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Posts posted by Lemmiwinkss

  1. we beat them 7-1, and i think hendsersonville beat them like 6-1 or 6-0. As for who's better , BA or Ryan, I would definitely say BA was the stronger team. I play defense so im not really sure what they were running in the back, but I can tell u about their offense. They play either 3 strikers and an extremely attacking minded midfielder, or 4 strikers. If the guy is a midfielder, he plays so far up he might as well be a forward. You might have to drop a midfielder back to be able to keep up with all them, but they dont follow back on defense so counterattacking will kill them. I think you guys will probably win by 2 goals or so. Itll be a good game, but Id be very surprised if BA lost.

  2. id say bGA is the best but i wouldnt put them a cut above the rest. They only beat Franklin 2-1, and i imagine the RBentwood game will be very close, even though i do think BGA will win. To say a cut above the rest though is simply untrue

  3. Mattydub who told you will was being recruited by all those schoolS? Unless you heard directly from will id take that as bs, just because he quit my travel team after freshman year,and it is pretty much impossible to get noticed by those schools by only playing high school soccer in DII in Tennessee. KNow what I mean?

  4. I sense a little jealously...maybe you should see your guidance counselor about this... Hey, 26 goals is great no matter who you are playing and the schedule isnt that easy when you are only have 489 students and 13 kids on the team. Since you are Landon Donavon we will let you talk smack, or maybe you are Freddie Adu or David Beckham! WOW, So let us know who you are and the last time you did something incredible! ex. That one time you won a game of H.O.R.S.E. against your 68 year old neighbor..OH OH yea don't forgot that time you where All-State in mumbel peg, and went on to win the State championship!


    As Aretha Franklin would say: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Hey guys try and get some.

    Congrats on homosexual style posting. Keep up the good work!

    HAHA i like that guesswho. Simple, and yet elegant.

  5. 3-2 Franklin. I talked to the referee of the game and he said it was close but it sounded alot like the Brentwood game. Franklin was up 3-1 at one point before Centennial scored again to make it a one goal game. From there on out it was a very competitive game. In his own opinion he thought we (brentwood) were probably better than Franklin, but that it was really close. I agree and think that anyone could win the game tues.

  6. Soccer was made for wide fields. Just because your team plays on a football field, doesn't mean we should all have to suffer. This is got tob e one of the stupidest questions ever. Football fields are narrow and allow for teams that aren't nearly as good to play with much better teams. It is much easier to adjust to a wider field than it is to a narrow, I would love to go from playing in a tiny space to having a whole lotta room.

  7. Wait. I'm Freddy Adu. and there is no way a team called SWEETWATER would do any damage against any real teams, and I doubt this bivens kid could cut 26 goals against teams in the state who are actually decent.

  8. Teddy,

    I could have guessed by saying I appreciate it someone would say too much love in the room and get a laugh from a couple of their buddies on here. Listen, my man, I'm just trying to state what I think of the Catholic program. Who cares if I posted an opinion on this board about a certain team. The argument you are making is just through insults and back handed comments, which honestly gives you no argument at all concerning opinions. And actually now that I read it, the opinion thing is a worthless statement that makes little to no sense. Reply Teddy and explain to me what it means.

    Just to make it clear, I have no idea who Teddy is, where he goes to school, and that was the first post I had ever even seen him make.

  9. i have no idea why its not going to be rescheduled other than to say that it isnt a district game so it doesnt technically have to be played. Also, we just got a call saying the field was really bad, I have no idea exactlywhat the weather conditons are in clarksville from way down here in brentwood. I guess that storm mmust have been really bad up there.

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