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Posts posted by av3boys

  1. Let it go BullDawg Girl...they are obviously missing your entire point. I understand exactly what you are saying. Their fans were "cheering it up" when Christian went down...totally tacky!! Once they realized he was seriously injured, the entire stadium got quiet, so we all witnessed his screams on the field. How any human being can justify, or try to justify that, is beyond me.


    I am not sure what films are being watched at York, but there was NOTHING legal about that hit. We (Milan) have also seen these films, so we all know it was a cheap shot. Christian was engaged up high with one player and was hit at the ankles by another!! It should have been called because it happened ALL night. Surprisely, once he was out the the game, that stopped. Wonder why?


    You cannot teach, or explain, class and integrity...and they don't get it. I have followed all your posts and agree 100%. Take the high road...they know you are right!!!


    GO DAWGS!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Okay..I have seen the play and have several copies from different angles. If I can figure out how to get the video play on here, I will. This is what happened: Christian and number 51 were standing, engaged on the line when the play begins; number 67 dove under the linemen, while Christian was actively engaged with number 51, and hits Christian on his left side somewhere between the knee and ankle; once Christian is falling left from that hit, number 67 proceeds to roll right, face up--towards Christians back--allowing himself to roll "up" Christians left leg (he did not roll away from Christian, but into Christian); once Christian is falling left--and almost down--number 54 comes and hits Christian on his right side, between the knees and ankles, laying on his back until the whistle is blown.


    Now...someone tell me what that is?

  3. Christian Coleman does not have to resort to tacky and/or dirty plays to take care of business--if you watched any football film you would know that! He is a class act. He, nor any Milan player, has to have "designed" plays to intentionally hurt others, just to win a ballgame. That is pathetic!

  4. It may have not have been a specific play, however I heard from someone that knows what their talking about, that Dyersburg was constantly chop blocking all night, predominately the center. Chop blocking is dirty play no matter what anyone says about it. I understand the players don't think about it while their out there, but they should really think about it after they very well could've ruined the future of an awesome football player!!!!!!


    The chop block is not at all a dirty play, its just a part of football. If an offensive lineman retreats, then throws a chop block it is a completely different story and a flag should be thrown. The injury is unfortunate but injuries happen in football. Dyersburgs center is the smallest lineman on the team, he is also quick as a cat so the Milan d-line should have known the cut block was coming.

    It was most definitely a "cheap shot" and totally unnecessary. If you were at the game, you were clearly watching the football, along with the officials, and not what was happening on the line. If you watched the game on tv, then you only caught the edge of the play involving Christian, however, you should have seen the 3 players sent to tackle him. Christian, playing on the D-line, had his O-line defender "wrapped-up" and O-line was on the retreat. In the next instant, 2 other O-Line players dove at his feet/ankles and knees. According to your post, that would be considered a dirty play--and that is exactly what happened. And I don't care how big, or little, you are...there is no excuse for playing dirty and no team should ever have to "expect the cut block in coming." It is tacky and shows lack of class.


    We are blessed Christian only broke his ankle because it could have been much worse--and that WAS the intention. The officials were negligent, as well as the Dyersburg coaches, for allowing this type of play to continue. They should be ashamed of themselves and I hope they have trouble sleeping at night. It's a shame when a child (and YES, he is a child--16 years old) is targeted because he has talent.


    Christian will be back and "yes" he does know the Dyersburg kids involved. Let's hope they were seniors, so they won't meet him again in 2010

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