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Posts posted by RedGrange

  1. Huntingdon is 1A for District 13A, but I thought that they are 2A in the playoff system.


    Those schools you see listed have their corresponding playoff group listed beside their name. Mckenzie=2A, Dresden=2A, Gleason=1A, Huntingdon=1A, Bruceton=1A, West Carroll=1A etc. etc. In order for Huntingdon to play 2A in the playoffs we would have had to chose to play up, which probably would have been no different as far as competition the best I can tell.Huntingdons enrollment at this present time is actually more like 350 as opposed to the 382 we turned in at the beginning of the year. Guess the economy is taking its toll on our community.

  2. Offensive showcase. Both teams looked great on offense. The defenses were struggling some. Obion looked bad on defense to start, but then they seemed to figure out that muddle huddle Huntingdon runs toward the end. Huntingdon never had a defensive answer as Obion scored at will. I think if it were a whole game Obion wins by a few scores. However the score would have been 50 something to 40 something. Lots of offense.


    Folks don't believe that stuff. Huntingdon won 4-3 with 5 or 6 fr. on def. Huntingdon was never close to being stopped.Avg about 10 yds per carry and thats being generous. If it had been a real game obion wouldn't have had the ball a total of 9 min. and would have gone 3 and out a bunch. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

  3. Huntingdon will be pretty strong in 1a football. They did well offensively, but in a real game I'm fairly certain OC would have took the win. The whole time the Obion Central offense was stopped was when they ran out of there 10 plays on the first series but they easily made it to the red zone. Haskins had all day to throw no pressure from the Huntingdon defense. The Obion D was sloppy in the beginning but all they have faced so far is the OC offense so they were slow to butt up to the run heavy double wing. In the end you could tell the d was kicking it up with the 3 consecutive stops on the 1 foot line. On the last series Huntington ran 16 plays. So the 1's score should really be 3-3 maybe 4-3 obion considering there 2's scored against Huntington's 1d or atleast their d-line didn't come out. All in all it was a good experience for both teams to play in that atmosphere and both showed effort.


    Go Rebels.


    What? Your first O played against 5 freshman on defense, most of them in the secondary and your on here celebrating scoring on them.There is no telling how many three and outs you guys would have had if the scrimmage had been down and distance. Huntingdons offense chewed you guys up real bad. I don't recall ever seeing us get less than a five yd. gain and we scored everytime we had the ball. I think we threw it one time on a two pt. conversion and completed that with a 5'2 freshman qb. One of your td's was set up by a td on a hail mary by the qb while running out of bounds against a freshman corner. You guys are better than last year but don't get carried away.

  4. Agreed that Gleason had a pretty decent team last season but, they graduated most of the talent and now it's looking tough for them again but, we all have to play the district. We (McKenzie) moved down to class A a few years ago and were thinking Gold Ball here we come. Well we got to the 'Boro once and lost to S. Pitt. and the semi's last season but, the lesson is that ya'll will most surely make the playoffs but the trip to the 'Boro won't be a cake walk as we found out. We've been moved up one notch in the playoffs now and hope we can compete at the same level we have been recently but, just a word of experience from across the creek.........it ain't gonna come as easy as it feels right now. There are some SERIOUS class A teams between the 'Stangs and the next Gold Ball. The class A teams in middle and especially east TN are the real deal. With that said, Good Luck to ya'll except on Halloween!!!!


    Duck I agree with you spot on. But with the teams on our non region schedule we should be well prepared for anything the 1A playoffs can throw at us. Although we are on a bit of a downswing the last couple years we all know it wont stay that way for long, it never does around here. We've been there three times and surely its not been forgotten the effort it took. Heck, we were the last ones to give alcoa a decent game.

  5. There are 2 young men from Huntingdon that recently graduated from college going in to coaching. Were fine players for Mustangs a few years back. Understand one of them received excellent feedback from the head coach where he did his student coaching. Dont know, just a thought.


    My understanding is they will be looking for a def. back coach. I've heard a name from middle tn.

  6. From talking to the players i've seen they say the weightroom work has been absolutely brutal. I expected no less. I think we'll see a much more physical team this year.Defense should be very good this time and offensively it will depend on how the qb position comes along. Spring practice will probably be without any baseball players if our team makes its usual deep run so some younger guys could get some valuable playing time.

  7. Look to me like the weight room is paying off. Zach Wallce , Tyler Simpson look like they've gained 10 pds of muscle. Went to the baseball game against Gibson Co. and noticed Ben Carter. He looks thicker. Are the baseballers been hitting the weights also?Excitement around here is about as much as i've seen in a long long time. I'm getting antzy. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

  8. What does a knee injury have to do with be a "Mama's Boy"?????? Do you expect these young men to play on a torn up knee??? What kind of macho man are you anyway............................. You are probably on of our fans that stands on the top row and complains or maybe listens to Kent Jones on the radio!!! Get over those kinds of comments about these young men that are working hard for our enjoyment. Attack me, if you need to, not a bunch of teenagers.


    /blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" />

  9. What does a knee injury have to do with be a "Mama's Boy"?????? Do you expect these young men to play on a torn up knee??? What kind of macho man are you anyway............................. You are probably on of our fans that stands on the top row and complains or maybe listens to Kent Jones on the radio!!! Get over those kinds of comments about these young men that are working hard for our enjoyment. Attack me, if you need to, not a bunch of teenagers.


