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The Sports Guy

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Posts posted by The Sports Guy

  1. congrats to cumberland gap on a great year 9 and 2 but it was dissapointing they couldn't even beat a sub-par 6 and 4 oliver springs team.cumberland gap/powell valley historically performs poorly in the playoffs and they obviously beat a bunch of nobodies in racking up 9 wins.they play in the weakest region in 2a and it was funny the post a guy from cghs wrote about how weak the seymour region is they are no better than your region.cg had a awesome quarterback this year though.i really thought you'd win dissapointed.


    Thanks! (I think)


    Left handed complements are usually ended with "Bless your hearts" or "Poor dears" down here in the south.


    We don't sweat much for fat people either!

  2. I will have to take the unpopular side in this issue. I don't just defend Alcoa, but any team that has talented subs, should not stop playing football until the clock stops.


    Playing at half speed against a team playing at full speed gets players injured. I have never seen any team start taking a knee in the first quarter. That would seem more arrogant than continuing to play.


    Kentucky uses a 40 point "Slaughter Rule". Once a team has a 40 point advantage, the clock continues to run. In Tennessee, the quarters are shortened from 12 minutes to 10 minutes. That only equates to only 4 minutes less pounding.


    Subs want to score as much as starters. Linemen want to score as much as running backs. Defensive players want to score as much as offensive players. We are Americans, and Americans love scoring. How do you tell them to quit playing because the other team just can't keep up?


    Sometimes school records, or state records are within a player's grasp if he make one more big play. Should he be denied his goal just because little Johnny can't tackle him?


    Alcoa will have to do something much more serious than win a lopsided game to lose my respect. They have the kind of team that we all want, don't they?


    Winners always feel good, and losers always feel bad, no matter what the margin. Any player, coach, or fan that says they started this season without wanting to win them all is not worthy of your trust.


    We all want to win! It's always the losers that complain.


    The officiating must have been pretty good in this one. I haven't seen those usual complaints from the losers yet.

  3. He was very short and reminded me somewhat of a praying mantis. Don't ask me why. :D

    As far as me not saying much about football, well, that's because I know so much.




    Now I'll have that picture in my mind every time I see replays from the dynasty decade.


    Thanks a lot Big Bill! :thumb:;)

  4. What a game..I was able to listen via the Internet


    I believe CG had the ball 12 times: 6 TDs and 6 TOs--4 INTs and 2 fumbles.


    Thanks for listening! I'm glad that we could broadcast to Cookeville for you!


    I guess I have some crow to eat. I really didn't think OS would bring it like they did. The tuernovers hurt, but the Bobcats made the most of them.


    I was really impressed by Lynn Haynes. What talent God has blessed him with.


    Congratulations to Oliver Springs, and good luck next week at Loudon!


    Congratulations to the Panthers for a great season! It has been my honor and pleasure to follow you this season! I'm proud of all of you as football players, and as men!


    You will be Region 1AA Champions of 2005 for the rest of your lives! Walk tall!

  5. What are you talking about if they had shown up for Pigeon Forge.....PF showed up for one quarter (the 3rd quarter) and still beat claiborne. It PF had shown up for 4 qtrs it would have been ugly for CC.


    I guess the Bulldogs had nothing to do with those 3 quarters that the Tigers didn't show up.


    Boy, it's a good thing they showed up for the 3rd Q, or they would have lost to Claiborne, without even having been there.


    Good luck Bulldogs! Sic 'em! ;)

  6. CAK will win.

    Need I say more?



    Only if you want to tell us what "The Wizard of Westwood" was like in the locker room.


    You sure didn't have much to say about football!


    I think you guys are going to see a great game tonight. Good luck to both teams. One of you will get the pleasure of visiting Alcoa next week, so give it all you have, and make a lasting memory.



  7. why do u want 100 posts. and it should be a great game at the gap tonight the only thing i dont like about all this is the price of the tickets.


    LOL! Because we've never had this much interest in any of our games before!


