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Posts posted by oldcoalfield88

  1. The game of football is basically controlled by turnovers....99% of the time the team that wins with the number of total turnovers ( number of fumbles by your team or anyone team) is the looser at the end of the game.  No harm done but if you played us 10 times, you would loose, 10 times.   Great game plan, your Q B is going to be a good one.  #55 is really good but only had 4 tackles which I was surprised.  Union City had way to much speed for the outside.  We could have passed but only a couple of time not wanting to run the score up.  Go read my post of what I took from the game as I was able to make the trip, I praised your team well.   Still in Cookeville to see all games.  Your team has a bright future.  It was Union City's year, It was Union City's day.  No one could slow us down but your team did for 2 quarters, most in the season.  We had 12 Mercy rules this year, your team adding to that.  Your team actually gave more of a fight than the Private school NCS.  Don't hang your head.  Let us enjoy the GOLD.  These years only come around very seldom. 

    very good summary of the game, i agree, we keyed on the middle running game, and actually had a good game plan, we had way to many freshman to compete today, our db's and end are

    weak as heck, we imploded in the 3rd, we are a better team than that but not good enough to beat you guys, congats, seroiusly, #55 my cousin is the real deal potential wise, i hope he red shirts and has a year in the weight program, also we have a young man at UT now Benson Napier, you probably dont realize how small coalield is, you would be amazed that we were evev there.

  2. SP might have hit harder last year but UC beat them to.

    yes i know, s.pitt  UC last year was a much more competitive game, at least in the second half anyway, today was my first look at UC live, they had a awesome team, well balanced and good team speed, CF played 4-6 freshman today and i knew they would be nervous as heck and it showed,  CF team would have to play a turnover free game and exacute flawlessly to even come to within 7-14 points of them, they are very good. 

  3. first of all congrats to union city on an awesome season,  i must say a few things though, im proud of my yellow jackets and a silver ball but im just sick about that third qtr and 6 turnovers. I think that CF would still lose though but without killing ourselves maybe a 35-20 ish type game, further more to some of the posts ive read leading into this game about how UC was gonna hit CF like they've never been hit, coalfield has never seen anything UC, #50 was gonna show #55 stewart thing hes never seen well thats just bull crap pure bull crap. I can tell you that  S.pitt last year against CF was a harder hitting team. Cloudland and greenback this year was a harder hitting game,  thats just my opinion based on what i seen today. UC is a awesome team, today was a record setting day for them and UC fully earned the 1A title. Congrats to UC..... no sour grapes here these are just my honest thoughts.

  4. I have watched about every video on youtube about Zach Stewart. I am completely impressed with that kid. Thank God we will have him at UT next season. He will be a force to be recond with on Friday. He is also very humble or atleast he seems to be in his interviews. We will have quickness and speed on our side to help make up for his brute force. It's gona be fun to watch how we deal with this guy.

    If any of you CF posters want to meet before the game I will be glad to meet and shake hands. Now if you truely want to meet I will be there. Those hosers from SP stood me up last year. I stood down there in the rain for 30 or 45 minutes and NO ONE showed up. They said later that they saw me down there waiting but just didn't want to stand in the rain. What? It wasn't just raining in the spot I was standing in. Whatever. I'm saying all of this to make a point. If you want to meet please show up.

    id be glad to meet and talk before the game, last year i posted in on s.pitt  UC threads and you were very rude, this year you have been great, probably had the best posts on this thread, very honest and fair, not bashing our athletes or #55, very humble, you know what the probable outcome of this game will be as well as i do, i love to watch good high school football and hope CF can at least compete for 4 qrts, im a CF alum from 1988, i like to roam around during the game, i hate sitting, my butt goes numb, im about 6'1 285, shaved head and beard, probley wear a black north face coat, hope to meet you, have safe travels to cookville.

  5. Somebody posted that if Stewart is really a 4 star prospect that none of uc lineman should get around him any all game. That statement is absurd. I don't care at any position at any level no matter how good the player they will get beat or make a mistake. With that said he should when most of his one on one battles in this game, but he won't win every single one. Also I don't understand the personal rips on Stewart he is a good kid and I think he will excel at UT. I think that more than likely also that Jernigan is a great player who probably doesn't get the college looks he deserves it happens all the time, but that should not take away from what Stewart has don.

    ive seen it for four years now, its not fair to zach he plays the whole game both ways who the heck can be explosive the whole game, if he played for maryville or alcoa he would be a 5 star, coalfield and 1a east tn competition drags him down, people will say that this kid from UC is better because the rest of our line is weak, who cares.........

  6. I'm going to jump in on this lineman talk, I have seen Givens four times in person and watched several games in film, I have seen Jernigan once in person and a few game film and I have seen Stewert just on film. To me Stewert is clearly the better of the three but seeing as how we're naming names and saying how they would dominate every other lineman in 1a I will have to disagree, #70(71 in the ncs game as he was honoring a injured teammate) is one of the best in 1a if not the best, ask Givens and the other ncs lineman that we're double and triple teaming him without success. I would love for him to have lined up against Jernigan or Stewart and watched them go at it!

    me too, i love honest non biased opinions,

  7. Catholic scored 42 points on us in the 1st quarter.

    yes it was terrible they could have scored 80pts that night on us, we were terrible, they pulled stewart and bible out, we are playing alot better now, im not unrealistic though we may get mercy ruled and beat by 40 points friday, oh well ive enjoyed this teams playoff run and a silver ball will be just fine for a 5 loss team..... UC though .... my gosh some of these posters talk like east tn has never seen a team like them, alcoa, fulton, west ,maryville, we know football well in e. tn

