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Posts posted by Tab

  1. You cannot stand along the track. You will get run off unless you have a lot of money then you can go on the track and stand :roflolk: . Yes that house was full last night and I am sure it will be the same way again this Friday. The yell and stuff but they do it the right way. I am sure they will be more people at the game this Friday but for all you old Cyclone fans the SH game in 88 and the DB game in 99 was the biggest crowds I ever saw at that stadium and now days I guess not as many people come to the games.

  2. Cycloneprider do you have nothing else to do. If you have been to the games all 3 playoff games the stadium has not been close to being packed. They have been seats on the home side and a lot of seats on the visitors side. I have never seen Alcoa but I guess they are very good :roflolk: . You play the game and then go to Cookville or home.

  3. To CyclonePrider stay off the computer. Some guy from AE said EHS has never beaten a team from the Knoxville area and he is right or happened over 30 years ago. What some of them said about the conference EHS plays in being weak is true. Did you see them teams?

    You play the game and if you win you play next week and if not turn in your stuff. I know nothing about AE. I am sure they have some speed and EHS has speed but just because you have speed does not mean you will win. Tomorrow at 9:15pm or so we will know.

  4. Greeneville is not a Knox area school but EHS did beat them and Morristown West in 98 and Cocke County in 97 and 99 and 2002 and Morristown East in 97. I know what you are saying and facts are facts and EHS lost to CAK this season. You play and hopefully EHS will get that big win over a Knox Area school this Friday and if not they will play their next game in August.

  5. Why does EHS get their coaches from HV? That drives me nuts. If you want to get better as a program get a coach from someplace that has had some success. No offense to HV but their football program has not been good in ages and even the die hards have to admit that. Ogg has been a good hire. Last year I thought boy send him back but he has turned EHS D around and they are the reason for all the success this season.

  6. I just want to know did they work on the brackets all night or work till around midnight and say we got it right without checking? Or did they get up and start at 5 Saturday morning and say it is right at 7 because of the radio show?

    I cannot see how they put any effort into the brackets when Memphis White Station won their district and was seeded #6 and Gatlinburg Pittman got 2nd in their district and got a #1 seed and AE won that district and got a #4 seed. Anyone that gave any effort would have gotten that right. I will not even get going on CAK coming to the East quad when AE and Alcoa both are farther east.

    When this site got lit up right after the brackets were released should tell you something about who understands what is right and who just says who cares the brackets sound good release them.

  7. Why would they not meet until the quarters? I thought it said they would try to keep teams from the same district from meeting until the quarters. Elizabethton and North will probably play in round 2 also. This bracket is a lot better than the first.

  8. Yes Austin East is farther east than CAK. A second grader could tell you that if they look at a map. I think they have to change that bracket now and just call all the teams it affects. If they do not then the bracket is not fair.

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