    Hey, I just became a competetitor! I guess 250 is the magic number. I have posted more in the past month, than in the whole previous year.

  8. C'mon guys, just a few more to 100 posts!!! Surely we can think of a couple more things to say about this one!!! ;) Go CG, play your tails off tonight and get this one. We're all pullin for ya in the community!!!! ;)



    Panther Pride!!!!!!


    I'm with you shotdoc!


    How about coming up tonight, and joining in our pre-game show? I will give you 5 hours to think about it.


    We will be on 91.3 FM, so everybody bring your radios to the game. We are on the internet too, so if you are outside our broadcast area and can't be at the game, link on at http://radio.lmunet.edu.

  9. When G-P played OS they still thought they were good. As the season went on, they realized they weren't and got worse as the season went on. I think OS would beat them by more if they played again, but a little team called Alcoa will make sure that rematch doesn't happen.


    You're right about Alcoa, but you left some others out that stand between an OS vs G-P rematch this season. About 5 others if my math is correct.



  10. The CAK defense is the nastiest it has ever been(since the program began 2000). 5 linebackers that can flat out rip your head off, and a secondary that has made grown men cry. They do not wear down


    Nasty? Now that's just not Christian! LOL B)


    Good luck to both teams!



  11. Is this game broadcast going to be available on the internet? Good luck to CG. Also, what schools were combined to form CG?


    Yes it will be on the net! 2 links: http://radio.lmunet.edu. or http://www.913thegap.com.


    If you can't see the radio tower on the 2nd link, use the 1st. Unfortunately, only the first 100 people to sign on can get it, so don't wait until kickoff, and then blame me.


    Powell Valley and Forge Ridge combined to form Cumberland Gap. Powell Valley teetered between A and AA. Cumberland Gap is just about in the middle of AA.


    Forge Ridge was too small to have a football program, but they had some great athletes that focused mainly on basketball. Now there are students from both areas on every sports team. I would have to say that the consolidation was a big push for all of the kids.


    We can thank shotdoc for his efforts in getting it done.

  12. Well, we're less than 36 hours away now!


    What was it the Doobie Brothers said?


    Oh yeah. "Can't you feel it growing day by day, people getting ready for the move?".


    My blood is pumping up big time. It has been too many seasons since I snapped on my helmet for play-off time. I can only imagine what the players from both sides must be feeling right now.


    Good luck to both teams! Give it all you have, and may the best prevail!

  13. Hey turtle72, would you quit posting until you learn how to write. Not only can you not win the big games, you make no sense with your posts. South Greene beat you because they were better, period. Quit crying. Maybe next year you can go to the South Greene powder puff game during Homecoming week and play. You will not get hurt there, and they may teach you to write a correct post.


    OK Rebel fans, leave turtle alone now! If you look closely at his latest posts, you will see that he is supporting the Rebels in this game.


    CAK has a great passing game! South Greene has a great pass defense and a pretty balanced offense, leaning toward the run.


    I stick to my guns on this one. South Greene by 10.

  14. I've watched the Panthers for 3 years now. This crop of seniors is the final step toward true consolidation.


    Traditions are first built one day at a time, then one game at a time, then one season at a time.


    I am looking forward to a day when everyone in East Tennesse will say the same wonderful things about Cumberland Gap, that they now say about Alcoa.


    This season has been a jump start toward that goal. The past is history, and the future looks bright, one game at a time.


    The fans are ready, and I believe the team is ready too.


    CG - 28

    OS - 14

  15. There are two types of being critical, constructive and destructive. I do not intend my posts to be destructive when I use critical thinking on this board, but I do on occasion like to talk smack but usually as a defensive mechanism.


    Same here.


    Of course I'm a little bit biased. Anybody who says that they're not biased at all should not be trusted.


    I don't like personal attacks, and those posts that just say "My team will win" drive me crazy. I will admonish the ones that oviously know better, and just ignore the ones that may never understand your point.

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