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Everything posted by 99ALLTHEWAY



    can someone tell me a little about them!!?? ROCKWOOD!!! [Edited by 99ALLTHEWAY on 7/29/02 5:53P]
  2. ROCKWOOD,TN!!!!! yes that is who we are talkin about!! i love rockwood as a city, home amd really just everything about it!! but i'm gone from there now soi have to be up dated on this web site about my hometown sports. THANKS FOR READIN THE THREAD!!!! :) thanks for up datin me!!!! luv ya for it!!! :) [Edited by 99ALLTHEWAY on 8-15-02 4:46A]
  3. i was just wondering if we made it to state?? or what is goin on about that? please up date me!!
  4. Rockwood it a great team!! they r my favorite. i think they have made it to state but not really sure only get up dated every so otfen. i love this web site, cause i get to talk, to people who love sports as much as i do. so who is your top team in 16u?
  5. i hope they make it to state. i saw the paper yesterday. that is a good picture of eric webb. so how many game won / lost? i just want to thank you for up datin me every so otfen. i enjoy talkin bout hometown sport with someone who likes them as much as i do. THANKS AGAIN !!! [Edited by 99ALLTHEWAY on 7/6/02 11:00 AM]
  6. themagicrooster and bballtn thanks you both for undatin me. i know that when the school baseball season is over not very many people read this anymore. and thank you for readin this thread and tellin me about rockwood summer ball!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!
  7. thanks for the update. i will u please update me whenever u have time? thanks again
  8. please tell me how they r doin? r there winnin or what? please just update me please!!! thanks
  9. im so glad it make them feel good, because u have no idea how great it make me feel to hear about what is goin on there. it lets me feel a little closer to home. thanks for up datein me. im so glad they are doin good. ya'll keep up the good work. JUST REMEMBER YA'LL ARE ALL WINNER!!!! WE LUV YA ROCKWOOD!!!!
  10. how is the rockwood team doin so far this year? has the summer ball started yet? if so how is it. i might be able to come to a few game if i can get off work. could ya'll let me know how they are doin and when there game are. ya'll were great on updatein me durin school season. thanks so much. it helped me through the hard times of bein away from home. and again thanks so much!!!!
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