    /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

  10. What does a knee injury have to do with be a "Mama's Boy"?????? Do you expect these young men to play on a torn up knee??? What kind of macho man are you anyway............................. You are probably on of our fans that stands on the top row and complains or maybe listens to Kent Jones on the radio!!! Get over those kinds of comments about these young men that are working hard for our enjoyment. Attack me, if you need to, not a bunch of teenagers.


    That was sarcasm man. /rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" /> Don't get your panties in a wad. /dry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="

  11. I think you are correct that the boys are going to be strong. The ones that played basketball and haven't been lifting are really going to be behind. Probably more than they think. Our line concerns me this spring. If the baseball team is still playing (and they should be), we'll only have Alex Walters (tackle) back from last year. Everyone else up front will be green. But maybe that's good. It will give some young men lots of reps and opportunity that they might not have gotten if Ben Carter and Travis Ward were in the mix. Both these young men started every game last year and have lots of experience.


    I'll go ahead and say that in my opinion, Ben Carter (guard) could be the best pulling guard to come out of Huntingdon High School. Travis Ward (center) should be back this fall but has a lot of hard work ahead of him rehabing from his recent knee surgery (acl). Frank Villalobos (linebacker) has also had knee surgery but only had a torn meniscus and will be there for spring practice. Shan Fulton (tackle) also has a torn meniscus and is to have it repaired soon. He, also, should be ready for spring practice.


    I'm going to agree with you on ben carter. He is special at that position. Also one heck of a lb'er. Walters is quick also at the LT position. Pretty darn good. Whats with all the knee injuries. Mama's boys? What everyone needs to keep in mind is that Huntingdon has these spells of being down a little bit. We will have a drop in talent and get taken advantage of by our neighbors and they will start squeeling like little pigs claiming the king is dead. But.....the king will return, and return with a vengence its just a matter of time. They know it, we know it .

  12. If the past is any indicator then i'd say no, but I would guess that if he has a reliable backup then the fear of warbritton getting banged up would not be as great. Just seeing some of the boys around town looks like we've added alot of muslce over the winter. We are still going to be very young. Cant wait for spring practice.

  13. Word I get are there are two scrimmages set; One is Obion Co. and the other is Hickman Co. but I don't know about the dates. I am ready for me some foozball. It will be interesting to see what we look like in the spring without the baseball players. /popcorneater.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":popcorneater:" border="0" alt="popcorneater.gif" />

  14. They will still be a very young football team with around half of the players being freshman right now. With that being said they coach played alot of sophmores and jr.s last year and took some lumps early but it might pay off. I see them going deep if they can survive their schedule, which is brutal. Alot of younguns at key positions but we return almost the entire defense.

  15. Too bad our football powerhouses come from rural areas too bro. TC has the entire county going there and there aint nobody home on friday nights. South Pitt also closes for game day, these towns do have pep rallies and believe me the whole towns follow these teams. In fact, almost all of region four is this way, even with FCS, he possumtowners are into their sports too. Watertown, Gordonsville, Monterey. Now, with the big schools, with an enrollment that large getting talent shouldnt be a problem, that just comes down to coaching. Sorry, but theres a big ol' in your theory there about rurality hurting ya. Plus, Rocky Top is the definition of rural, the west also gets Memphis and Nashville to play in their side of the brackets. For some reason from Murfreesboro east the football is just better than going the other way.


    Your power houses listed are in 1A, exactly where I predict west tn. will become well established. with the drop down of Huntingdon. TC is a county school while Huntingdon is a city school. Besides that TC goes 2A next year, as do most of the rest you mentioned.

  16. IMO the east vs west debate comes down to numbers. Much of west tn. is rural, where the students that are going to said school are born and raised within that schools boundries. Moving from one school to the next is not as easy as in other areas. Three great examples of this are Milan, Huntingdon, and Mckenzie. These rural areas are also void of any real industry to attract workers with athletes as children. What we have to offer is good country living almost totally devoid of outside distractions. These towns are still much like the town in Hoosiers, where buses are followed, towns still have pep rally's and the school and its athletics are still the biggest show. The stars and moons truly have to align with a great group of kids to be able to compete with more big market teams from the east and middle regions. With that being said I think that the move of Huntingdon down to 1A gives west tn. a very viable threat for a muti year champion in that division IF the talent level improves to levels of previous years in our small town I don't believe you'd find anyone who would argue with that . Our down cycles tend to last from two to three years. I also see Milan as being a legitimate threat to alcoa next year because they return some major components next year and when the get on a run they generally have a very good one that results in a championship or two. Mckenzie will be just as good in 2A as they were in 1A. They've had good jr. high teams the last few years that have eclipsed Huntingdon teams and thats a very good measuring point athletically in most years.

  17. RedGrange...........Come out and watch practice a few days this spring and you may change your perception of these young men. There's talent that you haven't seen while sitting in the stands on Friday nights.


    Get on board. It's going to be a fun ride with these young men!!!!


    Don't get me wrong, I like the schedule but it is brutal. If they stay injury free it could help. The way I understand it our scheduling is pretty tough and always has been. I'm sure teams like milan are in the same boat.

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