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Posts posted by CHAMPDDS

  1. It's all good . . . still better to be an Eagle than a gold domer.


    Not much of a crowd on the catlick side. Wuz you even there? Figger you for one of those that sits at home and watches on the TV.

    Wasn't able to go up the hill due to personal reasons (unfortunately, even had to skip my planned trip to South Bend this weekend to see the Big Golden Domers beat USC :angry:  ).... but my son went...


    D :mrgreen:

  2. The disappointment and frustration of losing to an 0-7 team will no doubt cast a chill over the leprechaun sidelines, but I doubt propane heaters will help much. You are of course welcome to attend the bonfire after the game. ;)

    Hey Troll-


    Heard 'OWEN' is coming to Signal Friday night....You know him pretty well...






  3. what in Bear Bryants sake do you think the 2 Big Boogers were doin last night in that monsoon @ Finley....you musta downed one to many IPA's.....forgot to tell Mr. Porker last evening durin the rain break that there was no way one of his sammiches would be passed up on....go head and pay for 2 extra and Booger will catch up when that check comes in.....Porkers got the best pig in town


    Booger just sayin 1937.gif

    I am looking forward to ChatCan serving me.....well worth the $$$




  4. and a decent job of it he does at that....


    all the ole crew plan on makin its 1st showin of the year tomorrow (Thursday) for the McMinn game....prior to; there will be a yard bird and 40's tastin on MLK startin bout 1700ish...that tooth doc guy said he was even plannin to show face....hopefully the weather is friendly


    Booger just sayin  :mrgreen:


    ...Planning my evening festivities according to the weather...




  5. hey doc; run ole Booger down.....a bunch of the long goners are gathering for the gitrls home season opener against McMinn County thursday.....also gettin together for a pregame 40 and chicken and takin bets on what minute in the game one of those wildcat of a mom in the stands from McMinn starts lettin out her demons


    Booger just sayin bq94.gif

    Mrs. DDS is out of town next week and I gotta eat dinner somehow...may see you at MLK....but may make it only 12...I am watching my waistline...




  6. look for an unmistakably good lookin ballheaded guy goin bout 250 tailgatin gainst the fence sportin ND atire......better make that 280


    Booger just sayin  :mrgreen:

    He might be near at some point an even better looking shorter guy with stylishly greying dark hair at same mentioned fence bordered tailgate...


    Just sayin'



  7. Hey Ensworth Soccer-


    My brother, Chris Champion has taught/coached in the lower school for quite some time now and am curious if any of those girls have stayed with soccer and finally made it to high school level there...



  8. we know that story 2 years ago also; yall survived it, we did not.....hopefully we are better prepared for it this year than 2 years ago


    Booger thinkin we can handle anything they got except that woman :evil: they let loose after that soccer game the same year.....if she comes this year, Booger hopin they trailer her down in a cage this time


    Booger sayin


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