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Posts posted by SLEDGEHAMMER

  1. umm uh YEAH i was. thats why i said that. and you completely just agreed with me.


    You stated Baker did nothing. The last post said Baker had a poor shooting night. That is not the same thing. What Baker did and did very well was handle the full court press, distribute the ball, played great defense (he even matched up with Eagleville's best post player when Smith was not in the game), rebounded, and kept his head in the game when his shot was not falling. You may have been at the game but you have a poor ideal of what having a good or bad game is. Sure, Baker was well below his average, but there is more to having a good game than scoring.

  2. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

    How can Eagleville allow Simmons to make 5 3pt shots? One of these teams will lose again before the district tournament so don't expect to see these teams finishing with only one loss for the last game. Two very solid teams but others are catching up.



    Eagleville doubled Smith down in the post most of the game creating open looks from 3 pt area. Van Buren had a poor game as far as shooting 3 pointers. Van Buren and Eagleville are in good positions at 1 and 2 in the district. How long the 2 starters for Eagleville are out will be a factor. Does anyone have up-to-date district standings? Please post them if you do.

  3. Hey even though Eagleville lost last night against VB I still believe that they can beat them at their place. Playing on that mountain of thiers is a tough one and VB didnt miss a shot in the 4th qtr. so give it to them. However, this won't be the same when they play at Eagleville nor where the district tournaments are held which in in Unionville (community) I say Eagleville has the better team and they will be the ones to come out on top in the district.


    Give credit where credit is due. Overall Van Buren had a very poor shooting percentage. Van Buren did not even attempt a shot for the last 4 1/2 minutes of the 4th quarter. Score: Van Buren 65 Eagleville 42 Can they be beat at Eagleville? Forrest? Community? and others? Sure it is possible but that is why the games are played.

  4. Good win for Van Buren even if Eagleville was missing some players. Outside shooting was cold for Van Buren in the first half. Defense was the deciding factor which it usually is when two good teams match up. Three things stuck out in my opionion that turn the game in Van Buren's favor. Smith was a force down in the paint. Great rebounding in the second half on the defensive end. Baker was not hitting his shots but he contributed greatly in every other phase of the game. And there is one thing you can count on, Eagleville will be ready when the game is played at their gym. The disctrict winner will be decided in the second half of the disctrict race. Van Buren has the lead, but it is not a given they will be crowned district champs. Enjoy the win tonight, go back to work tommorrow. Go Eagles!

  5. Yeah Baker has played big in many games and every kid has a bad night or two. He played O.K. but I am proud of the other kids stepped up.



    I read in the Tennessean that Smith had 32 and Baker 18. I guess I am getting a little spoiled when we expect both of them to be "near perfect" every game. I will say this, I would rather watch both of them playing for Van Buren than against us.

  6. I will try sledghammer. Cascade jumped out early like it seems to me every game has gone this year. We were down in the 1st around 8 or 10 points. We managed get close several times but Cascade had a good game plan and hit a lot of big shots. Smith was unstoppable in the middle tonight, I think he ended up with 30 plus and several boards. We still missed several free ones from the line again. Cascade is better than some give them credit for they are a little bigger than Forrest I think and have some speed. We managed to squeak one out tonight. Baker had an off night tonight seemed not to have the energy or something but Wheeler stepped up big tonight and hit a crucial 3 and 2 big free throws down the wire. Also would like to mention Sullivan played well tonight. I was expecting more but it was still a win.



    I always say any win on the road is a good win. Smith seems to be more aggressive the last couple of games. When he realizes what he is capable of he should own the paint. Baker has carried us in some games this year and last year and everyone has a off night sooner or later. Wheeler and others stepping up will be the difference in how far this team goes this year. I am glad to hear Sullivan played well tonight. If he learns to take the ball hard to the goal and be a force rebounding the Eagles should be able to "hang" with any team in the district. Hope to be at the next game Friday night. Go Eagles.

  7. Anyone think "the boys from the mountain" /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" /> can hang with us on our home floor? I don't see it!!



    Could not attend the game in Cascade tonight. How did "the boys from the mountain" hang with Cascade. Score and information would be appreciated.


    Where are Grammar, Eagleprotecter, anyone..... ?

  8. saw in the tennessean where you guys played dekalb tonight - how'd you all look?



    In my opinion the team looked pretty good overall. My biggest concern was the unforced turnovers. Hopefully it was just a case of 1st game jitters. The team had 9 or 10 players getting significant playing time. A first game win is always good. Go Eagles!

