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Posts posted by sportiemom

  1. Oh, I'll always be a Highlander, win or lose. I hope my boys can bail me out so I don't have to eat a helpin of crow. I've already ate too much of it over the years and it don't taste any better now. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />




    Have you tried ketchup?

  2. Elizabethton 28 Happy Valley 13

    Hampton 20 Johnson County 18

    Unaka 21 CD 20 Cloudland 28 Avery 17




    Now that is a true home town fan. Root for your own town unless you are playing each other. I like that. I like your scores except I think Elizabethton and Happy Valley will be closer. It will be Eliz 17 ~ Hv 14 or HV 17 ~ Eliz 14. Good Luck to all teams especially Unaka

  3. Sportiemom, Brittany and her baby looked good. We got to see them a while ago. Are you going to be at the jamboree next week?




    Don't know if I will get there. My baby Girl is having to go to the desert in a week so I am going to see her. Also I have to take Sallee to Nashville at the end of the month. If I can I will be there.

  4. This is great! What a great name choice! Which hospital is she in? Daranda would like to see her. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />



    Your names were great too /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> She is at specialty.

  5. UC21 - Sounds like to me your feathers got a little ruffled when you got beat the other night. I'm not taking anything away from you guys. I think you have a great program and a lot of tradition over the years, but accept it, you just got beat. And as far as you saying "you really wouldn't want to see that team get in trouble, just someone who cares", that sounds a little strange seeing as you went to the trouble to supposedly email TSSAA and then you post it on a message board. Doesn't sound very caring to me. I guess we need to check with TSSAA about parents hollering from the sidelines to keep your head in and weight back while batting. I guess this could be considered coaching from the bleachers too.


    To the guy that has the ill feeling towards the coach, what you need to realize is that it was probably a good decision that you moved your daughter to a weaker 1A conference where she got plenty of pitching time that she never would have gotten at this 2A school.



    And that weaker 1A team beat your 2A team and the weaker 1A teams catcher calls the pitches. Also she is still playing college ball so I guess it worked for her.

  6. Don't worry Rangerdad - the AzAz is from the roan and will soon be a dad himself, let's see then if his skin is tough if/when everyone gets to ragging on his kid when they are in school. I agree Unaka is down (for now) but that's true for everyone at sometime. The creekers will rebound and turn things around. When a teams not winning, the first thing everybody does is rag the coach, it's a common problem. I've even read the Azaz when he's not been happy with the coaches at Cloudland. It's easy to get on here and run your mouth and badmouth kids and coaches, it's another thing to go to the gym and support the programs even when they're not having a winning season. Best of Luck to the area teams during the Regional tournaments and by the way Rangerdad the BIG tournament is in Murfreesboro not Memphis (that was baseball). Everyone should just be happy for their teams successes (small or large) and wish these kids the best, because for the seniors it's their last basketball season, unless they go on to play at the next level, but that is still not like playing in your home gym with the crowds a yellin' . Again, Best of Luck to the areas teams. /rolleyes.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":rolleyes:" border="0" alt="rolleyes.gif" />



    "Thank You"

  7. I don't think this story was funny at all, what it shows is the integrity of some of the refs and how they use their position to get back at people. Their job is to call what they see not what they want to see. They should not see a score or should they hear the crowd. The game is not theirs to get over with so they can go home. They are there to Referee not control. They are not professionals if the words ever came out of their mouths "I'll show them??? All you do is punish the kid on the floor for what the ignorant fan is saying (this includes me). It??™s not fair. Please do your job to the best of your ability and most of the time the crowd won't get irate. Again, I don't think this is funny

  8. Yes you did say it perfect. God bless the Men and Women that are keeping us free. It would take forever to write about all they have given up so that we can sit at a ball game or play in one. God Bless each and every one that reads this and May God be in your heart more in the New Year.

