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Posts posted by TCFan

  1. TCFan...it was great meeting you...it's always good to put a face to a name...


    The hospitality was great...until I went outside...had a flat tire...grrrrrrrrrr...I'm going to have to check on the name again...but one of your students helped a couple of our former students get a floor jack from the Ag dept. and to change the tire...good kids from both schools...


    The worst part...was the soggy grass...and boy...let me tell ya...I met that grass and the concrete...up close and personal...slid in the mud...fell...rolled off the curb onto the concrete....go ahead and laugh...it was funny...and not a single one of those kids laughed...but I'm sure...that as soon as they got into their vehicles...they probably came close to wetting their britches...I know I would have...to see one of my teachers rolling around on the ground!!!!!!!


    Thanks again for the hospitality...I always have a good time when I come to Troutdale County!!!



    Queenbee.. it was great meeting you too. I have to say that girl of yours sure can play some ball. I enjoyed watching her play tonight. Your right both schools do have good kids. I'm just glad you made it home alright. Goodluck tomorrow night.

  2. Thank you for the explanation!...


    I don't think Mo will get much of anything Friday night...Gordansville seems to be playing awfully hot...Didn't they beat someone by 80 points the other night????...That's a bunch of points...




    They beat TC by 40 something last night.

  3. I've looked for the article several times today, online, and can't find it. They must not have put it in their online edition.



    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who couldn't find the article. I looked for it a few times. Just glad she's doing better.

  4. Hey Sleep and TCFan I am gald that you guys came to the game tonight. Sorry we could not get any further. But hats off to Grace.


    Hey Thurman30 you guys are a great team. You can't win them all, but you guys did try. I know I didn't make it to many games this year due to work and studying for my weekend classes, but I was calling mom on her cell phone finding out scores when I wasn't there. Best of luck next year.


    TCHS Yellow Jackets Back-to-Back District and Region Champions!

  5. ...to protect myself....it was a minnesota vikings t-shirt...but yes..it was purple and gold...i was in ya'lls crowd...i wasnt bout to wear somebody elses color....i'd get beat down in that mob...


    I thought so. I work in Carthage/GVille so I keep up with the sports up there too. I even got to see ya play a few times last year. My mom is involved in the girls program here, so I can't help but go to most of the games. It was nice to see some of the surrounding counties come out to the game. That gym was packed. I don't think its that full at Graduation time.


    TCHS Yellow Jackets 2003-2004 District and Region Champions.

  6. Congratulations to Grace Academy. You guys played a good game tonight. As for the the guy who hurt his ankle, he did indeed hurt it. I went and got the ice for it but I'm not for sure how bad it looked. He couldn't walk on it. After Grace won they carried him out to the court. Thats all I can tell ya. Good Luck in the "Boro" next week. We're proud of ya Jackets. You guys have had a great season.


    TCHS Yellow Jackets 2003-2004 District and Region Champions!

  7. hey TCFAN, save us a seat. we will be there. but only one problem we dont have any purple to wear . we will be dressed in blue & white. but we will cheer for the jackets. but if the other team is blue & white let us know & we will try to find something else to wear.


    I'll save ya a seat. I just hope I get one myself. I work in Gordonsville so I'm just gonna take my clothes to work with me that way I don't have to stop at home. I'll look for ya I'm pretty sure I can find ya some purple and gold to wear. See ya Monday night. Coach T meeting at the game maybe???


    Trousdale County Yellow Jackets Back-to-Back District and Region Champions 2003-2004

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