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Posts posted by Vblife99

  1. Good for you. Way to go.

    My number one priority isn't getting my daughter a meeting with a d1 college coach, she'll be going to college for academic reasons first. I'll be sitting down looking through the scholarship options for her intelligence. Same for you? Oh, never mind you'll probably never experience that. Realistically, Volleyball isn't a career option for 99.9% of college players. But I'm glad you have that as your goal, looks like you've achieved it! Again way to go!

  2. Oh, And if you did know everything, k2 has awful financial skills. I'm not going into detail here because some decorum of privacy is needed on a blog. But shady happenings and money issues have been a problem so I can't imagine how losing 30 or more players with some charter and free staying can be a money maker.

    And if you educated yourself you would know that playing MEP league is waaaay cheaper than playing conventional tournaments. But for some reason that savings isn't passed down to the parents.

    And while I'm on a rant, have some decency and don't use names of girls on here. It's not necessary!


    Enough said I've spent way too much time on this, when you will never change my mind and I won't change yours!

  3. Oh.... And kva website listed all district award winners no matter where they played club and what school they go to. It's not a competition to say who can congratulate a girl for an achievement. Get over yourself. Your daughter isn't on there now anyway, old news!

  4. You need to educate yourself and not rely on what you are told.

    Of course you think what you wrote it's the truth, that's what they tell you. You only see the side from a free player with a tall kid. You get different priveledges then most. Yes, Tom loves your kid and will do all he can to make her the best player he can. He wants the fame of claiming he created a D1 player. Your daughter will play for a D1 school no matter where she plays club or who coaches her she is a 6'3" 15 year old!

    It's not the parents being told they are getting D1, it's the girls! They believe it. Most parents are realistic, and I say most, not all.

    As far the tall statement it's just starting, give it time. You are so all knowing.....pay attention to other ages not just your own. And yes, it has been told to the girls directly they aren't tall enough that's not a lie! Carrie was told her jump touch wasn't higher, really? That's what makes a setter? A jump touch? After being told she is the best setter in the club. And as far as her replacement, she may be athletic because but not nearly the talent. That's why the hitters left to join Carrie. Educate yourself!


    I don't have to "do my homework" I've been there longer than you and have seen much more than your one year of special treatment has opened your eyes too. And if you have always been told "straight up" from k2 you are definely the only one. That's a joke.

    You do your homeork, they only they call themselves master coaches because sports performance calls their coaches that. Difference is, sports performs has the history and record to back it up. J has nothing. Tom has some, but all he claims to can't be substantiated. But you can google him and see how he was disliked so much in Colorado they wanted him gone. That you CAN find. Do your homework!

    Again, you believe what k2 tells you about UT! All lies there. Hames was let go from a volunteer position. How bad do you have to be for that to happen? Patrick "let " those girls go. He didn't have to he could've set them on the bench, made them ride out the contract but he didn't. He would rather have a less competitive team then girls who followed someone else's coaching than the one the college paid for!

    I can't wait for MEP too. It'll be interesting. We will see...in all ages. The only age that did any kind good in MEP last year was 15. The only difference is even if KVA isn't the best at MEP our girls will still have had fun on and off the court.


    Dave DID NOT ask tom to help with the club! Yet, another lie you have been told and choose to believe. And that one is the most absurd of them all! Getting kids away from Tom is one of the main reasons the new club was even was started! Get your facts straight! Carrie took lessons from Tom for a while until his true nature started showing. Your daughter is a favorite of Tom, she probably won't be subjected to his "teaching" style. Yes, many players left his team last year. At least 2 I know of have chosen not to play this year do to the stress he put on them. Out of the 4-5 he had to bring up from other teams to fill in order to have a full team, 3 or 4 are at KVA. They chose not to stay and possibly make the 1team because they didn't want tom as their coach. I know you think he hung the moon. It's understandable tho, if my daughter was given free play and the attention yours is, you would have to be a supporter.


    But before you go on and tell others to educate themselves maybe you should be in the arena for more than just one star eyed filled year!


    Kva hasn't "promised" anything to any girl other than abuse free coaching and competitive play.

    And again D1 status isn't the only value KVA acknowledges in volleyball players.

  5. Coach Dave doesn't read these. He was informed by others.

    And he had been considering opening a club for years. Didn't do it because he was coaching at k2. Plus financially couldn't do it for years. That's what makes me laugh too. All you saying he opened a club for his daughter, really? A school teacher is going to financially up and start a club on a whim? I don't think so when his daughter only has two years left and already knows where she may be playing in college.


