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Posts posted by OnThePitch

  1. really stud? really? i "play" college soccer how? last time i checked i was on a college team. my club team my senior year was 2nd in the state and played in some quality tournaments. there was a reason your past post got deleted. you take shots without backing up your smacktalk. i can take criticism but not without reasoning.....



    as for me bashing high school...... don't misread contructive criticism for "bashing". i give credit. plus i post because i enjoy the high school game. i love soccer period and everything about it.



    There is a reason NAIA plays with the Div ! schools....they have less regulations, use older experienced players from overseas and can get away with more in money, grades and recruiting. I am not bashing you UCsoccer, because anyone that plays at that level has to be a real class player so Congrats!!! But remember this High School is for learning with players from all levels and first and even second touch defines those that go on and those that don't.

  2. Not sure which is my upset call this one or CAK vs Carter.


    Since I think Carter has a bigger hill to climb talent wise, I will call this one Alcoa 2 Catholic 1...


    You go, you go You Tommy coach you go!!



    Well, I called this right . Carter's hill was to big to climb but dream almost came true and I called Alcoa over Catholic by 1(ok my score was 2-1) but my prediction was right.........Want my CAK vs, ALCOA prediction I go with Coach Tom G! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No upset here no matter who wins.


    Bearden vs Farragut Farragut by at least 1

  3. I don't think it's a surprise Siegel got upset, they weren't focused enough.


    But anyways, what do ya'll think about this game?


    I think Columbia is a different team from the preseason game they played (2-0 Riverdale).




    I will tell you what I am surprised about Your Screen Name, I find it offensive and Blasphemy. Change your Name to get any creditablity on here!

  4. Not sure which is my upset call this one or CAK vs Carter.


    Since I think Carter has a bigger hill to climb talent wise, I will call this one Alcoa 2 Catholic 1...


    You go, you go You Tommy coach you go!!


    Not sure which is my upset call this one or CAK vs Carter.


    Since I think Carter has a bigger hill to climb talent wise, I will call this one Alcoa 2 Catholic 1...


    You go, you go You Tommy coach you go!!

  5. Psude point well taken, but saying the mighty admirals seemed like a shot. I think if you go back and look,, it is one poster who keeps saying things like the hornets nest and other statements and I don't believe him to be a Farragut fan but a trouble maker...never nothing good to say.


    Both teams have dramatically improved but in the First game, I think the tie was more of a result of a tired Farragut team after a run of games in a row. This time will truly tell which teams wants it and which coach prepared his team. Big Keeper for OR can be a difference and he will want to prove his dominance after the goals scored by West. BUT, those were exceptional goals, few could have stopped them.

  6. Ok, so we don't upset anyone......yes West can win but ONLY if Bearden doesn't come to play and for the statement West winning the Regional...that is some stretch since the other 3 teams ALL beat them this year....but anything is possible just very slight.

    If West could beat Bearden they will have to beat Oak Ridge Again on a big Field which doesn't play to their style or Farragut on their big field where they have been very tough as of late but either way West odds are greatly reduced.


    Bearden are fightrers and Turner will never let them forget that this is one and done. Bearden will give West it's own game and Bearden is better at it...Sorry West Fans Bearden wins this 2 or 3 to 1.

  7. 6 for 6 on uncalled for post!!! (7th post was a score and after this 6th one)......DVD do you ever have anything to say that is of worth? i think i'm gonna start calling you easttnref (which is degrading to even easttnref because he did add to convo from time to time)........... everything i have read from you has been uncalled for and really just a waste of my time.




    UCSOCCER I agree with you.......


    DVD1 You do post callouts on every post. Either add something to the conversation or go back from whence you came. I too post callouts sometimes but it is to perpetuate further post not to take potshots

  8. How arrogant of you to say that he must be an OR player or parent! I thought speedrush predicted this one the way he sees it. I happen to agree with him. If anyone has stirred up the hornets nest, it would be you! Is it so surprising that someone predicts the mighty Admirals may be beaten. It has happened- just ask CAK! Sometimes, the better team does not win the game- sometimes they do- but Oak Ridge is a good team and they should be ticked with losing to West.

    I say Oak Ridge 2-1. Either way, East Tennessee will be strong going on to State!

    Good luck to both teams!!!