  8. And it's not ok for me or us to do that, many have mentioned other players names on here.  My beef is Jernigan does his work on the field just like the others.  No one gives him the promos simply because he is not a D1 prospect.  Well, in my eye he is a D1 prospect on and off the field.  Stewart is a man and player no doubt.  I'm simply saying and have said, your team has not faced a Union City.  Your team has not faced a team that has Mercy Ruled 11 out of 13 teams so far this season.  You have your right to pull for your team, I have mine.  I won't be able to go to the game this week due to being out of town for work but will be watching via internet on the Apple.  Good luck to both team, players and fans.  I hope for a safe and injury free game.

    i mentioned one player jernigan and i wrongly said he didnt shake stewarts hand today. i was wrong about that and i stand corrected other than that ive had no negative or trash talk about any of these kids and wish all of UC and CF players no harm and a good hard hitting game, stewart is my cousin so i naturally think hes special but this talk that CF has not seen anything like UC is not totally true they played knox catholic 4a  and notre dame 3a this year, they lost to both yes but they have played against very tuff hard hitting teams. well just have to see maybe UC is the best high school team in tn, maybe the best ever in not being a smart butt, heck i know very little about them other than they are very good,very talented, and very heavily favored friday

  9. there's a first time for everything. I can guarantee you Jernigan will do things to him this game that's never been done. According to you. Jernigan was being told which way to go on stage and didn't see Stewart's hand sticking out. ####-umed wrong.

    do things to him thats never been done? what jump 6ft 4ins over his head a kill our qb, come on man get real, i agree and wish to correct what i said about hand shakes what you said makes perfect sense, i assumed wrong. i was wrong. 

  10. I just want to apologize for some of the things that some UC posters have said about Stewart. He is a fine offensive lineman and is deserving of the Mr Football Award. I don't understand why anyone has to say anything other than that. Our Jernigan is another very good offensive lineman and from what Atlas posted it sounds like they both know more about how to handle this situation than some of the posters on this thread. It will be fun to watch these boys go at it come Friday. UC posters let's act like we have been here before.

    excellent post, well said

  11. That is a lie about Jernigan not shaking hands with Stewart. They shook hands several times before and after the presentation, and talked with each other more than any other players there. That, my fellow coach T'ers is the truth. I was there in person, not over some live feed.

    Granted there can be mass confusion during ceremonies and people are being moved around by ushers and not recognize a hand being offered when not looking at it. Definitely no disrespect given if perceived that way in tv/Internet.

    well thats not a lie, i seen the live feed clearly but i will thank you for further clarification and will totally believe what you just explained, i just seen a small part of it you were there and thats what i really wanted to hear hand shakes and sportsmanship, thank you for your account and explanation and your probably right moving the kids around and etc... i like your account much better than mine.......

  12. That game did as much to help UC in the finals as any single thing.  The defensive lineman that was suspended for the title game was monumental.  A small 1a team can't afford to be shorthanded on the line and LB's going into a game with U.C.  as well as they run the veer. 

    yes that was bad for s.pitt i always disliked s.pitt because one, we could never beat them and two i thought they were really 2a playing 1a, but thats not true after doing a little reserch, s.pitt is a legit 1a powerhouse and a tradition rich program, much respect.

  13. Not my opinion really, It was more of a rib towards the union city people not giving coalfield a chance what so ever. I'm a coalfield graduate and will think they will win this game until the final horn sounds  Friday.

    im a cf grad too, i honestly think will be out maned in some very important areas were playing freshman, im going to it and will be proud with whatever happens, ive went to every playoff this year. 

  14. Sir, Mr. Stewart should have taken his chance and sat down with the kid from NCS that Jernigan whipped this past Friday night to gain a few extra pointers because he is going to need them in a bad, way.  #55 will be wanting oxygen by the end of the 1st quarter and begging for a rest.  He to will also find out that high school is not match to college but playing Union City will be the next closes thing...lol.  The kid ( #55 Stewart ) from C F we know is good and won the Mr. Football Award back to back but Union City kids have their eye on something the Stewart kid wishes he could win and won't, Back to Back GOLD ( Team ) Footballs.  he will find out Friday morning when he goes up against the toughest line he has faced since being in high school.  Just ask the other 90% people on here who aren't from Union City, saw the NCS or any other game.  They will tell you a buzz saw is in your path of a state championship.

    some of these UC posts are very funny, UC is the next closest thing to college, your funny do you realize what a dumb statement that is. UC may win but calling out CF players personally is tacky, stop it. 

  15. I agree the only reason Stewart won it cause they haven't seen Jernigan dominate him yet.

    i can promise you that wont happen, wake up men, no one has dominated stewart ever in high school our other lineman probably but not stewart, i watched the live feed of mr football today zach reached out to shake hands with jernigan and jernigan just stood there no hand shake, whats that about? sour hes the runner up? 

  16. They had Stewart as a 4 star recruit; to be honest after seeing him on those highlights he is not one he's slow off the ball; blocks get sheded. He might become something down the road and as a vols fan I hope so. But right now he is just a big body. UC will eat him up.

    your full of bull, he's won mvp of every camp hes been to Oklahoma, S.carolina, atlanta, if hes not that good then why two straight mr fb tn???do you even know how to grade lineman, well I do and so does UT i dont see any of UC's lineman coming to UT, oh by the way he plays the whole game not just on offense. thats a terrible post.

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