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harry thornton

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Posts posted by harry thornton

  1. So this is what it feels like the day after......


    First of all, I owe an apology to The Team Out West.... I now believe that you are the only team that can toe the line with the Soddy By God Mommies. Had I lived in Elvis's city, I would have been your #1 fan.


    Congrats to the Purple fish eaters and their leaders Pat Simpson and the stompin / Singin cowboy for a great tournament and excellent year. I am a huge admirer of the way you run your program and slightly jealous of the great support from your daddies and mommies.


    I believe that Soddy By Goddddddd proved this weekend that they are the top dog in the State of Tennessee. Another team that has excellent leadership in the form of the firm buttocks, Steve Henry....Their fans are like family to me, always borrowing money and never paying me back, and most of the time cheering for my boys to do well, thank y'all very much..........


    What a very emotional weekend it was for the people that I love, some good and some not so much.


    I would like to clear up some myths about me before i hop on my shetland pony and ride off to retirement land


    1) I think the JV div is inferior.... Not true.. I gave them that name only to get a rise or two out of the JV daddies. I respect and appreciate all wrestlers for toeing the line. I may have gotten on the Team out West a little to hard this year, and for that I'm sorry. Congrats Christian Bros on a great year..


    2) I am a womanizer... Kinda guilty on this one.. But if my reference to the beauty of some mommies offended any of them, then I am sorry. But I think that they kinda dug it. I'm an old harmless man plus if you have seen my neighbor, you would know that I don't think that the grass is greener anywhere. I do probably owe one lady in Nashville an apology, so here goes... Cathy Moseley, I'm sorry that years ago when you asked me to whisk you away, that I didn't. I can see Glen Moseley right now scratching his head saying, " so that's who Mathy Coseley is"


    3) That we enjoy an adult beverage.... Not as guilty as people think, but not totally false..


    When Jack hugged me after his match, I thought of all the help that he has received to finally get up there on that damnnnn top step. So thanks to Coach Art Johnson, Keith Helton, Andy Kranske, Kevin Emily, Tim Manley, Johnny Lennon, Ira Miller, John Mullin, Tim Voiles, and his brother Tee Boone.



    This sport has given me the opportunity to hang with some great people, too many to mention, what the heck it's my last post so here goes.. Pattonsboydad, Jakesdad , tylersdad, cupcake, glc, my big ol friend, old lion , buckypoo,soms,bayoubear, wresle90,da bears, bewhoyouis, raider76, mtn rasslin herm, Texas 23, mr wonderful, the late Ijtx, walkinvol, cityhigh79, all the Fadder Ryan clan, especially the mommies, bigredblooded , whiskey joe, and many many more that I will add later. Last but not least, my good friend Harry Thornton, what a great ride my friend.


    Someone suggested that I write my own obituary... Here goes


    Bcb iii :flower: Died today at the early age of 52....some think that he is seated in purgatory while others insist he is catching a great tan, probably a toss up. Bcb iii loved his kids and spent his life trying to be the father that his father was. He enjoyed riding horseback neekid, running with the bulls neekid, sky diving neekid and modeling neekid. He was banned from Ranches, Spain , all airports and had a restraining order from coming within 100 yards of any art classes, but still had a cheerie disposition


    He loved coaching the OLFFERS and enjoyed watching them grow into young men.


    He died today with a smile on his face, because he had an incredible family and a neighbor that he loved


    Funeral services will be held at Mayos between 3-8, which happens to be Happy Hour and donation to his favorite team EFT would be greatly appreciated..


    I want to thank my two sons Tee and Jack for putting up with me for the last 21 and 18 years and thanks for choosing to participate in the greatest sport of all.


    So to the joy and happiness of the silent majority I am now signing off for the final time


    God I love this sport


    Bcb iii. :flower:

    Hey Bearcat,

    Again, congrats to Jack and Grayson! It's great to place not one, but two more pictures up on the wall in that hallway at ND. I'm glad Jack's will be next to the pictue of that last kid who won it for the Irish, what ever his name was...