    And if you believe that's why Webb doesn't practice all summer you are the naive volleyball parent. Have you spoken to any Webb parents? Many will tell you the reason they start late. Plus aren't Webb girls playing beach at k2? Then yes, they would need a break...two teams at the same time would be too much.

  6. I'm not bashing the girls. Great that they have high goals, but promising them all D1 placement is not being honest with them. Telling them what they want to hear to keep them coming back (and not playing high school to stay and pay for private lessons.) treating the girls, that they have trained since 12 years old that they aren't valuable to them now.

    Funny thing is it's the 2team girls that paid the bills there. When you let players play free and on 1 team it's only the 2 and lower teams contributing the cash. How many 2 teams does k2 have this year? Especially in the 15 and 16 year old age bracket. Strange how the "master" coaches (a self imposed title btw) have the least number of players in the club.


    And What's with all the bible references? Don't know if you are trying to insult me with them, but I've never used anything from the bible, because I'm atheist maybe you have been assuming you know who I am? Taking this blog personal?

  7. Spike, of course kva would take 6' girls don't be stupid! But kva doesn't go searching in other cities hours away and promise them a 1team and free play. Most can't even play that well . it's just about height. It's all for the sake of ego and claiming all our players are D1 material, which total crap! The majority of the girls at any club in knoxville are not D1 level. Look on twitter it's there from all the k2 girls that's what the goal is at k2 and it's coaches. To stroke their own ego. Not everyone is going to be or wants to be a d1 player but still wants competitive play.

    We will see this week how many of the 1 team girls are still on the 1 team this year after they bring up players from other areas and promise them 1spots.

  8. Again...k2 club owner and high school coach puts K2 before her high school team. Webb doesn't even have tryouts until August. No training or practice over the summer at all because she has to focus on her business that supports sending her kid(s) to private school. The beach season takes up all the summer so high school ball waits.


    Bhs coach was opening a new club whole coaching high school all summer too.


    And I believe it, not, that the administration is not happy with bhs coach. AD was contacted directly to discuss this (brought on by your blog) and he said it's all BS. They love coach Dave. If you were having issues with him, or his "playing 2nd fiddle" all year, you should have spoke with someone, coach, AD whoever. But instead you choose to gripe here.


    In the end, don't go to Webb next year because you aren't going to be happy that the coach there. She definitely puts club first.

  9. lmao...

    He coached Bearden because the previous bhs coach had no idea how to coach a team with club players. They had more potential then she could even know how to coach. Parents asked for him to coach BHS. His daughter gets all the accolades she deserves. She won rookie of the year for the District even before he came on the scene.


    Btw..you don't get accolades in club ball so your argument that she left because of that is ridiculous. He opened the club because many parents looking for an alternate option. Yes, many are 2 team players from last year. But at least 10% are from k2 1 teams who chose to leave. k2 has a new "vision" to be a copycat of sports performance and only tall girls matter now. Last year 5 members of the team that went to nationals lost their spot on a one team because they weren't tall enough to meet the standards. 5'10 was the minimum. Yes, even BHS coach's daughter was told "you are the best setter we have, but your jump touch isn't the highest of the setters."

    They brought in one Chattanooga player last year and have at least 3 more, all 6 ft, this year. It's all about getting tall players not about skill. Wait until all the knoxville parents, especially charter members kids start losing spots to recruits. Then tell me how "pretty" it is there.


    Lastly, k2 club owner and high school coach puts K2 before her high school team. Webb doesn't even have tryouts until August. No training or practice over the summer at all because she has to focus on her business that supports sending her kid(s) to private school. The beach season takes up all the summer so high school ball waits.

  10. Just FYI ...I'm a Former k2 now KVA supporter, so you know where I stand.

    1) coach Dave the director for new KVA club is also the coach for Bearden. He has coached the BHS libero for two years and she is part of his team. Her mother is president of BHS booster club and most importantly, Kva recognizes all girls for their achievement no matter which club they play for.

    2) MEP league is the Mid East power league. It's all power pool type play for 4 weekends. Strong northern teams like MAVA, Asics munciana, NKYVC and Asics KIVA are some of the participating clubs just to name a few. Much more challenging play then what can be found in the southern region now. Lots more travel too.

