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Posts posted by sellsman11

  1. Wow. Up to 61 pages of smack talk. Love it! We all know the below truths:


    1.)Gonna be a very hard fought game on both sides.

    2.)Team with the least mistakes wins

    3.)No previous game matters. Just this one.

    4.)FCS is gonna win by 14!


    5.)I will take all bets as long as I am getting 14.

  2. Cardfan, you speak wisely. It is evident that your kids are class acts, which is a direct reflection of your coaching staff. It is also obvious that they like to be physical, which always equates to a good hard fought football game. We will try to do our part too and make it a good game. Best wishes and have a safe trip.


    orangecrush...you seem like a good enough guy. I'd like to meet you. I'll look for you at the game. What color sweater vest will you be wearing?

  3. Well just a few more dyas and all this talk will be put on a shelf and we will have the results. One team will be extremely happy and the other will be disappointed. At this point there is nothing more than working on what you will see from the other team. Is it Saturday yet?


    One more day!!! (Heck, if FCS can overlook us, I can overlook Wednesday and Thursday)

  4. just dont stoop to that level. Win or lose we will be ok and nothing he can do about anything anyway. He is a washed up has been just like me and you.


    Now wait just a dang second!!!!!!!!! I probably couldnt last 3 plays on the football field but I am a Baaaaaad Man on the ping pong table. Does FCS have a Ping Pong Team?

  5. So should FC's players get as fired up over the fact that every Adamsville supporter on coacht says that FC will get beat and some even made demeaning remarks too? No, it is all in fun and won't help either team after that ball is kicked off. Now, I would never say some of the things that a few of our supports might say. One, I think the line might be crossed every now and then and second, I always want to show class to our opponent, which is exaclty how most FC players, parents, and alumni view it.


    Let's leave reason, logic and common sense out of this.

  6. I don't think any red blooded / hardworking give it all type wouldn't get fired up when you disgrace everything they have worked for an achieved ! You don't think the players don't read this stuff ?

    I promise these 22 seniors will take it to heart ! Do they need it to get up ? Heck no, But know this disrespecting some ones pride will not go unnoticed !

    Good luck sweatervesters!


    Watch out RedRage.....I've smacked the Mother of all Hornet's Nests!!!

  7. Do you really think that FC's team thinks and says the things that are said by Commanderman, DHC, or a few other FC posters. These guys are on here for banter and fun and should not be taken too seriously because I assure you they don't take coacht seriously. I can promise you that FC's team respects Adamsville as a team and the coaching staff that leads them. If you need to fire up your team by using coacht, then there is a problem. This is the state championship game and I would assume that both teams will be ready both physically and mentally.


    You, Sir, are 1000% correct!!


    When the fire is burning hot, I am that guy that can't resist throwing another log on it!!


    It all comes down to who puts all of the peripherals out of their mind and plays football.


    Won't be long now.

  8. lol no fear of that happening. I am very proud of my team and I will be on here after game win or lose saying how proud I am of our team and congratulating the other team if they are victorious. I'm not a sore loser or one to make excuses.


    You are a rare breed TigerTown23. ;) I hope all of the games are injury free, competitive, back and forth games that are decided in the 4th quarter. Good Luck to your group.

  9. Just wanted to wish both teams luck come Saturday.Hope it is a good, clean, injury free game with lots of fireworks.


    How bout it FC? Let's bring 2 gold balls home for region 4 this year. We will get it started friday morning and ya'll finish it with a bang come Saturday!!!!!!


    You've got your hands full.

  10. I hope this Gray mans team wins. These sweatervest wearing guys got that Butchie man to change my website names I created for this game. I was real mad about that. You think im joking but im not.


    Roy, if that Murphy man doesnt come through with the media pass, I will pay your way in!!

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