    It's been fun. I loved my 4 year tenure of being an obnoxious coach/dad/cheerleader/team mom/cooler coordinator/etc. for the Irish and I thank you for allowing me to squeeze an additional 5-6 years out of it living vicariously through you, Tee, and Jack.

    Irish forever,

    Harry Thornton

  2. Your eyes did not deceive you. Several of the EBE wrestlers were present on the floor by the worker's table apparently assisting their coach in filming individual matches. I assume it was a service NCAA or host was providing as they were decked out in a lovely baby blue polo shirt and Khaki outfit. Nice gig as long as you don't Alf the video.


    Actually those shirts were "Carolina Blue".


  3. Just wanted to sign off for the year with this...


    Incredible as always. My 3rd in a row. EVERYONE should go at least once.

    Things that went right...

    1. - great seats at every session.

    B. - St. Lou is a great town. Walked everywhere.

    3. - Hooter's (maybe they could start opening earlier and have a breakfast menu)

    D. - Great time attending various meetings with Mockingbirds and getting crashed by a herd of Cyclones well wishing Bono & Nate.

    5. - Caldwell straight up WHOOPIN' Metcalf in Namathesque proportion.

    F. - I won 50.00 at the crap table


    Things that went wrong...

    A. - No Tarheels on the Podium.

    2. - No Mockingbirds on the Podium.

    C. - Getting the Prius stuck in the mud at 4:30am in O'Fallon, Ill. (50.00 tow truck fee offset my casino winnings)

    4. - Not much else


    In ref. to McCallie

    I'm pretty sure it's the 1st time I've ever said anything positive about the E.B.E. but I just gotta (I just don't bleed that shade of blue)

    1. - Hats off to 'em for going from a team last year with I believe 6, count 'em, 6 holes in it to a team this year with every weight filled and also being somewhat contenders. I wish Notre Dame could do that.

    B. - T.J. Duncan looked friggin' great. Good job T.J.


    ThThThThThThThThats all folks! See you next year at a meeting near you,


  4. maybe the Memphis side of the state can help but we heard that he got a concussion in the match he loss and wrestled the rest of the tournament with it. Nick did not look 100% the rest of the tournament but he stunk it up. Tough kid!




    After going to the Cornell "after" party, meeting Jordan, and listening to his comments to the Cornell fans - I'd like to see a classier kid.


    Wow. It must have really been something awful for you to make a post like that.

  5. The comentators, who did a great job explaining wrestling to the uninitiated, said that the 157 class was the most competitive. They were correct; 2 undefeated wrestlers and 2 former national champions.


    Hey Raider76... You were right and the Iowa State guy was wrong afterall.


  6. In region 2 I'll take the Nation over Seymour 2moro night and I'll take 'em again over region 1's #2 on Saturday

    idk who that will be


    Are the "Cretins from the sticks" gonna have a pre match meeting and then show up? If so, where's the meeting?


  7. I always love meetings so early church it is. I think afterwards though I will stay home and watch the Super Bowl pre-game shows. They are awesome!


    On second thought maybe I can shake loose for a little 'rasslin, even if it is college.


    Say Bweh,

    Got feelin I might see you on Sun. I heard raider76 has been demoted after he burnt the popcorn against Oklahoma so he now has bathroom detail. Either which way, he aint gonna make the meeting.



  8. It is recommended that you all attend either 5:30 Sat. eve. vigil mass or early mass on Sunday A.M. so you can make the meeting. It can be held at a "non-billiards" venue because BCB won't be there because he would "rather watch paint dry than sit through a college wrestling match". I think he misses the action packed days of coaching in the "Kind. - 2nd grade" div. of an F.C.I. tournament and watching the overly enthusiastic young moms bounce, er, cheer rather for their young gladiators as they battle back and forth to something like a 25 - 27 decision. Come to think of it, I miss those days too. It was pretty lonely @ "The Cat" a few weeks ago prior to the Sooners match. Just me and Dennis and a guy I went to Sts. Peter & Paul with. Whaddaya say, cheeseburger and a cold partner for breakfast and it's off to the match. I've already gotten management to double his deliveries for the week, so, BE THERE !!



