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Posts posted by trumpeter9000

  1. My opinion is that it is not a sport. My only problem with putting band on the same level as football or soccer is that you can pretty easily do band with almost no ATHLETIC ability. Yes, you must be conditioned, but in almost no way is ATHLETIC ability useful in marching band. Yes, I've seen band members have to hit their spots, yes, I realize they play for 8-10 MINUTES at a time, but just as football has the time between plays, you guys have "Park and Blow" or really slow walking. It's not like you're running the whole time, unless you're grambling state's band, which I would really consider more of a branch of the military than a sport. Anyway, the point is that.......I mean really, have you seen some of the people in the average marching band? They probably couldn't beat the average junior high kid in a game of bball much less run the miles and take the bone crunching hits it takes to play football. I'm sorry, but much of the reason that band is looked so lowly upon is because there are a lot of complainers from that camp. Always complaining about how you dont get the respect you think you deserve. my advice: Grow some, SUCKIT UP, and ACTUALLY GO OUT THERE AND EARN THE RESPECT! Complaining makes you look like 2 year olds.


    To the poster from cascade: I just had to include this in there cuz i dont feel that you took enough flak for all those naive posts. You say you have a cousin who plays, and have talked to people who play football. My question is, In what way does that at all replace actually getting out there and doing it? how can you convey all the hard work we do in a simple conversation? YES, IVE DONE BOTH!!! Band and football. Part of the problem could be that you are up there at tiny little cascade, and don't know what a real football team looks like. My advice: come down here to Lincoln County and we'll show you one. The only problem is that we would never play yall, because we like competition.



    I understand where you are coming from and compared to football I wouldnt consider marching band a sport either. You made alot of good points. No, most band members couldnt take all the hits and stuff that goes on in a football game but not all sports require that much physical contact. I mean look at lets say tennis..... that is a sport and they wouldnt be able to make it very far on a football field. I have heard of studies some people have done on DCI players and ave found that during their 7 minute show that their heart rate reaches about as high as most football players. This show a considerable amount of physical activity. No i don't know exactly where this came from but when i find it i will post it. The point i'm ultimately trying to make is that you can't just compare marching band to football. There are plenty other activities out there there that people consider a sport that are not quite as physical as football.

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