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Everything posted by pimpinshane92

  1. And again please its Shaffner, if ur gonna talk about or to someone u should at least get name right. It's kinda disrespectful when i have already spelled it for u once.
  2. That kid from Bolton is pretty good but even if u did give him thirteen pounds he still couldn't beat me. I wrestled high school in 8th grade and i weighed a little bit more than him not much about 90 lbs. I got fourth in region that year. So weight does matter but when ur good u can deal with it. And as for kendall, Germantown comes to Kingsbury on Jan. 22. I hear he is already down to 103 so we will see if he will so call "Hammer" me.
  3. OK #1 its SHAFFNER and #2 Kendall barely got me at regionals last year only by 2 points there is no way in heck he will ever hammer me. Kendall is skilled yes i'm not gonna lie but darn it u underestimate me big time. Obviosly U don't know what our talking about.
  4. Man i love the rankings i think these people are just whining because they aren't good enough to be on them. I ain't on the rankings and i ain't complaining. People who don't like the rankings should stop looking at them if they're gonna ###### and complain i mean no one wants to here that crap anyways. I say you just keep on doing these rankings like u have been and who ever don't like it can go to heck. By the way I think u should check into the collierville invitational tournament this weekend.
  5. Who does everyone think will have a chance at placing at state in region x?
  6. I think I shane shaffner 103 will go to state and at least win a couple matches.
  7. I appreciate the matman rankings i'm a wrestler and a darn good one that isn't on the rankings. but it doesnt matter cause if u are number one then it doesnt matter what ppl say u can prove them wrong later. Rankings are there for a general idea of the tough ppl in that weight class so u dont under estimate ur opponent. Matmans rankings does just that.
  8. I think that we should keep the rankings it gives us wrestlers something to work for. I'm not up there and i have done well against some ppl that are up there, but u dont see me taking it personaly. I am just gonna work harder so that i can prove the rankings wrong when i beat the people on top of the list.
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