    PS - respond if you're coming so, ex- Dynamo Dennis will know whether or not to triple his order.

  9. Face:


    Sorry, I penned my reply before I saw your next post which included the reference to Brian Dunning.


    BTW---Hunter Bogitsch is back in Nashville and has a son who wrestles for Hillsboro. I have seen him at some matches/tournaments and we lamented the demise of the Hillwood program. Hunter went on from Hillwood to be a very good hooker for the Vanderbilt rugby team where I had my head squeezed next to his rear in the Vandy scrum for three years.


    Unfortunately, I could not make it down to The Holy War. BCB tried to move it to Saturday but was unsuccessful. With a 6 p.m. start, and losing an hour going down, I could not get away from work here in time to make it.


    But, like you, I did hear that a wrestling match broke out soon after the party started. Unlike the famous ( or infamous, depending upon your allegiance) 1969 match at Ryan's old cracker box gym down on Elliston Place, I understand that the wrestling was confined to the mats ( BCB did not even attempt to accost any Ryan women in the stands with his " I thought you were Susie Burkhart " move that he used at the Ryan Invitational). Rekindling the rivalry and your reference to the "drinkfest" reminds me of a version of the Notre Dame Fight Song that used to break out at the old Ryan-ND matches amongst some of us younger ND fans, while the moms and dads sang the standard version. It went something like this (and is further proof of who the real Irish are):


    Beer, beer for old Notre Dame

    You bring the whiskey, I'll bring champagne

    See the seniors drinking in the gym

    Don't let the sober freshmen in

    Whether the glasses be large or small

    The Fighting Irish will down them all

    While their loyal sons go marching onward to victory!


    BCB, that should get the Wrestling Fight Song of The Year, don't you think?


    I'm sure Harry would agree.



  10. No problem......1 exit up from the arena.....2 pool tables.....large refreshment area. (Suwanee location)




    At Discover Mills....same street as arena:




    Or....for you Irish type.....same parking lot as arena:





    Oh...no Rainbow Rallies here.....just figured with Raider76 getting all the action up there you and BCB might be out in the cold.


    Nice!! let's go to all of 'em. Yeah, its cold around here but it ain't that cold (yet)


  11. Any luck with BCB?



    I think you've been spending a little too much time in ATL at the Rainbow Rallies. You oughta make it back home a little more often brotha, I think you might be losing your bearings. This may be a bad time to bring this up, but, uh, I hear you're in charge of the strategy session at Ga. State Tourney this year. Since we're all off the clock around here after friday, Bearcat and I plan to attend your Sat. of Wrestling. All we require is... A.- a FULL selection of refreshments. B. - pool table(s) C. - decent jukebox


  12. Harry


    How did the date thing with the missus work out? Did she show up at the match?

    Still husband of the year?


    It worked out perfectly...she was a "no show". After a weekend of working like a slave around the Ponderosa (easy ACLU nazi whiners, slaves come in all colors). I was able to maintain my current status and am preparing myself for what is the equivalent of "Husband of the DECADE" state finals... Valentine's Day.


  13. congrats to the balyor squad with a big win. just want to say sorry to Wresle90. from where i was sitting you looked pretty upset, but it could have just been the lighting in the gym making you look so mad. also i would like to say job well done to mr. mackey and mr. henry. both showed great potential for 2 youngsters. mccallie wrestling is on the rise and maybe mccallie can pull it out next year, but hey they always have football it seems.