  9. Just what Carter County needs another bunch of Yankees moving in here to tell us Carter County people what to do and how to do it, especially a Yankee Sportiemom and her Retired Kernal Major bla, bla, bla SportieDad. We got along just fine without you people, before and we will ge along better without you. The same roads that moved you in here will take you out of here. Why do you want to move in here to begin with. All you do is Bit@h about everything under the sun. That is one of the biggest problems Carter County has is you bunch of Yankees moving in here and trying to take over our schools and government. Like I said, "THE SAME ROADS THAT BROUGHT YOU IN HERE WILL TAKE YOU OUT OF HERE. We don't want you. Shut up and get out.



    Hey punk. This is Major Freddie L. Taylor USMC(ret) please, please, come make me get out. I will meet you anywhere anytime. I am tired of you punks who have never served your nation or done anything getting on here and threatening people. If you had any honor and dignity you would let your accomplishments speak for you and not hide behind these little screen names and threaten and call people names. My ancestors settled Northeast Tennesse and my other ancestors were already here, the Cherokee. I also served my country honorably for 21 years in the Marines. So if anyone deserves to be here it is me and my family. My wife and I have worked tirelessly since we retired here in 1993 to improve the athletics and schools in this county. What have you done for your Country, County or school? Unlike you I played in a State Championship football game and understand fully how that feels. I don't know what is wrong with you but you are a contridiction to the majority of people who live in Carter County who are good Christian people. "Leave my family alone"

  10. Anybody at the game last night knew that this one would be a big topic. And we've only scratched the surface. There are other concerns, complaints allegations, etc., and those things are still a work-in-progress.


    CycloneFan, You have personally explained the Elizabethton stance on the City vs County, or more accurately, EHS versus UHS to me. I followed up with more questions, concerns, etc., and as badly as you know I wanted them to play, I also understand the rationale for not playing. That was then. Coachh17, I'm with you that yes, if possible, all the schools should play.


    It's a real stretch to even suggest that Elizabethton versus Unaka, or Elizabethton versus Cloudland is one speck riskier - physically, or otherwise, than say playing the Greene Devils (and this is to suggest nothing toward Greeneville). At the end of the day, THE reason Elizabethon avoids Unaka or Cloudland, is pride. They don't want to lose to them. And with due respect - and I can speak only for Unaka - there would be scant little to brag about if the Lady Rangers were to beat the Lady Cyclones. They've done it several times, and I'm yet to hear the first person brag about it. Further, and this is very telling, if there is ever a more-likely time for injury, anger, bad blood, etc., it's during those partially, or poorly refereed summer league games, where, incidentally, the Lady Rangers and Lady Cyclones have faced off several times in recent years. If Elizabethon wants to play Unaka, they can. Pride is the only justifiable impediment.



    Have you ever concidered becoming a lawyer?

    For the record, I don't think the officiating crew determined the winners or losers of last night's game. Nor does Kenneth Chambers. Nor does Ben Godsey. Both of them have been top-flight through all of this. Coach Chambers said, "The ONLY reason we lost was, Happy Valley made the last shot." He doesn't blame the officials. He blames Unaka for getting out-hustled in the paint a few times, and for some careless passing at critical times. He did not think the officiating was necessarily good, and he thinks that a couple more players should have been sitting by the end of regulation. But he is much more concerned with his players execution and behavior than he is with the officiating.


    And quickly, concerning the fouls discrepancy at North Greene: I mentioned the contrast weeks ago. Unaka attempted two free throws the entire game; the Lady Huskies, 22. It was bad. But having said that - - Unaka still should have won the game. It's not an excuse, it's a numerical fact.




    Have you ever considered becoming a lawyer?

  11. I don't think that they were saying that they lost because of the refs. I think what everyone was saying is that the Refs needed to get the game under control and they didn't. Letting things slide because you want to get the game over with results in everyone getting heated and someone getting hurt. The refs are there to keep the game under control. The way that I read it is that everyone was saying that they were equal in talent and fouls and that H.V. came up on top. Show me where someone said that Unaka lost because of the refs because I must have missed it.

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