  11. My thoughts exactly clubonly. I had a good laugh when I read that same line about caring about the team more then themselves. LOL. Those two only care about themselves and their egos. They wouldn't "stoop" that low to coach a high school team anyway. They make no attempt to attend any high school games during the season to watch all their own club girls play, heck they don't even watch and support other aged teams in their own club at tournaments. They are only about how many D1 girls they can claim they've created.


    Are there any good middle school coaches that could step into the high school arena?

  12. Don't believe everything you read.

    Bearden's coach hasn't lost support from his team( or AD) There is only one parent who had a problem this season and they have made their voice heard on another blog. Of 22 girls on the team, 4 were seniors, 7 don't play club ball, and of remaining 11, 9 are at KVA. Obviously they trust in him and his abilities to play with him for another 6 months.

    The other 2 are at k2, one with D1 promises and the other like I said, has made their feelings known. After k2 "talks" with them they probably won't be back to play high school ball anyway, like many others have been convinced to skip the high school season.


    Cak coach would be great for Karns but the CAK girls love him. I don't think he is going anywhere.

  13. Well, yes the banquet date was planned early in the season, but I definitely know it wasn't known by July 8th as your 4 months calculates to. Again dramatization.

    He felt awful for the situation he got himself in, but I guess you just can't get over him not being there for you (the only one who saw this as a problem) those 30 minutes he missed in order to make the impossible situation the best it could be for all under the circumstances.

  14. PhillyA don't speak for "us groupies"!

    Yes, coach was late to the banquet due to poor planning and double booking. It happens!

    There is no pattern.

    No one else had an issue with it. I guess you've never made a mistake huh? And before you start throwing stones, the Webb coach, who also runs a club coincidentally, was also late to her own banquet. Coach Dave is the 3rd coach in the area to coach high school and run a volleyball club so I guess you think all 3 of them should pick one or the other?


    Your comment of "if the coach had no club and they weren't trying to get their girls....etc"

    Made me laugh and is so predictable. That is how "your" club has always been run, that's how club parents have been trained to think. Kva club members just want their girls to play volleyball without the drama of how much do I have to kiss up to the coach/director for the benefit of my daughter and her placement. Us "groupies" are fighting for a club that treats all girls and their parents respectfully no matter which team they make for the love of playing volleyball. Not everyone is out to get their child on a D1 college team. We just want competitive volleyball options until those decisions need to be made.

    The BHS team is made up of half club players and 2 have chosen to stay with the club we all were at, the others have decided kva is the place they want to be, yes in part due to coach Dave. But I'm sure you know that. That shows the respect his team has for him and his coaching skills. They weren't told they could only play at his club. Or join in fear losing playing time in the high school season, which we all know isn't the feeling all coaches doing double duty give out.

    I'm sure you are relieved the high school season is over and can focus on club ball now since you have had such an unpleasant experience.

    Good luck with club, honestly. I hope you find the experience everything you are wanting for your child. We can all be respectful of each other and play on opposing teams without drama and scorn since it's not about us, but about our kids.

  15. I had to respond to phillyA... Wow, were u at the same banquet as the rest of us? Maybe it wasn't apparent to you that many people were late to the banquet. It's probably because you were just looking for reasons to complain about the coach that this observation passed you by. Having an idea of who phillyA is it's not surprising that you are bringing up issues, again.


    The coach not only said something about every senior, but he gave the Kelly Andrews award to a senior who was most deserving for battling through her physical limitations and unable to play volleyball her senior year yet was still dedicated to the coach and the team. Maybe you didn't realize what the award was for?


    As far as practice, you are off on that too. Practice was 4-5:30. 4-5 on Wednesdays and days before big games. This might be the reason your child was sitting alone for so long after practice. Btw, these girls are high school students and don't need a babysitter from leaving school especially if they own a cell phone and can dial.

    Coach did however stay late on banquet night for two team members who parents were not there on time to pick them up after everyone else left. Maybe you didn't know this.... or maybe you did?


    If PhillyA is who I think, complaining is nothing new.


    Our coach led our team to a second straight winning season while in the process of opening a new club while just in his 2nd year of coaching high school. Quite an accomplishment.


    And Yes, a new club dedicated to the girls and parents who are fed up with the treatment from other clubs. The number of families that have put their trust in "bearden's" coach and his new club mission should be an eye opening for you.


    But some people you just can't please.

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