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Posts posted by GraceRamsFan

  1. Oh to put the Grace fans at peace and who don't want this thread to go on and on, I am not from Grace, not even close. I just hate to see people making derogatory statements toward a school based on a football game. And I really can't stand some moron calling into question a schools christian ethics based on football. Now I will be silent. Peace to you too. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />



    You are exactly right....some on this post are letting the "game" of football control their thoughts and lives...Best of Luck to these Grace young men who's eyes are hopefully looking upward in life... /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

  2. Holy Moly, now old testament theology, (prior to Jesus) is being linked to a football game. All you posters want to know how I know Grace is a Christian school. I know by all the persecution they get from a bunch of jealous morons. This thread should be on the public-private, this is not about football. And if silence indicates guilt, then read your gospels, who was silent and then rendered guilty, guess who the Lord himself. Again Grace seems to be in some pretty good company. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />



    Peace Be Still!!!

  3. This whole thread is about you all running the score up on a lesser opponent, not how you or any of us perceive you to be, so can you defend what happened Friday night or was this really a case of a team kickin a dog when its down? /blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" />



    Listen, our starters had only played 2 quarters against NGreene and about the same against Unaka. The coaches had to see if our starters could go 4 quarters without getting tired, cramping up, etc..nothing about running up the score, just making sure that our boys are ready to play hard for 4 full quarters. It is the coaches job to make sure his team is prepared.....it had nothing to do with wanting to run up the score to prove anything to anyone....get over it...

  4. Yeah a Knox County allstar Team /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" /> Lets see I'll take you , you , you ,and you come to Grace we'll be good.



    Haha...whatever... /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

  5. You are correct SmashMouth...a great accomplishment for kids of the middle school age.



    Yep, you all should be very proud. 100% best way to have the best chance of sucess in High School is a strong Middle School program. Oneida was the runner up that year in the small school division.


    Yes, it sure is and another reason that Oneida is so tough this year!

  6. When Clinton won I believe there were two classifcations...Big and Small Schools based on enrollement.( There are currently 3 classifications in East Tennessee region only - A, AA, and AAA. I think Middle and West Tennessee still use the big school small school format)


    The games are really Sectional, but are called State Championships. It's pretty impressive for a middle school to win a championship. Not sure of the exact number of teams (probably 7-9 this year?) but those teams are deffinately the cream of the crop.


    Grace Christan won the state championship last year in single A middle schools beating out Coalfield.


    Also, we have to remember these are young, youngsters so having them travel 4 hours to play a true championship is a bit over the top.



    You are correct SmashMouth...a great accomplishment for kids of the middle school age.



    They beat Brentwood Academy 69-0 while playing in a hurricane down in Miami. Did you not read about it in the New York Times?



    Actually, it was 89-0....

  7. I ain??™t got a dog in this fight, however I??™ve been on both sides and I??™m going to give ya both some insight.


    Anti-Grace folks: public schools around Knoxville are nothing like what they are on the mountain. There are gangs, guns, and attitudes country schools just would not put up with. Sometimes parents feel that they must sacrifice to get their kids to a better school and that??™s the case for most parents at Grace. As far as transfers, Grace also has lost some good players who were in their system for years, that would definitely have helped them this year. For example, there is a very good ex-Grace linebacker who is averaging several tackles a game at 5A Karns, and a two way starter on a 5A DB team that is a top 5 football team in the state of Tennessee. This kid played on Grace??™s first football team and, when he was a sophomore, started over some of their better players now. (Also there is a starting basketball player at 4a Halls). Suffice it to say, transfers do go both ways.


    Grace fans: you are missing what you should see in the opinions posed in this blog.

    Open your eyes and try to see yourselves as others see you. I know each of you sacrifice to send your children to school at Grace and you are proud of your kids and your school. However, be careful for your actions are being misinterpreted. For example, You put hard wood floors in your press box. I know you were trying to do the right thing and have a nice place to entertain visiting administrators. But, most others see it as flaunting wealth. Another example would be your lack of football fan protocol. When I was at your homecoming game two years ago most fans arrived late. When you got there you just came in the stands and took over. You were standing in front of the visitor??™s fans to the point where they could not see the game, with total disregard for the parents who were trying to watch their children. You may have been excited about the new field and the homecoming ceremony, yet they saw it as arrogance. Stop patting yourselves on the back and start acting in a manner that others would like to emulate, not spurn.



