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Posts posted by see

  1. This truly is a sad situation. Gerry Bertier, I can certainly understand your passion and excitement about your future influencing the lives of kids through athletics. I know many coaches that have the same drive and have been doing it for years. Unfortunately, when you get into the real world there are others who are not so concerned and do not realized the impact and importance of athletics in children’s lives. Many of those are in positions that can greatly affect the athletic programs. It is true that children and many adults often cannot understand what is going on behind the scenes, nor do they realize what it actually takes to run a program, so it may seem that when coaches try to take a stand they do not care about the kids.


    A few years ago Cheatham County cut coaching supplements after the season had begun. They said they would be reinstated the next year (didn’t happen). The parents, supporters and coaches all stepped up to raise the funds that it takes to have an adequate staff and the safest equipment for the children. So, not only were those coaches’ supplements taken away, but they had to put in even more time to raise funds so that they could be paid. Does that make sense? Year after year it becomes exhausting wondering if your program will face cuts again. What will happen in the next few years? What will there be to cut? If cuts were made in previous years to balance the budget, why do we have to cut again? Are we spending more than we take in? What happens to you if you spend more than you make? Do you ask your family to go without food because you want a brand new car? Priorities must be set. Is this good leadership? If you had a financial planner and one year he told you to sell your car and then the next you had to sell your home to come up with more money wouldn’t you change the one in charge of your finances? It reminds me of an addiction situation. If you continue to allow the problem, you are contributing to the problem and it will never be fixed. It looks like the coaches are showing a little tough love. It is not easy and it is not something that everyone understands. People must face the music and find a way to solve the problem or the problem will continue. If it does not get better, sometimes you just have to move on.


    The community will always pull together. They always have. It is for their children. Most coaches have children, so it is for their children also. I love the people of Cheatham County. They have been and continue to be like family. After a while one just becomes weary of the continuing worry that the program may be cut again and the added burden of trying to work extra to be sure there is a way to continue. It is truly sad. Over the years I have seen it take the joy and excitement away that a young coach once had as he looked to his future in coaching and influencing the lives of young men and women. I am afraid that many will continue to leave as they have in the past. It breaks my heart, because Cheatham County is filled with wonderful people, young and old alike, that made my time there so special and memorable. You just have to pray that in the end you make the best decision.

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