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Posts posted by trojanettemom

  1. I was nice enough to apoligize for not making myself clear. I am not going to argue with you like children because you are not big enough to take it and go on. I just wanted you guys to know it was not someone from Collinwood putting your team down. If you don't respect that keep throwing your sarcastic remarks at me if it makes you feel better. You won't get any more replies from me.

  2. I think we all feel this way Thelma. We seem to get a raw deal everywhere. The Summertown game was the worst where our principal was ejected for no good reason but all the calls seem to go against us this year. Our kids are getting frustrated. One even told me after a game that they had came out all pumped up for a game and saw the officials and the knew they were going to get the worst of the calls.(and they did) When our kids are feeling this way they are not going to give 100%. Everyone needs to remember it took a vote to get the private schools out, not just Collinwood. We were just the only school that had someone with enough guts to bring it up. I'm proud of him for standing up for his kids no matter what hardships it brings him or our school.

  3. Hey Crash. Collinwood doesn't have a problem with being beat except when it is by schools that we can not possibly compete with. Collinwood is a small place and every now and then we are lucky enough to have a good group of athletes to come through together only to be crushed by the rich private schools that recruit.(and don't even say thats not true)Apparently others felt this way or the motion would not have passed 88%. I'm just proud Collinwood had an official who would stand up for his kids even though it has meant Collinwood and this official get put down by shallow people like you. Our kids deserve a chance too.

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