    Not patting ourselves on the back, just loving and supporting our team. Trust me, the majority of parents are FAR from wealthy...just making sacrifices so the kids can go to this school. I hate that Grace fans were taken as something that they are not. Apologies for any actions that could have been taken in the wrong way.

  8. I ain??™t got a dog in this fight, however I??™ve been on both sides and I??™m going to give ya both some insight.


    Anti-Grace folks: public schools around Knoxville are nothing like what they are on the mountain. There are gangs, guns, and attitudes country schools just would not put up with. Sometimes parents feel that they must sacrifice to get their kids to a better school and that??™s the case for most parents at Grace. As far as transfers, Grace also has lost some good players who were in their system for years, that would definitely have helped them this year. For example, there is a very good ex-Grace linebacker who is averaging several tackles a game at 5A Karns, and a two way starter on a 5A DB team that is a top 5 football team in the state of Tennessee. This kid played on Grace??™s first football team and, when he was a sophomore, started over some of their better players now. (Also there is a starting basketball player at 4a Halls). Suffice it to say, transfers do go both ways.


    Grace fans: you are missing what you should see in the opinions posed in this blog.

    Open your eyes and try to see yourselves as others see you. I know each of you sacrifice to send your children to school at Grace and you are proud of your kids and your school. However, be careful for your actions are being misinterpreted. For example, You put hard wood floors in your press box. I know you were trying to do the right thing and have a nice place to entertain visiting administrators. But, most others see it as flaunting wealth. Another example would be your lack of football fan protocol. When I was at your homecoming game two years ago most fans arrived late. When you got there you just came in the stands and took over. You were standing in front of the visitor??™s fans to the point where they could not see the game, with total disregard for the parents who were trying to watch their children. You may have been excited about the new field and the homecoming ceremony, yet they saw it as arrogance. Stop patting yourselves on the back and start acting in a manner that others would like to emulate, not spurn.


    Not patting ourselves on the back, just loving and supporting our team. Trust me, the majority of parents are FAR from wealthy...just making sacrifices so the kids can go to this school. I hate that Grace fans were taken as something that they are not. Apologies for any actions that could have been taken in the wrong way.

  9. Another thing I wonder about is how long has it been since Coach Mckamey coached at Clinton Middle school. I wonder if he even coached these two boy's that transfered,



    Yes, he coached them in Middle School...and they won the Middle School State Championship when a few of these boys were in the 8th grade.

  10. Oh trust me ,I've been through the school of hard knocks, the thing is my parents would have never spent the money to put me in a private school. The money went on Coon dogs ,whores and liqior. Been without food and heat on many occacasions, wore ragged clothes to school. Saw my mom and brothers beat and treated like dogs, been there ,done that. Its not a pity stroy, Just the way it was. I have kids of my own now and I try to see to it that they have a different world to grow up in. I teach my kids about God and life in general. They won't need no private school for that. The only benifit I can see at a private school is a safer and better envirament. My kids do play sports and they have their own private Coach,me. I coach them and teach them in every aspect of life. I don't feel sorry for the way I was raised, it has made me see things that alot of you wouldn't understand. I also know a little about the Bible and its teachings. I also know that true Christians are few and far between. Trust me , all the kids in you're school are not Christians. Private schools are nothing more than a business, you have to have selling points to draw students. Like anything else ,you have to beat the competition. Sports just happen to be a good selling tool. If you didn't need it ,you wouldn't have it. You wouldn't worry about who was coaching them or how many games you won. You are selling you're school. From the looks of things, you are doing a pretty good job. Carry on.



    I feel bad for what you went through as a child, but parents who choose to spend their hard earned money on their child's education (and religious education) is not a waste, it's an investment in that child's life. GCA students are no better than anyone else. I teach my children about God as well, outside of school, but it does not hurt to have them in a school that teaches them the same thing, as they are at school more each day than they are at home. Nobody said that ALL students at GCA were Christians, but hopefully and prayerfully they will be by the time they leave GCA. That is the main goal of the GCA faculty and staff and I believe that with all my heart. A wonderful education and great atheletic teams/coaches are just an added benefit.

  11. Do you REALLY think God wants you spending all this money on atheletics. I'd say it could be used more wisely.



    No, God wants us to spend our money wisely, and that's what the parents whose children attend Grace Christian are doing. Not on atheletics only, but on reaching children for him and you can do that through atheletics, too. If you have Godly men and women as coaches who are leading your children...and I am proud to say that we do!