    Please be advised. I have checked with my legal team headed up by ambulance chaser Alexander " Sandy" Gothard and they have advised in no uncertain terms... "From hereforth no party or parties shall herein refereth to any wrestler as "Mr." Without written approval from BCB.He has sole ownership of said title and only affore mentioned BCB can bestow it upon deserving young gladiatpors.any violation of this decree shall henceforth be met head on by swift and painful legal activity.you will be stripped of your coacht priveleges.your computer and or blackberry will be confiscated and you will be required to attend all meetings henceforth AND pick up the tab."


  14. Doesn't look that cut and dry too me,,,,nevertheless, now that we all know TD calls TJ 'coonass',,,its all good and once again I stand corrected regarding T135's post.


    Coonass, or Coon-######, is an epithet used in reference to a person of Cajun ethnicity.


    Although many Cajuns use the word in regard to themselves, other Cajuns view the term as an ethnic slur against the Cajun people, especially when used by non-Cajuns. Socioeconomic factors appear to influence how Cajuns are likely to view the term: working-class Cajuns tend to regard the word "coonass" as a badge of ethnic pride; whereas middle- and upper-class Cajuns are more likely to regard the term as insulting or degrading, even when used by fellow Cajuns in reference to themselves


    [edit] Etymology

    The origins of "coonass" are obscure, and Cajuns have put forth several folk etymologies in an effort to explain the word's origin. Some amateur linguists believe that the word refers to the Cajuns' occasional habit of eating raccoons, or from the use of coonskin caps by the Cajuns' ancestors while fighting in the Battle of New Orleans or in the Revolutionary War under Spanish colonial Governor Bernardo de G??lvez. Other amateur linguists attribute the term to the racial slur "coon," used in reference to African-Americans ??” thus implying that Cajuns are lower than African-Americans in social standing. Yet others hold that the term derives from the shape of Cajun women after having children (like a raccoon viewed from above).[2]


    The most popular folk etymology, however, stems from late Louisiana congressman and cultural activist James "Jimmy" Domengeaux, who maintained that "coonass" derived from the continental French word "connasse," which means "stupid girl/woman" (the qualifier for a male is "connard". According to the French Wiktionary, the French Larousse dictionnary, and the French Wikipedia, "connasse" entered the French language at the beginning of the 19th century and the term pejoratively indicates the vulva to designate a stupid person. The closest translation in English would be "stupid."). Domengeaux asserted that Frenchmen used the term in reference to Cajun soldiers serving in France during World War II, and that Anglo-American soldiers overheard the term, transformed it into "coonass," and brought it back to the U.S. as a disparaging term for Cajuns. Citing Domengeaux's etymology, Louisiana legislators passed a concurrent resolution in the 1980s condemning the word. (Contrary to popular belief, the lawmakers did not ban the term.)[2]




    Is that you BRB? Nobody else could be this learned.surely not. Holy crap!!! How much time did you waste on that research?? You know the drill. You said coonass in 2009. You can't crawfish (no pun intended) out of it no matter how long you read your funk and wagnalls and try to legitimize it to a few microscopically thin skinned posters.personally I couldn't care less because I'm just here for the rasslin. Hey bayoubear did the coonass reference make you cry? I bet not. Anyway, wish I couldve seen the annual classic but I was busy on the other side of town witnessing Gods 2nd favorite Irish team edge out His most favorite.


  15. Boy you must have really screwed up this time. The biggest match of my time and I have to fly solo?


    Well at least she is "letting" you come watch the rasslin so I guess we can meet on site.


    bcb iii /flower.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":flower:" border="0" alt="flower.gif" />


    There's still hope. In a fortuitous twist of fate, she may be already in Chattavegas which would force me to have to meet her at the wrestling venue which would in turn allow me to tailgate, er, strategize with you in one of the many undesirable, crime infested, smoky watering holes that I hold near and dear to my heart and that we normally frequent. We'll cover that today at Fox n Hounds along with N.D.'s new secret strategy to whoop up on the OWLS of Ooltewah.


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