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Everything posted by ProudLionFan

  1. Well that should be easy for you and your loud mouth. Hahahahaha
  2. Haven't had that issue since 09 when it was wainscot and Michael dildays senior year. Hodge and Hewitt became big fans of running lol
  3. 2 fans. At this point I'm more of a Murray and McNairy fan than my alumni in Dresden because how they handled our situation.
  4. He will leave before he plays that crap. 90% of us here at Dresden are jealous. Our administration wasn't smart enough to keep Chad. You guys listen to this guy and in about 3 years, y'all will be a powerhouse. Feelings will be hurt, no doubt. You won't find a more energetic, passionate coach who will go to war for his players. Take care of this guy or you'll regret it. He's a motivator and one heck of a coach. He'll turn you around. Adamsville will soon have their hands full. Good luck to you and Chad!
  5. It takes a better coach to lead a 1-2a team to the play offs than a 5a team loaded with studs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Chad is better, but he has proven himself. Rang has to prove himself with small schools. We know he can coach huge powerhouses. As far as winning three rings, Chad played for the great Jack McGee and Rod Sturdivant. They took Bruceton to state and won a few. When talking to someone from Bruceton about football, you'll hear McGee's name and talk about success in the 80s-90s but not what's happening now. Chad learned a ton from McGee, that's why Chad is so energetic on the sideline. His coach hated to lose more than he loved to win and it rubbed off.
  6. Where do you stand on the coach selection? I think we can make playoffs but who knows if we will
  7. Morgan is going to LA to take a shot at an acting career. May have changed his mind since last week though. He hasn't officially said yet, but he is leaning toward acting
  8. Oh so son in law? Kelly has no sons, so that'd mean you're Chuck's son that married Kelly's daughter or you're a female
  9. So which one of the administration powers are you the son of
  10. Literally every post you've said makes the others look down right stupid. Football knowledge is harder to come by than I thought
  11. I'd rather not have a spring game and keep these guys in the weight room. They're gonna need it. That and a big serving of the hill
  12. I went to the weight room today and was disappointed. Weights are everywhere, holes are in the new walls, foul writings on the board. Need a coach to come punish them. Oh and the doors were all wide open with all the locks broke where they were kicked in.
  13. Atleast he was one of the few interviewed! That's a big step forward. Hopefully it was more of a "one more strike and you're out" than a "we'll call you if we picked you" lol.
  14. After we beat TCA, Chad was telling us he wanted to beat Trenton more than anyone in the state and said he wanted to beat the man who was considered a second father. His voice broke when he said the second father part and he teared up. I'd say they're as close as it gets. Chad still asks him for advice on some things
  15. I said it. Words right from a higher-up person's mouth. Not gonna call name and bash the man but whatever
  16. The only two times I've seen Chad cry were when we beat Trenton and when we beat Parsons in 2010. He cried after the Trenton game because of his father-son like relationship with Gaddis. He cried after the Parsons game because he and Keith missed most of the week's practice for reasons that I have no right to share (almost all Dresden folk know) and we still ended Parsons 14 game regular season win streak. In round 2 of the playoffs Parsons killed us 33-0 that same year lol.
  17. Reliable sources at church say the announcement will be no later than this Friday. I keep hearing of the UC guy named Justin D.
  18. Reliable sources at church say the announcement will be no later than this Friday. I keep hearing of the UC guy named Justin D.
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