  9. VB lost 3 from last years team, Chandler, Crain, Cunningham. We will probably know more after Saturday night, it is the alum game. Alot of the times you can't judge by this type of game just like play days, but I am looking forward to seeing the kids that hasn't got much playing time play to see how much they have progressed. I would like to see VB play a little better defense than what they have played over the past few years. VB should start at least 4 seniors and maybe 5 with a cast of others getting playing time. We have boys that can shoot the three and with Baker and Smith out there I like our chances. Smith is big and strong with a sweet touch, put a soft player on him and you will pay. Baker will probably run point again this year unless someone has come in I don't know about, he is strong to the basket, posting up most other guards who can't handle his size and leaping ability. Better have a good game plan, or an outstanding defender to contain him or he will put up monster numbers. Both Baker and Smith are somewhere around 6'4" with both averaging over 18 a game last season. Simmons and Farris can shoot, Sullivan and Thorton has gotten stronger over the summer, Rigsby is a hard worker who is pretty solid. Hillis is fast and and has grown some over the summer. I may be leaving some out that I just can't think of at the moment. I have watched most of these kids play ever since youth league, and not only are they good ball players they have class which to me is the best quality any player can have.



    It's time to knock the rust off the ole keyboard. I have to agree with the last statement about "having class". Coach Sullivan for the last few years has had teams with class. I credit the school system, the parents, the players, and coach for this. What do I think the outlook is for this season? My prediction is Van Buren will win some, lose some, but in the end will still have class. Go EAGLES!!!!

  10. QUOTE(icecold06 @ Feb 21 2007 - 07:38 AM) 826382398[/snapback]you have to put the arents in teir place before the season ever started and you also have to put administration in thir place meaning this is how I a going to run my program that you hired me to run I need your support or I will go elsewhere, sounds bold but it works I promise I have seen it everywhere I have been


    Put parents and Administration in their place?

    When a coach is hired this means he or she is being payed by the school (Administration)

    The Adminstration is payed by the parent's taxes.

    Parents and Administration are necessary to have successful teams.

    Without the support of parents and the administration high school sports would not exist.

    Tell any boss you are going to do your job any way you want and see how fast you get to the unemployment line.

  11. QUOTE(muffin @ Feb 21 2007 - 07:50 AM) 826382411[/snapback]What are your feelings on the new format of only having two games per night during the week,and starting the districts in the middle of the week and having the finals during the week,some districts were already playing their tournament before others were done with regular season?


    I prefer the finals to be on Friday or Saturday.

  12. QUOTE(grammar @ Feb 19 2007 - 04:58 PM) 826379646[/snapback]You're right -you guys still have the region, but the other night our guys were just HOT! It would have taken an amazing game from you all's defense, but hey we couldn't stop you either. And I am not sure where you got your comments concerning #42 when you consider you guys scored 75 points. He took what came to him, and we tried extremely hard to stop him which left others open and they responded! And as for last year - I remember watching the district tournament up on the mountain as you call it and the only people who choked were the 2 players who kept shooting contested 3's all night long. #42 is a class player and for you to get on here and dog him is I don't think representative of what all of us from cascade have said positively about your program, school, and community.


    Two comments I would like to make:


    1. I would rather have #42 on my team than have to play against him.

    2. Thanks for all the nice comments from everyone at Cascade about Van Buren.


    Good luck to all teams tonight.

  13. I would say that the refs were a little one sided. This is not the reason why seq. lost though. This was one of the worst games that I have seen seq. play. They were not play like they could of. I have to give credit to VB boys they played well nice passes played good team ball. Any time you get calls 18 to 4 shots in a whole game the refs are not calling something. There was not one over the back call made.


    I think the vandenburg boy had 12 or 14

    Some of those 18 shots resulted from putting Van Buren on the line toward the end of the game. How many lane violations were called? One- on Van Buren County.

  14. Forrest vs. Van Buren should be a heck of a game. Shankle vs. Smith should be a heck of a match up. Shankle is playing good , even though fresh has said enough. Shankle's teammates are really playing well too and are capable if Shankle is doubled. Van Buren looks to have momentum also and has two really good players to watch. We are all biased, not trying to mend bridges, but we here at Forrest respect all teams and look foward to a great game. I would also like to add that the addition of Van Buren has really strengthened our district. I just hate the long drive for yall and us. Be safe and good luck. GO ROCKETS!


    I have to agree with you 100% and the players and fans from Van Buren realize that Forrest is a good team with great fans. I have enjoyed the district games since Van Buren joined last year. There is nothing wrong with praising a player but don't tear down others in the process. Well, time for the long trip.

  15. Hey union, I can't give you the details the way porky does, but I got to go with him on this..just because I love seeing david and dustin work together in the backcourt: O and D. Haynes or even Muldar at the 3 gives you that combo and the frosh can't play 3 due to size.


    I will say this, get the right combo on the court and the Vikings are a matchup problem for every team in the district. We can outplay at least 3 players on every team every time.


    Can I take a page out of Fresh's book here and go over the top a bit..can David point a team or what? The kid is all over it, can any two people guard him? How many people CAN he guard at once? :thumb: Thanks to Coach Ed for seeing it and going with it. Ok OK at least I know when I am puffed up.


    Vikings Rule!


    Yes, Forrest and VB is the game of the season so far..VB is the suprising one..hiding out up there on the hill and coming down with guns blazing. Good luck guys!

    Let me be sure I understand what you just said:


    1. Your best 3 players are better than any other district team's best 3 players.

    2. You have a player that 2 players can't guard.

    3. You have a player that can guard more than 1 player at a time.


    Is this correct?

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