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Posts posted by btru23

  1. Hilary Bauer is one of the best players in 11A. She is a good point guard who can also defend very well. She may no score as much as some of the rest of them, but she doenst have to cause she has a lot of help, although I think her coach would like for her to look to score more than she does. I know she has 3 or 4 schools looking at her, Emory and Henry, University of the South, Gadsen State Juco. I also think Huntland will win the district if they play to their potential.

  2. Here is why! They have 4 out of 5 starters back and all of there bench. There bench is going to be the key. They have to get some solid production out of there bench when people get tired of if someone gets in foul trouble. They also have good coaching in my opinion. They probably have the best point guard in Bauer(although Cowley from Cascade is right there), one of the best shooters and defenders in Smith, and one of the best all around athletes and scores in Wilkinson. I think that is why they are the team to beat. That does not mean they will, but that is why they are picked to win. I really believe they will win it too because of there experience and talent. I dont think they have forgotten what happened to them last year and think there seniors will not let it happen again. But like I said anything can happen. There are some good players and some good coaches in this district so we will see what happens. My sleeper pick in this district is Cornersville because they have great coaching and all those freshman he started playing a couple of years ago are gettting older and better. Good luck to all and especially the Lady Hornets. I hope that answered your question.

  3. I cant believe this post is not full of replies. Come on Huntland and MC fans this one will probably determine which team gets in the playoffs. Not to mention is there a bigger rivarly in this region. You have been battling it out for years and now you going to let the Collinwood and Wayne Co rivalry take over this region. This rivarly has produced many great games over the years no matter what the records of the teams are. This is one time that I can remember that the winner is in and the loser is probably out. Most of the time we are already in or out. And if you dont have anything to do and you want to see an exciting game travel over to Shirley majors field in Huntland Tn and it will be a great atmosphere. But you better get there early or you will be standing in line. By the way Huntland wins 28-21!!!!

  4. It looks like Collinwood or Wayne Co will win the region and that Huntland MC and Mt Pleasant will be the other teams. Huntland controls its won destiny since they play both of these teams along with Forrest. I know Mt Pleasant is much improved with a lot of speed I hear. Who do you think will win? Can the Tigers stop Fanning? No one has yet! I believe he is one of the most underrated 1A players in the state. Give me your thoughts cause this one has major playoff implications. Good luck Hornets!

  5. What an idiot you are Rebel 70. Huntland doesnt have any significant players that did not make Franklin Co.'s team. And I have never known Huntland to back down from scrimmaging you. By the way why dont you just cheer own the schools in your county. Good luck Hornets at Wayne Co., just hold on to the ball a little better than you did at LV and things will be ok.

  6. Not to hate on the coaches from Eagleville but Huntland has a great staff of coaches and maybe the best. But I guess everyone has their own opinion. I think there are a lot of good coaches in this region which is why like someone said before it may be the best public 1A region in the state. Best of luck this week to all and especially Huntland vs. Lookout Valley.

  7. I agree with this post as well. Huntland has star back in Fanning back along with good offensive line. If they can get some solid production from the other backs then they should be able to score. But unlike the last 2 years the question is on the defensive side of the ball. They lost some key guys in Morris and Simmons, but they have some other guys with the talent to step in. Morris was a true leader and like having a coach on the field so if Corder, Mitchell, or Shores can step up then they could be just as good. Simmons just made big plays so they have to find someone to fill his shoes. I think the Hornets will be one of the favorites as long as they stay healthy. Also sounds like Cascade will be good along with wayne County. Best of luck to all especailly the Hornets!

  8. I agree with apsugov on ths one but some of you are misunderstanding him. I will always defend 1A as well but sometimes college coaches dont see beyond that. The main difference is that the bigger schools have more of these fast athletes in most cases. But a lot of times when a kid plays in 1A colleges look down on that. There have been many cases where 1A players put up great stats but coaches say he does it in 1A where if they would have put them up in 3A then he would get more interest from bigger colleges. I am a firm believer that if you can play then you can play but colleges want to see you do it versus the best competition. And gov is right it is just odd to have 4.3 speed in 1A it just doesnt happen that much but that is not saying it cant. BUT GOV I GOT YOUR BACK!

  9. Huntland will win the district mark it down! Second of all how good is this Karper girl and I want to hear from some people who are not from Eagleville. The way this sounds you have the next making of a WNBA star and I just do not see her being that good. I mean she is a good high school player that will get a chance to play at the next level but not at D1 i dont think, but I may be wrong! And some of you that say she is wrong if she leaves I disagree. If a athlete has a chance to play at the next level then why not try and better your chances and go to another school. I think she could be in for a rough year next year cause she will face all kind of defenses that will concentrate on her and she will have no help next year. I mean Rigsby is gone as well as the other good guard they had. If she does stay I think some of you people will finally realize what I have said all along and that is that Rigsby helped her be as good as she is because she could create some of her shots for her. In the past teams had to worry about more that karper and not now. SO we will see and maybe she will prove me wrong.

  10. The annual Top Guns Basketball Camp held by Al Cooper and Ted Young in Clarksville will he held this summer on June 3,4,5 and June9,10,11. This is the largest camp in the city with over 450 campers last year. It is open to boys and girls ages 5-18 and the cost is $65 for one camp and $85 for both which is very cheap when compared to other camps in the area. The time of the camps are from 7:30 AM to 11:00 AM. Each camper will receive a T-Shirt and a basketball and prizes and awards will be given along with many different competitions. Ron Mercer of the Indiana Pacers and Trenton Hassell of the Chicago Bulls will be guest speakers as long as their schedules will allow them to be. For more information on the camp you may contact Coach Bryan Farmer at 931-206-4840.

    [Edited by btru23 on 4-23-03 12:59P]

  11. It looks like cole44 has all the info doesnt he. But thanks for informing everyone but I believe most already knew that. You must be a former enemy of mine from somewhere. But oh well I faced up to my mistake and have moved on and am doiing quite ok for myself, just to keep you informed since it sounds like you could write a book about me. But anyways yea I think you could call the Jockster a legend, and I may be partial but wouldnt it be nice if they dedicated the new field or named it after him. I just thought it would be a good idea, but who knows!! Holla at ya boy ejw gov orange and all my boys. Hey 12timechamp I would love to hear your opinion on this subject.

  12. Hey Huntland baseball dominated that area for a while and orange said it right coaching did have a lot to do with all the success as well as having good players. Anyways aas for zapper,jayhawk, and cole44 your words have no affect on me. You know no one lives a perfect life and never makes a mistake, but you have to move on and learn. As far as all my boys who have my back MUCH LOVE to ya. You are right gov7 most of the guys have probably lost a step or too from the high school days. BUt I am going to tell you this back in the days of ROB and LEO the probably would have kicked our butts. That was back when they had to go through the LIpscombs and others to get to the state. I think one year they got put out by Tullahoma 2-1 and Tullahoma went on to dominate the state torunament. We both had good teams but I think those teams were the best. But you could argue for all of them. EJW we got to get Kerm out before you leave.

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