  12. Dont tell me money cant buy allmost anything. /dry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=" I just wish thay wouldn't use religon in it /ohmy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="ohmy.gif" />



    It is money that is worked hard for and well spent. And we can use religion, because that is the most important part of going to Grace.

  13. The Clinton people didn't think they transferred for religious reasons, If they did, its great. If they came for football,not so bad either. Should have a great year. It did take the parents quite a while to see the need for a Christian school.



    They transferred for MANY reasons and the whole package that GCA has to offer has proved it to be an excellent move and one that lots of people around the area are moving to...a wise move for any family...

  14. That didn't awnser the Question, you sounded like a religious politition. If Grace is not using undue influence of breaking the rules of any sort. More power to them. If nothing is going on ,God is blessing them in abundance. Seems to me if these kids wanted to transfer to another school in Knoxville, there was several better choices. Grace has never been what you would call a powerhouse, more like a doormat. God Bless



    Religious, yes...Politition, no...These boys wanted to play for a morally sound coach who is also a winner, on and off the field..and go to one of the best Christian schools in the area. This is a win/win situation for these young men, regardless of how the football season turns out. And yes, God is moving in the lives of these young men and you can't put ANY amount of money on that....

  15. And how would you know all of this. Did you collect the tuition, do you know where these people work or are you the fatcat from Clinton.



    This same junk was going on about another private school a couple of years ago, they no longer have a football team. They yelled the same stuff,prove it , guess what ,someone did.



    I know what I'm talking about and you obviously don't....Good Luck in your efforts to prove anything wrong is going on at GCA, but you are wasting your time...God Bless..

  16. I'm not nearly as nice as Smashmouth and I'm not so sure Grace has not broken the rules, at any rate ,Smashmouth is right ,this is 1a football and its about small communities. Its not about picking up talent over several different counties.I heard from a pretty good sorce that some fatcat out of Clinton was helping Grace's cause. Still wondering how Granny paid Wanamakers tuition.Wonder is she accecped some of the financial burden for the new QB and runningback.



    I know the parents of the QB and the running back and it was the choice of these two boys to want to go to Grace. The parents would be glad to show you the cancelled checks for tuition for these boys. The QB had to sit out a year, due to TSSAA rules and helped out with a letter from the Clinton AD against this young man, but would have rather sat out a year and played for Grace than to stay at in the atmosphere where he was. The running back didn't even play his Junior year for obvious reasons. Now, Pujo if you would like to help contribute to the tuition of these two players, I'm sure their parents, who are middle class full time workers, would graciously accept your offer....If you are going to get on here and say things, know your facts! Go Rams!! /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

  17. The 4 playoff teams looks to be Hampton. Grace , Cosby and Cloudland. I'll take um in that order. I know Grace looks like the Patroits but ,they play no one. Hampton on the other hand will be battle tested by Oct 3rd. Don't know how Grace will react when they play someone who actually plays back. I'm also curious as to how Region 1 will match up against region 2. Should be alot of fun watching it unfold.



    Another Grace bashing post....imagine that....Just take it one game at a time Grace! Go Rams!

  18. I'm spectulating ,but something caught my attention. you're QB and Running back has been in public schools all the way up. Why would their parents pay the tuition at a private school to play for only one year. I still haven't figured out who paid the tuition for Wanamaker. Strange junk going on at Amazing Grace.



    Honestly, why do you care? That is a decision made by the players/parents. Why wouldn't a student-athlete want a better education and play football for some wonderful coaches at the same time? It's a no-brainer and well worth the money.

  19. Grace has nothing to hide and loves the attention




    That's right! Great School, Great Coaches....who wouldn't want their child to go to Grace? The transfers have paid their dues handed down by the TSSAA. Look for Grace to continue to grow by leaps and bounds...

  20. I don't think Grace Christian should be ranked. I saw them play so I will leave it at that.



    Obviously, the voters thought so....the Grace players really don't care about rankings anyway. Just one game at a time....Go Rams!!!

  21. Geesh lighten up a little. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />



    Geesh lighten up a little. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />




    Diddler...you just can't fix Stupid...

  22. Grace should win big.

    Oh by the way askme I have a fresh shipment of Cas Walker's Bullderm salve for all you Onieda folks to use when Hampton gets done skinning the bark off of you. LOL



    /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

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