    Psude,Psude,Peude....and how arrogant of you to take your shots at the mighty admirals when you as a staunch Bearden fan must be burned about the 2 games so far between Farragut and Bearden. So yes the Farragut team can be beaten as can Bearden but I will say this if I recall right Grico the best player in the area so far this year did not play in the first Oak Ridge game and Farragut for some dumb reason played 3 games in 4 days in the cold and looked tired against Oak Ridge. That being said I saw several Oak Ridge games and they have improved.

    Last year I certainly gave West a chance against Farragut because of the first game where Farragut only won 1-0 and I predicted West to win last year 2-1. But last years Farragut team underperformed and should have found a way but didn't.

    Oak Ridge has the keeper to hold Farragut but not the offense to score enough to beat them. This one will be 1 or 2 to 0 Farragut the winner. My opinion is not biased based but performance based and I call them like I see them. As I did last year predicting West over Farragut but I missed Oak Ridge over Maryville..........The other side of this regional I see Bearden 2-1 over West and listen to me "a shocker in A/AA"

  9. With or without Tanner, when Knox West clicks on all cylinders they are untouchable. The only problem is that this is like a solar ecplise for them. IF and only if the they can put this kind of play together they will be able to advance far into the post season.




    Give me a break...being a untouchable team #1 means you don't have to hit on all cylinders and #2 Noone is unbeatable #3 Your bias to West is shown by your statement with no substantial proof of the claims validity............to whom have they shown this unbeatable game?


    Post again in 3 weeks and we will see if you are even close to right, but I too have my own thoughts about that and they don't really agree with yours, but good luck,.....everyone needs someof that this time of year and with the weather

  10. I would have to agree with 11AAA this year.




    I would think you would notice that Bearden , Farragut and Maryville teams in the one district are ranked higher in everyones polls than the 11AAA teams, but guess what only2 max from any district can show up at states...and then we can see .....but intermix these teams in a quasi district and lots of surprises could come out.... It's almost tourney time!!

  11. District 7-AAA has had 3 different teams at state in the past 3 years (Blackman, Cookeville, and Riverdale). Although I could be incorrect, I don't think any other district in the state can make that claim.



    You don't think so....try this one on for size Bearden and Farragut are in the same district and have won 5 of the last 7 State Championships. IN addition everyyear has at least 3 teams Bearden Farragut and Maryville ranked in the top 10 in the state including this year....so yes, another district can make a bigger claim

  12. When Dogs fight you can throw water on them and Most of the time it will work to shock them and they will seperate. If the official had kept blowing his whistle instead of watching and taking numbers, this might have never escalated.....I feel sorry for the ref put in this position but a more seasoned ref would have blown his whistle over and over

  13. I think that people just don't take the Fire as anything to worry about since those aregames that do not count... good practice for teams in between district games. You can take out key players and let them rest (like JP II had key defenders out) and unfortunately I just don't think teams care about a game vs. the homeschooled kids. I am sure they are a good team but as we saw they played probably their first really good opponent in Ravenwood and lost on a Ravenwood bad night so... just don't think people care that much. Sorry... but you don't hear kids talking about the fire like they do games they play against their key rivalries.




    Check out my post I am from NOWHERE in your area so I have no bias on this subject, but you need to take SPECIAL NOTE::::::::

    I Really hate to break it to you but Games due count!!!! The team is accepted by the TSSAA and that makes it count against your record as one of your allowed games and team win loss record. 2nd No team that has an ounce of pride plays a game without caring 3rdly I am tired of the JPII had 2 defenders out, how many did the Fire have out, Every team plays down sometime during the year due to injuries, discipline or some reason, I don't know anyone from either team but I sure have heard every excuse for the JPII loss EXCEPT they just simply GOT BEAT THAT NIGHT.....oh well it happens to the best of teams , you just hope it doesn't happen during playoff time. The Fire obviously brought something JPII couldn't handle that night and The HOMESCHOOLED KIDS WON.... THE END!!

  14. I certainly hope you arent calling McMinn a weak team. We will play anybody, as our schedule indicates. Sometimes we hold our own (Cleveland, Farragut, Bearden), sometimes we dont (Baylor, Hendersonville). But please dont insult us by calling us weak.


    We played Farragut early and Bearden last week. I believe that these two teams will face each other in the District Final, and Region final. So thursdays match will only be round 1.



    Coach, Please forgive me , I didn't mean you were a weak team, I just meant not as good as the two teams mentioned so it was worded wrong. You have done a great job since you got there and have had some teams with great records. So, Please relax, we all know you will play anybody and since you get the big games that shows you are well respected as well as your trips to the state tournament. I do have one thought question for you, if you had played Bearden first and then Farragut a month later would you have seen different teams?

