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Posts posted by oneblindref

  1. You may be right about the coaches using it to stall for there wrestlers. Refs don't get better from feedback from coaches. They get better from learning the rules, getting on the mat calling matches, going to clinics, and feed back from seasoned officials. If young officials listened to all the coaches they would never learn to call, because coaches all have different ways they like things called, and I hate to say it but some (coaches) don't know the rules.

  2. Stumpguy, What the heck are you taking about I am a "ref" (10 years) TSSAA . If you would read the rule book you would know that all head logs can be " P D". What are you trying to do here, talking about coach's picks. I just was answering the guy question, and you come on here trying to start crap. CHILL OUT! oneblindref

  3. Maybe a ref out there can help me with this one....In the 2004-05 wrestling rule book on page 71....picture 95 (7-2-2) it states "the split scissors is potentially dangerous.  The referre may break it to prevent injury." 


    Should the split scissor (what I call the bannana split), be stopped everytime someone is put in it?

    Can anyone clarify....Thanks


    No, That is why it is considered potentially dangerous, the ref my stop it any time he thinks there my be a chance of injury. Just like all head locks are Potentially Dangerous.

  4. Hay, I feel for the kid. But you think he is the only one ever got shafted because a coach screwed up. I know of a case in Region 1, a few years ago, a kid certified at one weight and then the coach move him up a weight class but did not get him re-certified. So he was not able to wrestle in the region tournament , It was not found out until the coach's meeting at the tournament to late to call TSSAA. The coaches voted on it and he did not get to wrestle. In this case all the coaches had a hand in it . IT WAS NOT THE KIDS FAULT. THIS WAS NOT TSSAA's FAULT EITHER. POINT IS SOMEONE ALWAYS GETS THE SHAFT WHEN SOMEONE ELSE SCREWS UP. I WISH THE KID WELL.

  5. RMC, I am a TSSAA Official with 10 years experience & 3 state tournaments. I have an Aunt that lives in Atlanta that I am always looking for an excuse to visit, if you're looking for more officials from other areas. Also my bother is also an official with 14 years & 4 state tournaments. Please reply if your interested & give me info to contact you. THANKS, ONEBLINDREF


    P.S. Don't let the name fool you.


    Also called in AAU Elementary National Dual Tournament in Kingsport, TN the last 4 years.

  6. RMC, Do you know of a kid in GA ,( don't know name of High School but it is near Athens GA) named Spence Downs, he is the son of my 1st. cousin. I think he is a SR. Not sure what weight class maybe 160-189 somewhere in there. Do you know any thing about him?

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