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Posts posted by BigENS

  1. Quinn not interviewing at EH. No one wants to touch this place. The school is on a big downfall especially after the debacle with the Top dawg and one of the coaches last year.  Football coach is leaving, I would imagine that the basketball coach is going to be out the door pretty soon.  Not alot of shine over there in Antioch.

  2. From people in the know Quinn is not in at least the top two at Davidson but the job has been offered to somebody the question is who?


    Your people in the know dont seem to know anything. Quinn is one of the 2 finalist after #1 turned them down.

  3. Even more reason to believe TC will take care of business as they will have the FB players back on the BB team. I hope GP is ready for a physical game, I know TC will be ready to play.



    Where is "Slim?" I thought he was the only one who made stupid comments like this. Expect an epic beat down after all that has happened this year between the two schools. Like the chief said, by whatever Sonn wants.

  4. Ladies please,


    Coach Bowers and Coach Wade will be coaching that championship game.  Whether it is on the sideline or in the stands with some high powered walkie talkies.  King Alpha cannot be stopped!


    "Don't hate tha playa, hate tha game!"       What, What!

  5. So now TC got the victory that they were favored to get over a horrible Goodpasture team and are now boasting and bragging. Congratulations on a win everyone knew you were going to get? Don't forget ladies, you are still planning to forfeit in all of the other sports so take pride in the fact you beat a truly weak and horrible team who wasn't afraid to step on the field with you.


    If you really want to play a high powered recruiting machine, give Big Rick a call and we will gladly come to the Creekbank and show you what the differences are between privates.

  6. DCA not been as good since RT left.

    Webb, FCS, and FRA be big challenge for DCA


    Wow? I hope this is not referring to the old QB? Wasn't those the "Jeremy Lyons" years? Easy to be a "good" QB when you are handing off to one of the top RBs in the state 30+ times a game

  7. Satterfield in the news this morning whining about doing what is best for our students? How is showing them how to be quitters doing what is right? The argument is that they can't compete with the private schools, well why even play then because you can't compete with the Memphis schools either? What will be funny is if they end up having to play Goodpasture in the District tournament, then what? Forfeit away the entire season because you are scared to play. Next year should be interesting to watch

  8. Satterfield in the news this morning whining about doing what is best for our students? How is showing them how to be quitters doing what is right? The argument is that they can't compete with the private schools, well why even play then because you can't compete with the Memphis schools either? What will be funny is if they end up having to play Goodpasture in the District tournament, then what? Forfeit away the entire season because you are scared to play. Next year should be interesting to watch.

  9. They all (Alphabet schools) manage to find a way to pay tuition for the most gifted athletes...work study, bereavement, giving momma/daddy a job, etc.


    All these schools have athletic participation rates way higher than publics...which means that athletes are attracted to your school through advertising, word of mouth, friends, relatives, etc...Bottom line is that all these schools usually get the best athletes in their counties, and sometimes other counties too.


    They end up with a team full of all- stars in all sports. Carlton Flatt even spoke of how much advantage privates have over publics when he went to Eagleville...


    If TSSAA doesn't do something in the near future i'm gonna have to phone my buddy Chuck Norris, and have him get a little personal with Bernie.


    I know Bernie is on my side, but that stupid board that voted on it, don't even got no 1A or 2A representation on it!!!


    Bernie is supposed to be the Judge, so he's gonna have to step up and make some changes or get out of the way.and let someone in who will.



    Trousdale Co. finest! What do you think about public schools who recruit? I mean if your team was to make it far enough they would have to play teams from Memphis. In Memphis they pretty much transfer schools weekly and play for whomever they want. There are also several counties around Middle TN who let kids play out of zone if their parents work for the system.

  10. If Bowers ever wanted to coach college now would be the time. The franchise is on his way to "The U" so stepping up to the college ranks could happen. Still think Drew would be a better choice. What about Jan the man Van Breda Kolf?


    By the way, all the talk about Meyers favorite, I think we can all agree who wasn't on that list - D. Henrie!

  11. Well Ensworth lost a good one. I will be very interested to see a few things.

    1. How long will it take for Hubie to turn it around over there.

    2. How intense will the BA / Ensworth Games be.

    3. How big will the BA camps and leagues get now that Hubie is over there.

  12. After watching a few of the games yesterday I came away with a couple of thoughts.


    1. Southwind should win this tournament easily and not have a game within 15 points.

    2. Blackmon, what a let down! Up 18 at half and play scared/stupid the rest of the way.

    3. Congrats to Brentwood and Coach King, HUGE WIN!

    4. Also congratulations to the second oldest HS player in TN (outside of the kid from Ridgeway). Asa Duvall for hitting the biggest shot of his long HS career. After transferring from BA due to financial hardships (Dad builds MANSIONS all over Williamson Co?) Duvall takes Coach King one step closer to that elusive title.

    5. Hats off to Oak Ridge. Well coached team who played with a ton of heart.

    6. Dyer Co vs Hillsboro = HORRIBLE! Best thing from this game was Dyer Co smoking hot asst coach. Hubbs did not live up to the billing.

    7. Maryville vs Siegel blah....


    Look forward to hearing thoughts and observations.

  13. I think his mind is hurting. He's trying to figure out how to beat and keep up with CPA.


    Coach Farmer,


    Your lack of basketball knowledge continues to show. You obviously haven't been paying attention considering we just swept the State titles in both girls and boys. Have fun out there in Antioch while it lasts, wont be to long before they get smart and try to hire a real coach.

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