we all hop up on the dreaded pain train, and it starts rolling with hurricane wind force, WOOO WOOO (the deadly sound of not only the pain train, but hurricane winds) then you better get out the way, because if you are in it's path, you better move, because we'll run you over with no hesitation.

  8. BIA BIA!! As you can see, the mccallie pain train was in full force last night. WOO WOO! Thats right, thats the sound of bones and egos breaking under the pressure of the almighty mccallie b-ball program under the man, Ken "mad dog" Henry. Our coaching staff brings such wicked sauce to the table, that, oftentimes, opposite teams take one look at them, and continue playing, unphased. But we're sleepers. We're like that granny that sends you woven sweaters with pictures of dogs on them every year, and then one year, she dies, and leaves you like 4500 of them. That's crazy, like us. Lebron james, he has very unpotent sauce. We plan to go #1 in the nation by next thursday. Fear us. WOOO WOO!!

  9. Ummmm, why dont you make up information; thats fun. It seems to me that all these other wannabes want to make fun of the SPIRITUALS cause they know they cant hang with them. I mean why would someone say something ridiculous like we were afraid of Baylor football players. I mean have you seen those guys? They are not very intimidating. I mean every year they go into the season ranked number 1 and end up last. Why dont you people think of a better story before you speak the next time, OR JUST DONT TALK. SPIRITUALS are original and are better then the Daisy Crazies and other wimpy groups like that. JUST FACE IT AND REALIZE THAT!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! ;):o:):o

  10. WOOOOOO!!!! WOOOO!!!!!!Hey Daisy Crazies, I hear that yall have been talking smack about the infamous SPIRITUALS. If yall have a "HUGE" pain train, then why dont you all bring it cause the SPIRITUALS train is coming through. WOOO!!! WOOO!!!! And if you have anyhting to say just let me know the time and place. And by the way; how intimidating is the name Daisy Crazies.

    WOOOO!!!!!! WOOOOO!!!! :):D:o:o

  11. Too bad ya'lls collective pain train rating is negative!!! The spirituals sport a student section so potent, that you have to wear surgical masks, so that you can survive. Our pain train rolls so quick, with such horrid momentum, that if you get in the way, you get bowled over with prejudiced force. WOO WOO! Don't even be talking smack about how bad yall are, because yall are like a caffeien free diet coke compared to our SURGE!! BLLEEEEEEEEE :D

  12. DUNK! DUNK IS THE JUNK! That's why i pay my 3 american dollars to see these games homey! I don't care who be dunking, us, or them, but somebody better be dunking, or there's going to be some shins getting hit by baseball bats after the game in the locker room. The dunk train needs to be rolling tonight WOO WOO!!! I hope adarius dunks all up in my grill, over all our players, so i can pat him on the back, and say, nice dunk, now i won't have to hit you in the knee after the game. As to the best dunk, that goes to corey remmilard, during the game last monday versus the terrible tullahoma turtles. It was gnarly. Fear us tonight, we're bringing the major pain tonight, via b-ball domination.

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