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Posts posted by jda9703

  1. Like I said I think it would be more of a challenge to build a program than maintain one. It would be interesting to see just how good of a job him and his staff could do elsewhere.


    so you think he would take his staff? Maybe he wants to leave on top?

  2. I was watching the Riverdale/Franklin game on TV Saturday night & the cameras zoomed in on Rankin right before kickoff in the second half. Rankin proceeded to pull out a can of Skoal or Copenhagen & put in a dip. It is against the rules for coaches, players and game officials to have any tobacco on the sidelines. I have seen many times where cameras zoom in on him like on highlights of their games on Friday & he always has a dip in. Does he think this rule dont apply to him? Did anyone notice this? I umpire college baseball & we have strict rules about tobacco. I also like to put a dip in. I would never put a dip in while I am umpiring & I do not allow coaches or players to dip either. Any opinions on this? Rankin, if you read this leave your dip can at home or in your office, you are breaking the tobacco rule.


    Thats like trying to say they can cuss too!!

  3. it is in todays (tuesday) chattanooga paper that coach rankin has said he is interested and he is getting his resume ready.


    What paper, can i get link. Coach Rankin does this every year. Anybody know anything about Clevland

  4. Sorry, but if the TV announcer , who is usually objective, called it a cheap shot.....it must have been pretty obvious.


    Hey bhsol...any whistles on the sidelines?


    I still haven't seen the t.v. cut so you would know more

  5. Was it for kicking a Franklin player in the ribs? Even the announcer called it cheap. Guess we have HIM to look forward to huh??It was a 15 yder for unsportsmanlike conduct.


    From what i saw it looked like he body slammed him i never saw a kick to the ribs, dave hurt his ribs so maybe there is confusion

  6. not the first RHS/BHS game of 2002.  I know I didn't play so good in that one.  I remember one play specifically.  The 2002 playoffs.  We ran a counter to the left and I down blocked on you (I think you were in at the time) and I knocked you down right as David Hargis came up behind me and kicked out his man and Rico scored a TD to take the lead.


    I am not going to be so bold to say you didn't do that but i would like to see it, David cut me from behind a couple of times, and there is a possibility that it wasn't me I moved around a lot

  7. Well I was told that on the TV...it was a bit different/ I will admit I have not seen it yet...but others have. The broadcasters were commenting on a 15 yd penalty where Thomas kicked an opponent in the ribs. it was said that the announcer called it a cheap shot........can anyone verify????????????


    I think you are talking about Philip Thomas he got a 15 yarder

  8. Not necessarily lots, just enough for the times that I ran you over.


    not this again, i was recently speaking to our freshman coach about you. I would be glad to watch the film with you i think you would edit that post

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