  15. McMinn County has played both teams. I would totally disagree with Stud who predicts a 4-1 Farragut win.


    I would say Farragut has better skill, Bearden is a better "team".


    I'll predict the upset--Bearden 2, Farragut 1.


    Good luck to both teams and coaches.




    First let me say several years ago I watched Bearden play Maryville and thought Farragut would stomp Bearden when they played, a different Bearden than what played Maryville came to play Farragut and so it goes both ways and always has. So McMinn playing both teams means nothing at game time. Second when did McMinn play each team, some teams take awhile to gel and both Turner and Culbreth work to get their teams to peak so early contest may be irrevalent.. Secondly, diffferent teams play weaker Teams different, some excel some play down. Who played McMinn which way? .

  16. Here is what I have determined about the call. My freinds at Farragut see it as a bad call and My friends at West see it as a good call ,. being that I wasn't there ...I am going to agree with my friends.



    Next Game PLEASE!!



    Rewatch this link....WHo hooked who??? Seems McCoy lost the race and made an arm issue out of it and won with the referee............. West is good but as I said last year I have NEVER seen a team of whiners( ususally McCoy and Tanner) Tanner can make a difference but not enough to beat Farragut. I would be careful for wishing a rematch West Fans it would be the end of your run

  18. I think the Quote mentioned above, if it even is a quote from Coach Wallie was a New Formation, nothing about a new lineup. I played for Coach Wallie and he is always trying things new and obviously his record shows he is more right than wrong about his approach. Your words come close to dissing on Coach as making excuses and he would be the first to tell you he doesn't make them!!!!!! , So, if you are going to think now your smart enough to say maybe Coach was lying about formations ...Then you should Keep your opnions to yourself................Big G I am calling TnFutbolfan out,for being naive, But I didn't call him what I wanted to call him




    Lion101 for once I agree with 100% of what you are saying


    Tnfutbolfan YOU are out of line with your opinion, I think Big G would agree Culbreth is a class act, and you are treading in bad territory

  19. I and most refs that I know usually don't have a problem with the players or coaches talking to us. It is HOW they talk to us that gets them in trouble most of the time. The talking that is comments about calls (i.e. What the $%@ kind of call was that? When was the last time you had your eyes checked? What the #$&? That was a stupid call. Is your kid on the other team? etc. etc. etc.) is usually what gets a player or coach in trouble. One of our roles as refs is instructional and we usually don't mind doing some of that. However, when a team questions or challenges or wants an explanation on every call, I for one am not going to get into a situation where the flow of the game is disrupted by this kind of tactic. Even when done in a tactful manner, constantly challenging or asking questions can become an infringement on the game. A little common sense and judgment on all parties goes a long way.




    Mr Ref. You are right when someone constantly rides you about all your calls they should be put down and quickly to keep control on the other hand; Refs are going to make mistakes they are human but what is wrong with the current group of Refs is the lack of honesty on mistakes. I know , everyone needs to remember once the play has restarted there is no Whoops and reversing it. But , I have seen linesman out of position over and over call offsides and not call offsides and they NEVER admit to the center ref...."I was out of position , you need to call that one" No , they just make the call even though they were NOT IN POSITION!! Or a center ref, going to the sideline AR before confirming a call he might have missed...........No , the Arrogance of being right and in control trumps the Position of What is Right........... So, you are right we as players, fans and coaches need not to challenge everything and show respect for you trying your very best, but on the other hand., show us respect..........Own up to it when you are wrong, alot of respect wold be gained

  20. i dont know about everyone else but Sevier County is gonna kill William Blount tonight




    That is CERTAINLY something to brag about.......................

  21. soccerstud, let me clarify for you... A bunch of people have been talking about this team now for a couple of years. These guys have played together for a while, and if they are going to win, it would be this year. I never said they would win the state championship. I said that IF they were going to win state, then they must have a good showing in this tournament. A good showing means that they would beat CAK, Farragut, and Catholic. Obviously, this didn't happen.



    Sorry for the confusion. Best of luck.



    Well, I am not trying to create an enemy so forgive me , but what you really said Netterjack , was that alot of people were saying and thinking this Mo West is going to win the state championship......As I said previously, only the Mo West people were saying that. Well, unless they improve greatly the results will be the same in playoffs.

    CAK should have beaten them and on a good field would have. But let me go back, the season is young alot of soccer to play. As ususal AAA and A/AA will have to go thru Knoxville to win anything.

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